
No wonder they all say that Fengyue is a "gold cave"? It turns out that only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without them

author:Xiao Xiao's fun world

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Sky-high entertainment, ancient and modern jokes

When it comes to the "sky-high dinner" in the entertainment industry, it is really jaw-dropping, and the eyeballs almost didn't pop out! Those numbers, for us ordinary people, are simply astronomical, enough for us to eat for several lifetimes.

However, don't think that this is the patent of modern society, the ancient Fengyue places are also extravagant and arrogant.

If you don't believe me, then travel through time and space with me to see the ancient "sky-high entertainment"!

No wonder they all say that Fengyue is a "gold cave"? It turns out that only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without them

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Simon's Hero

Let's come to the Ming Dynasty first and take a look at the famous Ximen official - Ximen Qing. Speaking of this Ximen official, he is really a rich and idle master.

If you don't do your job all day long, you will know to drill into the Fengyue place. In the famous book "Golden Vase Plum", which has been passed down through the ages, he is a local tyrant who spends a lot of money, and his pride is comparable to that of the modern Ma Yun's father.

Look at him, the reward is five taels of silver. That's the equivalent of several thousand renminbi now! That's enough for us ordinary people to work hard for several months.

But in the eyes of the Ximen officials, it was just a small fight and pocket money. It's really impressive, people are more popular than people!

No wonder they all say that Fengyue is a "gold cave"? It turns out that only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without them

But then again, although Ximenqing is arrogant, he is not a brainless tyrant. His money is not a wind blowing, let alone a pie falling from the sky.

It was all hard-earned money bit by bit by relying on his own business acumen and shrewd calculations. Therefore, although he is lavish in entertainment consumption, he also has his own bottom line and principles.

At least, he won't be like those nouveau riche who suddenly get rich, who only know how to show off his wealth and squander. The Ximen official is a person with pursuit and taste.

What he pursues is not only material enjoyment, but also spiritual satisfaction. Therefore, he also has his own set of concepts and standards in entertainment consumption.

No wonder they all say that Fengyue is a "gold cave"? It turns out that only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without them

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The price of famous prostitutes and the style of pompousness

After talking about Ximenqing, let's talk about the famous prostitutes in ancient times. These were all top stars in the entertainment industry at that time! Their value and appearance fees were naturally ridiculously high.

Taking the most famous "Qin Huai Bayan" at the end of the Ming Dynasty as an example, these beauties are not only talented and beautiful, but also have their own characteristics, which makes countless literati and artists fall in love with them.

The most famous of these is Chen Yuanyuan. This beauty is a "red face and trouble" that has changed the course of historical development! Her beauty and talent have made countless heroes and heroes bend their waists.

However, if you want to see her and listen to her sing a song, you have to pay a very high price! It is said that her "dinner expenses" are as high as hardware! This is simply the sky-high price among the sky-high prices! It is enough to make ordinary people shy away and sigh with joy.

No wonder they all say that Fengyue is a "gold cave"? It turns out that only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without them

But ah, although these famous prostitutes charge a lot of money, they don't just recognize money and people. They value the character and talent of their guests more.

If they meet true confidants and friends, they will also give generously and take nothing. Therefore, in the ancient Fengyue place, although money was supreme, the human touch did not completely disappear.

Of course, this kind of extravagant consumption has naturally caused criticism and criticism from the society. Some people believe that this is a manifestation of pompous wind, a symbol of the moral degradation of society.

However, some people believe that this is the inevitable result of economic development and one of the manifestations of social prosperity. Well, I personally think so...... Although this way of consumption is somewhat extravagant and exaggerated, it is also a way for people to pursue a better life.

As long as you don't overspend and don't break the law!

No wonder they all say that Fengyue is a "gold cave"? It turns out that only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without them

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Entertainment and social prosperity

After talking about the high value of famous prostitutes and the appearance fees, let's talk about those grand entertainment activities in ancient times! These activities are really eye-opening and breathtaking! For example, the story of Yao Beiruo, a local tyrant in Jiaxing, is an example.

In order to invite the students of Jiangnan to gather together and participate in the grand event, he actually rented 12 painting boats on the Qinhuai River! This is really a bloody investment!

Moreover, each painting boat is equipped with four famous prostitutes and a theater troupe! Such a pomp and lineup is comparable to the current "Spring Festival Gala"!

Imagine that scene: the Qinhuai River is brightly lit and singing, and the talented and beautiful women in the painting boat are drinking and talking...... This is simply a living "picture of prosperity"!

No wonder they all say that Fengyue is a "gold cave"? It turns out that only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without them

But then again, although this kind of grand entertainment can highlight the prosperity and affluence of society, there are also certain social problems and moral hazards.

For example, some people may overspend in order to show off their wealth and status, even at the expense of breaking the law. Others may become addicted to lust and can't extricate themselves, thus abandoning their studies and careers.

Therefore, while appreciating these grand entertainments, we must also maintain a clear mind and rational attitude, and avoid being confused by glitz and corroded by extravagance!

No wonder they all say that Fengyue is a "gold cave"? It turns out that only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without them

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Ancient and modern laughter and rational thinking

Having said so many stories and examples of ancient "sky-high entertainment", it's time for us to return to reality!

First of all, whether it is ancient or modern, there is a certain market and demand for "sky-high entertainment". This is because people have the right and desire to pursue a better life and enjoy spiritual food!

As long as the consumption activities are carried out under the premise of legal compliance, they should be respected and understood.

No wonder they all say that Fengyue is a "gold cave"? It turns out that only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without them

Secondly, while pursuing entertainment, we must also maintain a rational and temperate mentality! We should not over-consume and waste our studies and careers because of the pursuit of temporary happiness and satisfaction!

We have more and more important things to do, such as studying, Xi, work, family, and so on!

As long as we can look at it rationally and restrain it with moderation, we can make it a spice in our lives instead of a poison!