
Why did Qin Shi Huang die at the age of 49? Just because he loved to drink "Yuan Shui", what is Yuan Shui?

author:Asano Gureiro

In the long history of ancient China, the figure of Qin Shi Huang is like a shining star, both bright and mysterious. He, the Ying Zheng of Qin, an emperor who unified the six kingdoms with extraordinary intelligence and determination, founded China's first great unified dynasty, the Qin Dynasty.

However, the great emperor had a heart restless with the status quo and pursued an almost impossible dream: immortality.

Why did Qin Shi Huang die at the age of 49? Just because he loved to drink "Yuan Shui", what is Yuan Shui?

In the process, he comes across a mysterious liquid called "Gensui", which is said to prolong life. But no one could have predicted how this quest for eternal life would overturn the fate of the king of a country.

The Great First Emperor: The Legend of the Unification of the Six Kingdoms

Qin Shi Huang, known as Yingzheng, was the first true emperor in Chinese history, and his life was full of legends. Born in 259 BC in the Zhao Kingdom, Ying Zheng showed extraordinary intelligence and ambition from an early age.

His mother, Zhao Ji, was a beautiful and resourceful woman, while his father, King Xiang of Qin Zhuang, did not reign for a long time, but made an indelible contribution to the development of the Qin state.

Why did Qin Shi Huang die at the age of 49? Just because he loved to drink "Yuan Shui", what is Yuan Shui?

Qin Shi Huang ascended the throne at the age of 13, which is extremely immature for anyone, but Yingzheng is different from ordinary people. He showed early political flair and decisiveness beyond his years. During his youth, the state of Qin was in the white-hot phase of the Qin-Zhao long war, which not only tempered his military talents, but also cultivated his tenacious character.

At the age of 18, he became pro-government and quickly took a series of measures to consolidate his rule. He abolished the feudal system and introduced the county system, a move that greatly strengthened the power of the central government and reduced the possibility of local secession. He also unified weights and measures, currency, and writing, and these measures effectively promoted economic and cultural exchanges in various places and accelerated the process of national unification.

In the process of unifying the six kingdoms, Qin Shi Huang showed extraordinary military talent and strategic vision. He defeated the six kingdoms of Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi, and finally completed the establishment of the first great unified dynasty in Chinese history in 221 BC. This achievement was not only a military victory, but also a great cultural and political integration.

Why did Qin Shi Huang die at the age of 49? Just because he loved to drink "Yuan Shui", what is Yuan Shui?

After completing the unification, Qin Shi Huang did not stop. He embarked on a series of large-scale construction projects, including the construction and expansion of the Great Wall, to defend against the invasion of northern nomads. He also ordered the excavation of the Ling Canal to connect the Yangtze River and the Pearl River system, a project that greatly facilitated economic exchanges between the north and the south.

Qin Shi Huang imposed a strict legal system at home, with zero tolerance for dissent, and even the famous book-burning and Confucianism incident occurred. He forcibly promoted Legalist ideology and tried to maintain social order through strict laws and systems.

Although these measures met with a lot of opposition at the time, it is undeniable that these policies strengthened the authority of the central government to a certain extent and provided important political lessons for later generations of rulers.

Why did Qin Shi Huang die at the age of 49? Just because he loved to drink "Yuan Shui", what is Yuan Shui?

Under Ying Zheng's rule, the Qin Dynasty reached unprecedented prosperity. However, Qin Shi Huang's thirst for power was far from over. He was full of yearning for the myth of immortality, which gradually became one of his major obsessions. He searched everywhere for the elixir of immortality, and even sent a lot of manpower and material resources to find the legendary elixir of immortality.

Although Qin Shi Huang's behavior reflects his dedication to life to a certain extent, it also exposes his deep fear and powerlessness. As he grew older, he felt more and more the proximity of death, which frightened him and made him anxious. He begins to become more suspicious and brutal, and anyone who might threaten his power is ruthlessly purged.

Although these actions of Qin Shi Huang brought the Qin Dynasty a short-term glory, they also planted the seeds of the Qin Dynasty's demise. His superstition and brutality eventually led to his unexpected death and accelerated the decline of the Qin Dynasty.

Why did Qin Shi Huang die at the age of 49? Just because he loved to drink "Yuan Shui", what is Yuan Shui?

Qin Shi Huang's life can be said to be a legend, his ambition and extraordinary talent made him a great emperor in history, but his superstition and autocracy also cast a shadow over his rule.

The myth of Yuanshui and the obsession of Qin Shi Huang

After unifying the Six Kingdoms, Qin Shi Huang was bent on realizing his wish for immortality. In the context of the time, immortality was not only a mystical pursuit, but also a symbol of supreme power and eternal rule.

Qin Shi Huang's obsession stemmed in part from his fear of death and his grip on what he had already achieved. He hoped that he would be able to rule the mighty empire he had built with his own hands forever.

In order to seek immortality, Qin Shi Huang began to look around for immortals and elixirs. In the process, he met a monk named Xu Fu.

Xu Fu told Qin Shi Huang that there were three immortal mountains beyond the East China Sea, and that there were immortals who could make elixirs of immortality. Qin Shi Huang was convinced and sent Xu Fu to go to sea with thousands of boys and girls, as well as seeds, craftsmen and other large quantities of materials to find the immortal mountain, but in the end Xu Fu did not bring back the immortal medicine, but never returned.

Why did Qin Shi Huang die at the age of 49? Just because he loved to drink "Yuan Shui", what is Yuan Shui?

At this time, another Fang Shi Han Tong appeared. Han Tong provided Qin Shi Huang with a mysterious liquid called "Yuan Shui", which he claimed could make people immortal. Qin Shi Huang was convinced of this mysterious "yuan water" and drank it every day.

It is said that Gensui is a special liquid whose main ingredient is mercury. At that time, people did not know about the toxicity of mercury, only that it had a strong antiseptic effect. Qin Shi Huang was told that Yuan Shui could keep good health and prolong life.

As time passed, Qin Shi Huang became more and more dependent on Yuan Shui. He began to feel unwell frequently, but he blamed these discomforts on his lack of immortality, so he became more persistent in taking Yuan Shui. Qin Shi Huang's health began to deteriorate dramatically, but he did not realize that it was caused by Yuan Shui.

Under the rule of Qin Shi Huang, although the Qin Dynasty reached unprecedented prosperity, his persistence also filled the court with tension and panic. Many ministers were uneasy when they saw Qin Shi Huang aging, but they did not dare to speak out against Qin Shi Huang's superstitious behavior. Qin Shi Huang's authority and his obsession with immortality plunged the entire imperial court into a strange atmosphere.

Why did Qin Shi Huang die at the age of 49? Just because he loved to drink "Yuan Shui", what is Yuan Shui?

In his later years, Qin Shi Huang's behavior became more and more erratic, and he began to be suspicious of the ministers and cronies of the court, and even his own son. His physical and mental condition continued to deteriorate, but he continued to drink the water in the hope of achieving immortality.

However, the reality was cruel, Qin Shi Huang's health deteriorated due to long-term consumption of Yuan Shui, and finally in 210 BC, Qin Shi Huang died of illness during a tour at the age of 49.

The death of Qin Shi Huang was a huge blow to the Qin Dynasty. His pursuit and obsession ultimately failed to realize his dream of immortality, but instead hastened his own death.

The death of Qin Shi Huang is not only a great irony for him personally, but also reflects the limitations of the ancient people's understanding of life, health, and science. The story of Qin Shi Huang has become a profound lesson in history about power, superstition, and human limitations.

Why did Qin Shi Huang die at the age of 49? Just because he loved to drink "Yuan Shui", what is Yuan Shui?

Qin Shi Huang's regret and the decline and fall of the Qin Dynasty

The death of Qin Shi Huang marked the end of the life of the leader of a powerful empire. This Qin Shi Huang, who pursued immortality all his life, but finally failed to escape the arrangement of fate, left endless thoughts for future generations. The death of Qin Shi Huang was not an ordinary change of rulers, it heralded the end of an era, and also opened the prelude to the decline of the Qin dynasty.

After the death of Qin Shi Huang, his eldest son Fusu was supposed to succeed to the throne, but due to Qin Shi Huang's suspicions during his lifetime and Fusu's forced suicide, the throne eventually fell into the hands of Hu Hai.

After Hu Hai ascended the throne, he adopted Zhao Gao's treacherous advice and continued the harsh policies of the Qin Shi Huang period. Far from consolidating the rule of the Qin dynasty, these policies exacerbated social contradictions and provoked large-scale popular revolts.

Qin II Hu Hai's ruling ability was far inferior to that of his father, Qin Shi Huang. His incompetence and brutality led to chaos and intensified contradictions within the Qin Dynasty.

Why did Qin Shi Huang die at the age of 49? Just because he loved to drink "Yuan Shui", what is Yuan Shui?

After only three years of reign, Hu Hai was deposed under the manipulation of Zhao Gao, and the Qin Dynasty ushered in the end of its history. The outbreak of the Chen Sheng and Wu Guang uprisings marked the beginning of the collapse of the Qin Dynasty from within. Subsequently, the rebel army led by Liu Bang and Xiang Yu invaded Xianyang and completely overthrew the rule of the Qin Dynasty.

The rapid collapse of the Qin Dynasty was not only due to the autocratic rule and tyranny of Qin Shi Huang and his heirs, but also directly related to the superstition and persistence of Qin Shi Huang in his later years.

Qin Shi Huang's persistent pursuit of immortality during his lifetime not only depleted a lot of the country's resources, but more importantly, in the final stage of his life, he neglected to plan for the stability of the dynasty and subsequent governance, which led to a vacancy and chaos in the country's politics.

The death of Qin Shi Huang is not only the end of his personal tragedy, but also a symbol of the unfinished hegemony and the shattering of dreams. His life was a profound reflection on power, the desire for immortality and its consequences. Although Qin Shi Huang unified China with his extraordinary political and military prowess, his obsessive pursuit of immortality eventually became a major stain on his political career.

The decline of the Qin dynasty also reflects a broader historical lesson: that even the most powerful empires, if they ignore the suffering of their people and focus on useless pursuits, will eventually fall and fall.

Why did Qin Shi Huang die at the age of 49? Just because he loved to drink "Yuan Shui", what is Yuan Shui?

His death was not only the end of his personal fate, but also the end of a historical era. The fall of the Qin Dynasty marked the failure of the power politics and centralized system established by Qin Shi Huang, and also heralded the advent of a new historical period.

Epilogue: The End of Power and Superstition

Qin Shi Huang's pursuit and obsession became the iron lock of his fate, and finally locked him and his empire firmly in the shadow of history. The fall of the Qin Dynasty not only marked the failure of a totalitarian form of rule, but also heralded the dawn of a new historical period.

The life of Qin Shi Huang is a legendary story of the fierce collision between power, dreams and reality. In this story, we see the rise and fall of an empire, the brilliance and darkness of the humanity of a great ruler, and the inescapable fate and judgment of history.

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