
After chatting with the old secretary of the village, I learned that the original sentenced officials had lost all their retirement benefits

author:Harbin little cousin

It's almost the New Year, and the number of people in the village has increased one after another, and most of them have gone home with a full harvest and a car with the trunk stuffed with New Year's goods.

There are also some singles who work on the construction site and go home in advance without work, and the intersection of the village head is also lively, and a bunch of people stand on the mountain every day.

Today's countryside is not as closed as before, there are brothers all over the world, and the mobile phone doesn't care if the history is still hot news, there is no information difference, no time difference, and the debate is launched at the entrance of the village in real time.

After chatting with the old secretary of the village, I learned that the original sentenced officials had lost all their retirement benefits

There is an old secretary in the village, who has long since retired, and he has come into contact with many people, experienced a lot of things, and knows a lot. You can say a few words in any chat, and the conversation is still the first thing.

Everyone is willing to listen to his opinions, and what he says is really good, better than the feeling of reading a book for ten years.

At the beginning, let's talk about a few popular characters at the moment.

One is Hu Xijin

Because of the earthquake in Japan, he said a little too much, especially for the suspension of the host in Hainan, everyone was a little unhappy, everyone thought that although he was right, he felt that he had no eyesight, regardless of the occasion.

A college student in the village said, you don't understand, you don't have to be honest when you write articles online, there is a controversy to have a lot of traffic, and you can make a lot of money.

Everyone suddenly realized that this was too bad.

The old secretary commented that an official-like literati like Lao Hu is still very important, that is, the network balancer, otherwise the Internet will be full of anger, and it will definitely be bad.

The second is Sima Nan

When it comes to Hu Xijin, Sima Nan can't be avoided, and some time ago the two had a misunderstanding because of the left issue. Sima Nan wrote several articles, all of which angered Hu Xijin.

Without an angry article by Hu Xijin, the matter would not have subsided.

After chatting with the old secretary of the village, I learned that the original sentenced officials had lost all their retirement benefits

Everyone has the impression of Sima Nan that they dare to speak, what they say is enjoyable, and everyone loves to listen.

The old secretary has his opinion on this, frowning, saying that he knows how to please some people, but this kind of left wind can't be too inflated, it's not a good thing to be too flooded, and it is better to be more restrained.

The third is the white rock pine

Bai Yansong has been very popular recently, because he asked why ordinary people refuse to spend money when they have money? Why do they refuse to admit that they are middle-income people when their income reaches 3,000?

There was laughter in the village, and they all said that the children in the city didn't know leeks!

Several people said about their situation one after another, although it was more than 10,000 a month, but they really didn't dare to spend it indiscriminately, and they had to think about it when they had a hot pot, and the various expenses of the family were too great.

More than 10,000 a month feels poor, let alone 3,000.

The old secretary said that it was quite reasonable, he said that this kind of person may not have shoes sticky mud for decades, never seen the chimney smoke, does not touch the ground when he speaks, is not grounded, and it is easy to make people laugh when he says something.

After chatting with the old secretary of the village, I learned that the original sentenced officials had lost all their retirement benefits

Everyone teased for a while, and the atmosphere of Sun Ning's headline reached a very high level.

In a hurry, I don't know who brought up the topic of retirement, but now everyone is paying attention to pensions.

When it comes to pensions, everyone envies the most is the retirement benefits of civil servants, which are more than 10,000.

I still have to study hard Xi old civil servants, and I have to sell iron for my children to go to college.

In order to pursue psychological balance, it is inevitable to talk about some officials who have been arrested, everyone is curious, some people say that if they are caught, their retirement pension will be gone, and some people say that there is.

Erdan said that his cousin was a teacher, and a few years ago he drove to his home in the county seat, and he couldn't see clearly after dark and killed the old man on the side of the road, but he retired within a few years, and his pension was gone.

So he said for sure that if he was caught, his pension would be gone.

However, there are also many people on the Internet who say that it does not affect them, and many examples are cited to prove that some people still have pensions after being released from prison.

The old secretary still knows a lot about this, he said that as long as people in the system make mistakes and are arrested, and those who are sentenced for implementation problems will be taken for retirement benefits, illegal gains will be recovered, and all benefits will be lost, and the cost of crime is very high.

Someone asked him, old secretary, you said that the risk is so big, why do people dare to be greedy.

He replied that people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes, and many of them are pulled into the water by others, and they are very principled and conservative at the beginning.

At the beginning, a cigarette and a meal, slowly corrupted, unconsciously, thought it was a trivial matter, not in the way, and then the courage became bigger and bigger, and the appetite became bigger and bigger, so it was difficult to ride a tiger and even wanted to ride.

In particular, many people have a little power, and most of the people they come into contact with are rich and noble, especially businessmen, who are very arrogant, but they are very shabby.

I helped others do some small things, and people were generous out of favor, and they took it for granted.

These businessmen's luxury cars, wine, and beautiful women make them psychologically unbalanced, but I didn't expect that many businessmen would seize this imbalance, do what they like, and use them step by step for their own use.

In the end, I couldn't extricate myself, and I fell deeper and deeper.

Paper can't hold the fire, this thing will eventually be exposed, the scenery is for a while, and the evening is miserable.

The old secretary said to the college students, you kid will have a future in the future, and you must have a correct attitude. Mix it up well, and your pension is enough to make you raise your eyebrows.

Everyone laughed!

Is there a pension for officials who have made mistakes? There are all kinds of arguments on the Internet about this question, and I am still confused!

Friends, did you know?

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