
What are the signs of a swollen, painful, and stiff wrist? Doctors detail 6 common causes

author:Plum osmanthus

In a quiet suburban town, Chamber's daily pleasure is tending to his garden. Before his retirement, he was a hard-working mechanical engineer with calluses on his hands that bear witness to years of hard work. But lately, he's been starting to see some disturbing changes in his wrist.

At first, Uncle Zhang only occasionally felt some discomfort in his wrist, like a dull pain, and he thought it was just that he was too tired from gardening work. However, as time goes on, the pain becomes more frequent and severe. Not only that, but his wrists gradually became swollen and stiff, and sometimes even holding gardening tools became a challenge.

These changes made Zhang Bo worried. He knows that swollen pain and stiffness in the wrist should not be ignored and can be a precursor to some serious illness. But what was it? Was it a simple strain, or was it something more serious? He decided to go to the hospital for answers.

What are the signs of a swollen, painful, and stiff wrist? Doctors detail 6 common causes

On his journey to seek medical help, we follow him through the ups and downs of the hospital. After a series of exhaustive examinations, the doctor explained to him the possible causes, each with its own weight and effects. Next, we'll dive into these conditions that can cause swollen, painful, and stiff wrists.

The first is carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition caused by compression of the main nerve in the wrist. Zhang Bo learned that repeating the same action for long periods of time, such as gardening work that he loves, can lead to the condition. Symptoms include wrist pain, numbness, and decreased strength. Treatment may include night support, medication, or even surgery.

Next, the doctor mentioned rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that causes long-term inflammation of the joints, which in turn leads to swelling, pain, and stiffness. Zhang learned that the disease often affects multiple joints, and treatment includes medications and lifestyle modifications to relieve symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.

Tenosynovitis is also among the possible causes. Due to Chamber's gardening activities, frequent wrist movements may cause inflammation of the tendon sheath. Symptoms of tenosynovitis include swelling, pain, and limited wrist movement. Treatment usually involves rest, cold compresses, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Wrist sprains, on the other hand, usually occur when you use your hands to support your body after a fall. Zhang Bo recalled a small fall a few weeks ago, which may have been the culprit. Sprains can cause swelling, pain, and limited movement, and treatment includes rest, ice, and light exercise recovery.

Gout is arthritis caused by high levels of uric acid, which can cause severe pain and swelling of the joints. With dietary modifications and medications, this can usually be controlled.

In the end, doctors did not ignore possible fractures. Even tiny cracks can cause severe pain and dysfunction. With X-rays, doctors ruled out this possibility, but stressed that the examination should be done immediately if there is severe pain.

Listening to this information, Zhang Bo felt both worried and comforted. Each cause has its way of dealing with it, but uncertainty still hangs over him. He realizes that the most important thing in the face of these possibilities is to monitor symptoms closely and follow his doctor's instructions. Chamber's journey reminds us that health is a path that requires constant learning, Xi and adaptation. By understanding these diseases, we can not only better understand our bodies, but also take steps to protect our health and well-being.

What are the signs of a swollen, painful, and stiff wrist? Doctors detail 6 common causes

As the diagnosis progressed, Uncle Zhang's heart became more and more apprehensive. After a series of examinations, the doctor finally determined that the swelling and stiffness of Zhang's wrist was mainly caused by tenosynovitis, which was caused by his long gardening activities and repeated the same exercise. At the same time, mild osteoarthritis was exacerbating his symptoms. Faced with this result, Zhang Bo was relieved that these diseases could be alleviated through treatment and lifestyle adjustments, but at the same time he was aware of his neglect of health.

Under the guidance of the doctor, Zhang Bo began his path of treatment. First, he needs to pause all gardening activities and give his wrists plenty of rest. At the same time, he began to take anti-inflammatory painkillers to relieve his symptoms and regularly participated in physical therapy to restore the function of his wrist. In addition, the doctor also advised Zhang Bo to change his life Xi habits and perform some wrist strengthening exercises Xi to prevent future recurrence.

What are the signs of a swollen, painful, and stiff wrist? Doctors detail 6 common causes

The process was not easy, and Uncle Zhang's wrist symptoms only slowly improved. Whenever the pain flared, he felt depressed and helpless. However, with the encouragement of his family and the professional guidance of his doctors, he did not give up. He began to take every physical therapy seriously and insisted on daily rehabilitation Xi. Slowly, his efforts began to pay off, and the pain and stiffness in his wrists were significantly relieved.

After months of treatment and recovery, Zhang Bo was finally able to resume his gardening work, but this time, he paid more attention to rest and wrist protection. He learned to wear support gears at work, distribute the load wisely, and avoid long, repetitive movements.

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