
Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet

author:Owl on the third floor
Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet
Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet

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The owl on the third floor

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However, with the increasing perfection of G318 and G317, many people have begun to seek a more challenging and primitive route into Tibet. [Panda] [Breeze]

It combines the beautiful characteristics of the traditional Sichuan-Tibet South and North Routes, and is a thrilling, independent route into Tibet, where you will experience an unprecedented adventure, feel the magnificent scenery of the Great Hengduan and the strong Kham style.


Sapu Sacred Mountain

Sichuan-Tibet Central Route G349, this is a unique self-driving journey, full of challenges and mysteries, this road is like an undiscovered pure land, lying quietly in the far hinterland of Tibet.

Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet

Unlike the traditional G317 and G318, the G349 attracts intrepid travelers with its pristine appearance and rugged beauty.

G349 is a route consisting almost of country roads and abandoned wooded roads, and its presence is inconspicuous and even difficult to detect on navigation.

However, it is this sense of mystery that makes G349 a new favorite of self-driving enthusiasts, with a journey of more than 500 kilometers and 8-9 majestic mountains, among which the sacred mountain of Sap is even more admirable.

Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet

On this road, you will have the opportunity to enjoy one after another intoxicating lakes such as Rincuo, Sansehu and Zhuoma Langcuo, which are like works of art carved by nature, each of which has a breathtaking beauty, and the scenery along the way is not only a visual enjoyment, but also a baptism of the soul.

Mount Sapp is a highlight of the G349 line, it is as steep as G318, this mountain not only has an awe-inspiring height, but also has a rich legend and mysterious atmosphere, when you stand at the foot of Mount Sap, looking up at the peak that reaches into the sky, you will feel the majesty of nature and the insignificance of human beings.

Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet

One of the must-see attractions on the G349 line is the Sansei Lake, named after the three colours of its water, each representing a different meaning, where you can see the wonders of nature and feel the diversity and richness of life.

The Sichuan-Tibet Central Line G349 is a self-driving route full of mystery and challenges, it is not only a road, but also a time tunnel connecting the past and the future.

Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet

Here, you can feel the precipitation of history, but also can experience the convenience of modernity, if you are craving an unusual trip, then G349 is undoubtedly an excellent choice.


Tears of Guanyin

Located in Luolong County, Tibet, the sacred lake known as the Tears of Guanyin, Zhuoma Langcuo is a rare natural wonder in Tibet, and its unique blue surface has given it the reputation of "Blue Lake".

At an altitude of 4,300 metres, Dolma Langcuo is made up of 21 lakes of various sizes, of which green meadows and trees can only be admired in summer, while in other seasons they are mostly covered in snow and ice.

Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet

Along the middle line of Sichuan and Tibet, a self-driving highway known as the most beautiful in China, extending from Chaya County, Changdu City to Saga County, Shigatse City, passing through Luolong, Bianba, Jiali, Mozhugongka and other places, the magnificent scenery of high altitude and the gentle scenery of the south of the Yangtze River are integrated, without any sense of disobedience, this route not only has natural landscapes such as glacial lakes and glaciers, canyons and rivers, snow-capped mountains and grasslands, but also carries heavy historical and cultural value.

Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet

In Luolong County, the ruins of the Lolong Dzong near the town of Kangsha bear witness to the prosperity of ancient times, and these ruins, which are usually located on the higher mountainsides or even on the top of the hills in the town, show the unique style of Tibetan architecture, in addition, the temples of Shuodu Monastery and Dajin Monastery in Luolong County are not as well-known, but they exude a strong atmosphere of Tibetan Buddhist culture.

Moving on, the national highway G349 connects Qamdo and Bianba, paved with asphalt throughout the journey, and on the way you can also enjoy the scenery of the sheep intestine trail on the other side of the Jiayu Grand Canyon, which was once an important node and post station on the ancient tea horse road and official road, and was also the main passage for ancient officials to enter Tibet.

Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet

Bianba County, the second stop on the Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, will not disappoint travelers, not only with the rugged Nu River, but also with the Sap Snow Mountain and Sap Stick Lagab Glacier, which have been discovered in recent years.

The Medika Wetland between Jiali County and Jinling County is known as the green lung of the plateau, and the cross-country crossing route from Jiali to Bayi is also famous for the Tibetan Adventure King, which not only admires snow-capped mountains and glaciers, but also sees pastures and yaks, and feels the magnificence and tranquility of nature.

Finally arrive in Lhasa, the pearl of this plateau, with famous temples such as the Drikung Ti Monastery and the Ganden Monastery, the Zhigong Ti Monastery is located between the cliffs and mountains, which is very spectacular, and the Ganden Monastery is one of the six major monasteries of the Yellow Sect, located on the Wangpol Mountain, composed of more than 50 buildings, and the gray-brown mountain can be seen from a distance full of white and gold halls.

Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet

With their unique natural scenery and rich history and culture, Dolma Langcuo and the Sichuan-Tibet Central Route attract countless tourists, whether they are seeking the beauty of nature or the charm of people, they are not to be missed destinations.


A journey of the mind

Starting from Bangda Town, it is not only the starting point of G349 National Highway, but also the main road to Bangda Airport, Bangda Airport, as one of the highest civil airports in the world, has witnessed the development of Tibet's air traffic.

Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet

Moving on, the S303 is a complex road that connects several important towns and has complex conditions that require extra caution.

It's the kind of road that makes people cherish the natural wonders of the unexpected such as winding valleys, mirror-blue lakes, and vast grasslands.

Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet

In Luolong, Bianba, Ruru, Jiali and other places, the pristine and magnificent natural landscapes are in full view, and every mountain peak, every river, and every lake here tells the story of the Tibetan Plateau.

The diversity of ecosystems is on full display here, from alpine meadows to primeval forests, from vast wetlands to habitats for rare animals, each of which is a masterpiece of nature.

Walk through the secret line between National Highway 318 and 317 - the middle line of Sichuan-Tibet

For travelers who love self-driving travel, the Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line is undoubtedly an unforgettable adventure trip, from Xindu Bridge to Daocheng, from Litang to Batang, and then to Zuogong County, this journey not only tests the driver's skills and courage, but also a baptism of the soul, and the challenges and interesting things along the way will become the most precious memories of the journey.

With its unique charm and importance, the Sichuan-Tibet Central Route is attracting more and more travelers to explore, it is not only a transportation artery connecting Sichuan and Tibet, but also a journey full of challenges and surprises.


Sandwiched between 318 and 317 into Tibet secret line, the old drivers all say never!: China Tibet Tourism

The scenery is not inferior to G318 and G317!Tibet's new most beautiful self-driving line, old drivers are absolutely absolute!: China's self-driving geography