
The twin stars are shining, the champions are brilliant, and genius and diligence will be brilliant

author:Autumn water chops the wild goose

The twin stars are shining, the champions are brilliant, and genius and diligence will be brilliant

It is reported that Zou Yuchen lost 30 pounds by practicing hard in the summer. Anyone who has had the experience of losing weight understands what it means? Huge dedication, strong perseverance, and some people even say: people who can lose weight can achieve great things.

The twin stars are shining, the champions are brilliant, and genius and diligence will be brilliant

Sure enough, you look at today's "elbow", which moves quickly, has strong offensive power, and can even steal frequently on the defensive end. A 2.07m player can burst all his energy in an instant, make a successful steal between the opponent's conduction, and score a layup. Great!

Facing Tianjin, Zou Yuchen can be seen guarding the inside line and controlling the backcourt rebounds. It can be seen that in the frontcourt, he pressed James and attacked the basket.

Zou Yuchen has now completed the transformation, the data is stable, and the performance is mature. It is definitely the inner gate of BEWG. The most important thing is his hard work, and his performance on the field shows that he is giving his best every minute, can take a step forward and never retreat a point. This is the most important quality of a basketball player, not to be lazy, not to forgive yourself, to be positive. Some balls are just a moment of their positivity, and the result can make a big difference. It can be seen that Zou Yuchen will often lie on the floor to fight for the last second, how precious? There are many big men and more talented players in China, but there are not many who work as hard as him

The twin stars are shining, the champions are brilliant, and genius and diligence will be brilliant

When Zou Yuchen is paired with the 2.02-meter big forward Chen Guohao, the inside line of Beijing Enterprises can create a no-fly zone, and the attack can be combined with two swords to capture Tianjin's three-second zone.

The twin stars are shining, the champions are brilliant, and genius and diligence will be brilliant

After the CBA started the draft system, this champion was not less, but many of them were quickly submerged, such as that Ou Junxuan, who went to many teams, and I haven't heard of which one of his games can be brilliant? But so far, it is getting more and more backwards, which seems to be contrary to the law, and the fame of the teenager has been drowned in the world early, which is a pity!

The twin stars are shining, the champions are brilliant, and genius and diligence will be brilliant

The reason is very simple, that is, he is talented, but he is lazy and does not want to make progress. If he had Zou Yuchen's determination to lose 30 pounds, he would guarantee that it would not be so.

The twin stars are shining, the champions are brilliant, and genius and diligence will be brilliant

Today's Chen Guohao shined on the court, scoring 32 points, 14 rebounds and 4 assists alone. Chen Guohao came on as a substitute today, but played the rest of the time. The reason is that his performance is so good, it touches the audience and the manager. People need action to conquer others, and if you don't act, but you always complain, then you will never be able to achieve great things.

Looking at Chen Guohao, his figure is not too tall, but he is strong. When it came to the game, he went all out. In the backcourt defense, he can press the center of gravity very low, so that he can use the left and right slides to quickly seize the opportunity and block the opponent's offensive line. And rushing to grab rebounds, he can jump to the basket in an instant. In offense, he can participate in fast play, block and dismantle, go down, and cut in the air. It can be everywhere! It takes a lot of energy and a lot of perseverance.

The twin stars are shining, the champions are brilliant, and genius and diligence will be brilliant

If you look closely, he rarely pauses on the field and is always running. It is this run that makes it possible to find open space and tear apart the defence. And because of this movement, you can rush to the front court to rebound and then attack twice in a quick and rapid start.

On the other hand, recalling Wang Shaojie's attack, he always hesitated and held the ball for a long time. How can you be powerful? How can you be successful? What a player fears most is to cringe, to stretch, to have a murderous spirit, and to have the courage to sacrifice oneself.

Chen Guohao has, he has congenital conditions, and he has acquired hard work, and it is impossible not to succeed.

Looking back, Zou Yuchen was also famous when he debuted, but after the big injury, his body became bulky and sluggish. But one summer, the effect is so obvious, the sweat and hard work can be imagined.

That is to say, talent and hard work will make you who you are.

The twin stars are shining, the champions are brilliant, and genius and diligence will be brilliant

Today's Beijing Control team can have Zou Yuchen and Chen Guohao, and the inside line is worry-free. A big Sampson, basically became a spare tire. The reason for this is, of course, the reason for the limitation of foreign aid places, and the reason why their domestic players play more normally.

Chen Guohao's bullet speed still needs to be improved, and the strength of his legs needs to be strengthened. If one day, he can have Sampson's speed, the CBA will be invincible in the world.