
For allergic rhinitis, 5 major treatments, 3 major relief tips, do you know one of them?

author:Department of Urology, Dr. Li Kui

On a sunny morning, Mr. Zhang, a retired teacher, walked into his beloved garden as usual. Soon, however, he began to feel itchy nose, sneezing, and his eyes as if they were irritated by grains of sand. These symptoms were not accidental, but were part of his years of battling allergic rhinitis.

Allergic rhinitis, a seemingly trivial problem, is actually deeply affecting the daily lives of countless people like Mr. Zhang. From going out for a walk to a family gathering, from sleep quality to work efficiency, allergic rhinitis affects the quality of life of patients all the time.

For allergic rhinitis, 5 major treatments, 3 major relief tips, do you know one of them?

Introduction to Allergic Rhinitis: More than just sneezing

Allergic rhinitis is often misunderstood as a simple "allergic reaction", but it is actually a common and complex chronic disease. It affects the quality of life of hundreds of millions of people around the world and manifests itself in symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, tears, and sneezing. These symptoms, while seemingly insignificant, have a significant impact on the patient's daily life.

Symptoms and recognition

Allergic rhinitis is characterized by persistent or periodic nasal congestion, runny nose, itching, and frequent sneezing. Many people may also have eye symptoms such as itchy, red, or watery eyes. It is important to recognize that these symptoms are not always obvious "allergic reactions" and sometimes they can be misdiagnosed as the common cold or other respiratory illnesses.

Influencing factors

The occurrence of allergic rhinitis is related to a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and lifestyle. Common allergens include pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and certain foods. Environmental factors, such as air pollution and smog, may also exacerbate symptoms. In addition, stress and mood swings are also thought to be potential triggers for allergic rhinitis.

For allergic rhinitis, 5 major treatments, 3 major relief tips, do you know one of them?


The pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis involves an overreaction of the immune system to a specific allergen. When the body's immune system mistakenly recognizes harmless substances as threats, chemicals that cause inflammation and symptoms are released. At the heart of this immune response is the production of IgE antibodies, which are hallmarks of allergic disease.


Understanding the true effects of allergic rhinitis is crucial. It's not just an uncomfortable little problem, but a chronic condition that needs to be properly diagnosed and treated. Untreated allergic rhinitis can lead to sleep disturbances, distraction, and reduced quality of life, and may even increase the risk of other conditions such as asthma.

For allergic rhinitis, 5 major treatments, 3 major relief tips, do you know one of them?

5 treatments for allergic rhinitis: Towards freedom of breathing

Medication: The savior of choice

Drug treatment is the main force in the fight against allergic rhinitis. Commonly used medications include antihistamines, such as cetirizine, which can be effective in reducing symptoms such as sneezing and runny nose. In addition, nasal sprays, especially those containing corticosteroids, can reduce nasal inflammation and provide quick relief.

Immunotherapy: a long-term solution

Immunotherapy, also known as desensitization therapy, aims to reduce the body's response to specific allergens. By gradually increasing exposure to allergens, the body may gradually become Xi to these allergens, reducing the severity of symptoms.

For allergic rhinitis, 5 major treatments, 3 major relief tips, do you know one of them?

Lifestyle modifications: simple and effective

Small lifestyle changes can make a big difference. For example, keep indoor air fresh, use an air purifier, and avoid tobacco smoke and pet dander. Increasing antioxidant-rich foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, can also help improve the immune system's response.

Physical therapy: gentle and natural

Physical therapy, such as saline nasal lavage, is a safe and effective method. It cleanses the nasal passages, reduces mucus and allergens, and relieves nasal congestion and irritation. In addition, regular steam inhalation can also help keep the nasal passages moist.

Surgical treatment: extreme but effective

In some extreme cases, surgery may be necessary. For example, when medications and other treatments are ineffective, surgery may be used to correct a deviated septum or reduce turbinates to improve breathing and reduce symptoms.

For allergic rhinitis, 5 major treatments, 3 major relief tips, do you know one of them?

Allergic Rhinitis Relief Tips: Small Tricks in Life Make a Big Difference

Air purification: a key role for indoor environments

Why it matters: People with allergic rhinitis are particularly sensitive to airborne particles. Tiny dust, pollen, and even pet dander can trigger symptoms.

Practical Suggestions:

Use an air purifier, especially in the bedroom, to reduce allergens in the air. Replace your air conditioner and heating filters regularly and keep them clean. During pollen season, try to close windows to prevent allergens from drifting in.

Naturopathy: Gentle yet effective

Description: Certain natural remedies can help relieve allergic rhinitis symptoms while avoiding the side effects of medications.

Practical Suggestions:

Saline nasal lavage: Use warm salt water to clean the nasal passages to help remove mucus and allergens.

Steam inhalation: By inhaling warm steam, it can help relieve nasal congestion.

Rhinitis Yoga: Some simple yoga poses and breathing exercises Xi enhance the body's ability to fight allergies.

For allergic rhinitis, 5 major treatments, 3 major relief tips, do you know one of them?

Xi exercises: Master the correct way of breathing

Key role: Proper breathing Xi can not only improve nasal congestion, but also enhance lung function and improve the body's overall anti-sensitivity.

Practical Suggestions:

Deep breathing Xi: Take a few minutes a day to inhale deeply and exhale slowly to help relax the muscles around your nose.

Abdominal breathing: Breathing through the abdomen instead of the chest can improve breathing efficiency and reduce breathing difficulties.