
Write to yourself who is hesitating

author:Dew drops are shared

This was originally written to myself a few years ago, and I thought I could encourage people who had the same experience as me, so I shared it.

Dear Self,

You've been hesitating for a long time, struggling with yourself every day, trying to change, but not taking action. It's not that you're not dissatisfied with your current life, but that you feel that you can pursue more, and you can still work hard, and you are torn between what you want to change and how to change every day. You have a stable job, and you also have a salary that you can't starve to death, but you still have a lot of free time, and you see a lot of time slipping away at your fingertips, and your heart is broken; you see others working hard, but you can't start yourself, and your heart is struggling; you see that others can provide good conditions for your family, and your heart is guilty; you see others in good spirits, and you are depressed, and you want to refresh yourself, but you can't lift your energy; you are surrounded by vegetables, rice, oil, salt, eating, drinking, and lazing at home every day. Homework help has made you feel that you have done too little, but you can't find a breakthrough... That's why you're hesitant.

The main reason for such a tangled wandering every day is that I am not busy enough. Instead of wandering around every day, it is better to calm down, read books, keep fit, and start with small changes, which may not produce economic benefits, but in the long run, this is the best investment for yourself.

Insist on exercising, the body is the capital! Recently, there is a popular saying: All the hard work and hard work are physical strength in the end. A strong body is the key, with a strong body, you can work better, work better, live better, and give back to your family and society. Due to work reasons, I often come into contact with many seriously ill patients and their families, and they come to us to at least prove that the patients are still alive, and when we come into contact with them, we find that some originally relaxed families are dragged down by the disease, and the family immediately returns to poverty; some originally cheerful and optimistic people, because of illness, their smiles are gone, and the whole family is shrouded in the shadow of the disease; and some have important work to do, but due to illness, they have to give up.

The most heard is: "Hey, you must pay attention to your body and don't overdraw your body!" There was a patient who was an alcoholic addict and had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, which led to sick leave all the time, and finally survived until retirement, but then he got esophageal cancer; and another patient, who was about the same age as me, and whose child was still waiting to be fed, suddenly had advanced liver cancer Xi。。。。。 There is also a patient, breast cancer, who usually eats Xi irregularly, is anxious, and loves to get angry, and his condition is under control after treatment, but his family is already in debt。。。。。 Maybe we can't earn a lot of money, but we pay attention to taking care of our bodies and not overdrawing our bodies, which is also reducing the burden on our families and society. Develop a good routine and life Xi without harm! Start now and stick to planks and yoga lifts every day!

Persist in reading to improve, endogenous motivation is the key! Mr. Yang Jiang once said: Your problem is mainly that you don't read much and think too much. There is also a passage that is more vivid: in the evening, when you see the sunset, and the birds are flying, you will think of "the sunset and the lonely bird fly together, and the autumn water is the same color in the sky; "That's the difference between reading and not reading. Our problem is that we drink too much chicken soup and read too few literary works, and every time we swipe WeChat and Weibo, we see chicken soup everywhere, and most of them are to read, and we also think that what is said in chicken soup is very reasonable, but do we really read quietly? How long have we not read a book carefully? How long have we not turned over a paper book? Those who read and those who do not read can distinguish between the spirit and the mouth.

Due to work or other reasons, we can't often see the outside world, we can learn about the world through reading. Through reading, we can acquire knowledge in all aspects, such as history, literature, politics, economics, culture, and so on. When we read more books, our brains will unconsciously store them, and sometimes we don't realize it, but our minds have reflected it. From now on, read carefully, take the time to read Weibo and WeChat, read the books you already have at home first, and insist on reading for more than 30 minutes every day. Reading will make you meditate, improve your cognitive ability, and improve your ability to summarize and refine! In the world, only the knowledge in your head is your own!

Adhere to strict self-discipline and complete work with high quality! Work is our main means of supporting our families! It is also the main way for us to realize our self-worth! In strict accordance with the requirements of work, we conscientiously complete every assigned task. Go to work strictly on time, don't be late and leave early, don't make excuses for yourself, and play a good leading role! Make full use of working hours, complete the work with high efficiency and high standards, and have the courage and determination to be the first! Be conscientious, don't complain, don't shirk, remember the first year of work, an old colleague said a sentence that is very reasonable: "There is always a share!" So we must do our job well, cherish our work, and cherish our work! Always remind yourself that there are many people who open their eyes every day and think about what kind of job they want to find, and there are many people who are unemployed and unemployed! Cherish the opportunity to work with colleagues! We spend more time with our colleagues than our families every day! It is very important to unite and care for our colleagues, and colleagues are more like family than family members!

Insist on treating your family calmly, home is the harbor!"We all leave the best side to strangers, but leave the worst temper to our families!" This sentence expresses the hearts of many people! We treat strangers politely, treat colleagues, friends, etc. politely and politely, but treat our own family members in a very critical way, and the fire point is very low.

From now on, treat your family members calmly, especially your parents, children, and partners! Especially children, children are very cute when they are young, but since they go to school, they really feel that there are often chickens and dogs jumping at home, scolding and crying constantly! It really is: If you don't do your homework, your mother is kind and filial to your son, and when you do your homework, you can jump and your dogs jump! Or it may look like you have severe schizophrenia! Instead of feeling guilty and self-blame after scolding your child every time, you should always remind yourself, calm down, tutor him slowly, and treat him as someone else's child. I remember one time, I was very patient with my friend's baby, and my son asked me: "Mom, you are so good to your brother, when can you be so good to me?" From now on, patiently tutor your children's homework and restrain your stinky temper at home! Set an example for your children and be a careful and warm-hearted person! Be gentle with your partner and be patient with the elderly!

Persist in living within our means and take precautions! Most of our troubles are related to money! Money is not everything, but without money, there are many things that we can't do! Only by persisting in living within our means can we live a better life! In fact, we are all planning our own lives according to our own income standards. We can't compare ourselves with others with more money and less money, but we must compare ourselves with ourselves in the past, and we can't make our lives worse and worse! Middle-aged people who are old and young must persist in living within their means, so as to avoid losing money at a critical moment! Persist in making a good budget, first save 10% of each month's income, and then fix expenses, living expenses, and other expenses, and live strictly within the budget! Saving money is an insurance that we buy for ourselves, come on! We must not fall into a financial crisis because of indiscriminate spending!

Persist in encouraging ourselves and be optimistic! Our life is both comfortable and stressful! We must learn to encourage ourselves and calm our minds! As the old saying goes: It is more than enough to be less than the top.

Finally, with a grateful heart, love life!