
The fantasy love story of Yang Yan and an African girl

author:Uncle De said entertainment


The fantasy love story of Yang Yan and an African girl

A bright star in the Chinese painting world, a master of Chinese painting with countless fans and works. However, in his brilliant life, there is an amazing love story, and the protagonist of this story is an African girl who is only 21 years old.

The fantasy love story of Yang Yan and an African girl

In 2011, Yang Yan married this African girl at a sky-high price of 40 million, which shocked the entire art world. Their marriage is like a beautiful poem, transcending borders, ages and cultures, showing love in its purest form.

The fantasy love story of Yang Yan and an African girl

Yang Yan was born into a poor working family, but his talent and hard work led him to the path of painting. With his love and dedication to art, he has achieved remarkable achievements along the way. Despite his wealth and glory, his heart never found a home.

The fantasy love story of Yang Yan and an African girl

Until one day, he saw a wood sculpture at a friend's house. This wood carving is a bust of an African girl, her eyes are deep and innocent, as if there is a kind of magic that Yang Yan will never forget. He knew he had a special affection for the African girl, but his friends were reluctant to sell the carving.

The fantasy love story of Yang Yan and an African girl

However, fate is always full of miracles. By chance, Yang Yan met this African girl, who was as beautiful and innocent as if she had come out of that wood carving. Their eyes met each other, as if a magical force held them together.

The fantasy love story of Yang Yan and an African girl

Yang Yan and the African girl met and knew each other, and their feelings for each other quickly warmed up. Although they come from different worlds and have different cultural backgrounds, it is as if they were destined to meet. In their hearts, love has no borders and age restrictions, only two hearts close to each other.

The fantasy love story of Yang Yan and an African girl

Their love story is a good story in the art world, and people are touched by their love.

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