
What you think is doing the right thing is actually quietly making your skin worse

author:The old Guo dialect of the Fourth Hospital of Langfang is healthy

In the vast ocean of skincare knowledge, we are often surrounded by all kinds of "must-do" things. For example, many people believe that washing their face once a day in the morning and evening will keep their skin fresh and healthy, or we believe that sunscreen is only a necessity on hot summer days. These seemingly reasonable skincare Xi habits can actually be potential triggers for skin problems. This article aims to expose those widely accepted skincare myths that can actually cause damage to the skin. From damaged skin barrier due to over-cleansing, to wrong sun protection Xi, to skincare choices that don't suit your skin type, we'll explore these common but incorrect practices. In addition, we will discuss how daily Xi affect skin health. In this article, you'll find some practical advice and scientific skincare ideas to help you get out of the misconceptions and move towards healthy and beautiful skin.

What you think is doing the right thing is actually quietly making your skin worse

Dangers of over-cleaning

In the world of skincare, cleansing seems to be a crucial part. However, it is a little-known fact that over-cleansing can cause more damage to the skin. The skin is not only our body's first line of defense, but also a complex ecosystem. Cleansing multiple times a day, especially with a strong oil-removing cleanser, can disrupt the skin's natural barrier, resulting in a decrease in the skin's ability to protect.

Imagine a fertile piece of land that, if over-cultivated, quickly depletes the soil's nutrients and eventually becomes barren. Similarly, the beneficial microbes on the skin can be destroyed after over-cleansing. These microorganisms are essential for maintaining the healthy state of the skin. They help defend against harmful bacteria, maintain the skin's pH balance, and aid in the normal metabolism of skin cells. When this microbial balance is disrupted, the skin becomes more susceptible to irritation and infection.

What you think is doing the right thing is actually quietly making your skin worse

In addition, excessive dryness of the skin can cause a range of problems. For example, dry skin may produce more oil in an attempt to compensate for lost moisture, which in turn can lead to clogged pores and exacerbated skin problems. Excessive cleansing of the skin can also lead to erythema, itching, and allergic reactions.

Therefore, proper cleanliness is key. It is recommended to choose gentle cleansing products and limit the frequency of cleansing to protect the skin's natural barrier and microbial balance.

What you think is doing the right thing is actually quietly making your skin worse

Misuse of sunscreen products

Sun protection is an important part of skin care. However, many people have misconceptions when it comes to using sunscreen products. First, there is a misconception that sun protection is only needed on a sunny day. In fact, even on cloudy days, UV rays can penetrate clouds and cause damage to the skin. In addition, it is also a common misconception that some people believe that sun protection is not needed indoors. In fact, UV rays can pass through window glass, potentially damaging the skin indoors.

Choosing the right sun protection factor (SPF) is also crucial. The choice of SPF should be based on factors such as the individual's skin type, environment, and active time. In general, it is sufficient to use a sunscreen with SPF 30 to SPF 50 in your daily life. Importantly, sunscreen products need to be reapplied every few hours, especially after outdoor activities or swimming.

What you think is doing the right thing is actually quietly making your skin worse

In addition to the SPF index, it is also important to pay attention to whether the sunscreen product has a broad spectrum, that is, whether it can protect against both UVA and UVB rays. UVA is mainly responsible for skin aging, while UVB is associated with skin burns. A comprehensive sunscreen product should be able to combat both UV rays.

Finally, don't neglect the proper way to apply sunscreen. It should be applied evenly to all exposed skin and ensure that an adequate amount is applied to achieve the protective effect stated on the product label.

By avoiding these common sun protection pitfalls, you can protect your skin from UV rays more effectively.

What you think is doing the right thing is actually quietly making your skin worse

Wrong choice of skincare products

Choosing the right skincare products is essential to keeping your skin healthy. Choose different skincare products for different skin types as required. For example, dry skin needs more moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or glycerin, while oily skin is better suited to oil-controlling and non-oil-loving products.

However, with so many skincare products on the market, it can be confusing to choose. A common misconception is to follow a trend or blindly follow the recommendations of others. Everyone's skin condition and needs are unique, so when choosing skincare products, you should personalize your choices based on your skin type and concerns.

What you think is doing the right thing is actually quietly making your skin worse

Another myth is using too many products or overly complicated skincare routines. Not only can this lead to overburdening the skin, but it can also cause adverse effects. Simple and highly effective skincare routines tend to be more beneficial than overly complicated ones.

In addition, attention should be paid to the ingredient list. Avoid products that contain harsh chemicals, such as certain fragrances, alcohol, or preservatives, especially for sensitive skin. Instead, choose those that contain gentle, potent ingredients, such as natural plant extracts, to take better care of your skin.

In conclusion, knowing your skin type, choosing the right products for your needs, and keeping your skincare routine simple are key to keeping your skin healthy.

What you think is doing the right thing is actually quietly making your skin worse

Ignoring the influence of Xi

Skin health is not only influenced by skincare products and daily care, but also lifestyle Xi. For example, the impact of dietary Xi on the skin should not be underestimated. High-sugar, high-fat dietary Xi may lead to exacerbation of skin problems, such as acne. Conversely, antioxidant-rich foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, can help protect the skin from environmental stressors.

Sleep is also a key factor in skin health. Adequate quality sleep helps in the repair and regeneration of skin cells. Not only does sleep deprivation cause dull skin, but it can also exacerbate skin aging.

In addition, stress management is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Long-term stress can affect the skin's natural ability to repair, leading to a variety of skin problems. Practices such as yoga, meditation, or other relaxation techniques can help manage stress, which can have a positive impact on skin health.