
Li Yipeng: The "Harlequin with a Thousand Faces" in the Teochew Opera Industry

author:Naoura Sanjuju

Li Yipeng, the famous clown teacher of the first troupe of Guangdong Teochew Theater, is a performing artist who shines on the stage of Teochew Opera.

Li Yipeng: The "Harlequin with a Thousand Faces" in the Teochew Opera Industry

With his exquisite skills and changeable character creation, he has given new vitality to the harlequins of Teochew opera and has become the "Harlequin with a Thousand Faces" in the hearts of the audience.

Li Yipeng, born in 1948, is a native of Meitang Town, Puning City. He has developed a strong interest in Teochew Opera since he was a child, and with his persistent pursuit of art, he was admitted to the Puning Teochew Opera Troupe in 1960 and began his artistic career.

Li Yipeng: The "Harlequin with a Thousand Faces" in the Teochew Opera Industry

In decades of stage practice, he has created countless vivid roles and demonstrated his profound artistic skills.

Mr. Li Yipeng's performance style is humorous and witty, and he is good at capturing the hearts of the audience with vivid body language and unique voice. The characters he plays, whether they are honest and honest on the front or cunning and treacherous on the back, can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Li Yipeng: The "Harlequin with a Thousand Faces" in the Teochew Opera Industry

Especially in the interpretation of the harlequin, he is even more ingenious, showing the character's personality characteristics and psychological changes vividly.

In "Sha Jiabin", he played Sha Silong with a distinct image, which not only showed the wit and bravery of the character, but also showed his honest and lovely side.

In "Ode to the Dragon River", he played Baocheng with a unique performance, allowing the audience to see a righteous and awe-inspiring heroic image. The portrayal of these roles not only shows Li Yipeng's profound acting skills, but also wins wide praise from the audience.

Li Yipeng: The "Harlequin with a Thousand Faces" in the Teochew Opera Industry

In addition to his outstanding performance in traditional plays, Mr. Li Yipeng also has an outstanding performance in new modern plays.

Chen Yinglong, who he played in "The Soul of the South", showed the character's inner world vividly and delicately with a vivid and delicate performance. And the harlequin he played in "Mrs. Chen's Choice of Son-in-law" is even more witty and humorous, making the audience laugh.

Mr. Li's outstanding performance has also been widely recognized and praised. He won the third prize of individual performance at the 3rd and 4th Arts Festival of Guangdong Province, and won the performance award in the national (Zhongnan film) local opera performance.

These honors are not only an affirmation of him, but also an encouragement and spur to him.

Li Yipeng: The "Harlequin with a Thousand Faces" in the Teochew Opera Industry

Behind the success is countless hard work and dedication. Mr. Li Yipeng has never stopped exploring and pursuing on the road of art. He constantly improves his acting skills and artistic accomplishment, takes every role seriously, and strives to present a more perfect performance for the audience.

His persistent pursuit and professionalism have also become a role model for the younger generation of actors to learn from Xi.

Teacher Li Yipeng, who has been on the stage of Teochew opera for decades, has always maintained his love and awe for art. He is well aware of his responsibilities and missions as an actor, and always remembers his original intention of bringing joy and emotion to the audience.

He practiced the purpose of "art serving the people" with his practical actions, and became a loyal guardian and inheritor of Teochew opera art.

Mr. Li's outstanding performance and outstanding achievements not only added glory to the art of Teochew Opera, but also won honor for the First Troupe of Guangdong Teochew Theater.

His name will forever be engraved in the long history of Teochew opera art and become a classic memory in the hearts of generations of people.