
Which is healthier to eat carrots raw or cooked? Doctor: "Carrots with wine" is not good for health

author:Dr. Su, Hepatobiliary Surgeon

Dear readers, when we talk about healthy meals, there are few foods that are as nutritious and popular as carrots. As a doctor dedicated to health science, I would like to share with you some interesting facts about this brightly colored vegetable today. Carrots are not only a regular on your table, but also a healthy choice. But, did you know that there are some common misconceptions surrounding the way carrots are eaten.

First, let's look at why carrots are known as "health stars." They are rich in β-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that is converted into vitamin A in the body, which is essential for vision and skin health. In addition to this, carrots are rich in fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and a variety of minerals, which are necessary to maintain body functions and prevent diseases.

Which is healthier to eat carrots raw or cooked? Doctor: "Carrots with wine" is not good for health

Scientific Choice: Carrots, Raw or Cooked?

Carrots, whether eaten raw or cooked, are a nutritious choice. However, depending on the cooking style, their nutritional value and suitable consumer groups vary.

Advantages of eating carrots raw

Eating carrots raw retains most of their water-soluble vitamins and minerals. For example, raw carrots are higher in vitamin C and B vitamins. These nutrients are essential for boosting immunity, improving skin health, and maintaining the normal function of the nervous system.

However, the disadvantage of eating carrots raw is that one of its main nutrients, β-carotene, is not highly absorbed by the human body in an uncooked state. In addition, the fiber of raw carrots is more difficult to digest and may not be the best choice for middle-aged and elderly people with weak digestive systems.

Advantages of cooked carrots

Cooking carrots (e.g., steamed, sautéed, or baked) can destroy their cell walls, making β-carotene more easily absorbed by the body. β-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases and is also very important for vision care.

In addition, cooked carrots are more friendly to people with weaker digestion because the cooking process makes the carrots' fiber easier to digest. This is especially beneficial for middle-aged and elderly people who often suffer from indigestion or gastrointestinal problems.

The choice between raw and cooked carrots should be based on the individual's health and digestive ability. In general, young people and people with strong digestion can choose to eat raw to get more water-soluble vitamins. For middle-aged and elderly people or people with poor digestive function, cooked carrots are a better choice to better absorb β-carotene and reduce digestive burden.

Ultimately, whether eaten raw or cooked, carrots are a highly nutritious and wholesome food. The key is to make the right choice according to your physical condition.

Which is healthier to eat carrots raw or cooked? Doctor: "Carrots with wine" is not good for health

Nutritious Choice: The Secret of Carrots with Delicious Recipes

Carrot nutrients revealed

Carrots are a nutritious root vegetable that contains a variety of ingredients that are beneficial to health. These include:

β-Carotene: A powerful antioxidant that contributes to vision protection and immune function.

Vitamin C: Boosts immunity and promotes healthy skin.

Fiber: Contributes to the health of the digestive system and the maintenance of intestinal function.

Potassium: Maintains heart health and blood pressure balance.

Other micronutrients: including vitamin K, vitamin B6, folic acid and magnesium, among others.

Which is healthier to eat carrots raw or cooked? Doctor: "Carrots with wine" is not good for health

Healthy and delicious carrot recipes

Crisp carrot salad:

Ingredients: fresh carrots, lemon juice, olive oil, black pepper, salt.

Directions: Cut the carrots into thin strips, add lemon juice, olive oil, a pinch of salt and black pepper and mix well.

Nutrient-rich carrot soup:

Ingredients: carrots, onions, garlic, chicken/vegetable stock, ginger.

Method: Sauté the onion and garlic until fragrant, then add the diced carrots and stock to cook, stirring:

Ingredients: carrots, rice, eggs, green beans, corn kernels, green onions.

Directions: Cut the carrots into small cubes and stir-fry them with rice, eggs and vegetables, seasoning to taste.

Steamed custard with carrots:

Ingredients: carrots, eggs, salt, water.

Method: Squeeze the juice of the carrots, mix with the beaten eggs, add salt to taste, and steam in water until solidified.

Carrots are not only nutritious, but they also exhibit different flavors and nutritional characteristics in different cooking methods. Whether eaten raw or cooked, carrots are an excellent choice for maintaining a healthy diet. With the above recipes, it is easy to incorporate carrots into your daily diet and enjoy the perfect combination of health and deliciousness.

Which is healthier to eat carrots raw or cooked? Doctor: "Carrots with wine" is not good for health

Be vigilant! "Carrot drinking" may hide health risks

"Carrot with wine" is seen as a common accompaniment in certain dietary Xi, but this Xi habit can have adverse health effects. Although carrots are a nutritious vegetable on their own, they can pose some risks that should not be ignored when combined with alcohol.

First of all, carrots are rich in β-carotene, which may increase the burden on the liver when eaten with alcohol. Alcohol itself is a metabolic burden on the liver, and when it binds to β-carotene, it can lead to increased metabolic stress in the liver. Long-term such dietary Xi may lead to liver dysfunction and even accelerate the development of liver damage.

Second, alcohol can interfere with the absorption and utilization of nutrients. The nutrients in carrots, such as vitamins and minerals, may not be fully absorbed by the body under the influence of alcohol. This means that even if you consume enough nutrients, the effectiveness of these nutrients can be greatly diminished due to the interference of alcohol.

In addition, the combination of alcohol and carotene may cause gastrointestinal upset. Carrots themselves contain fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, but when stimulated by alcohol, they may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, such as stomach pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Although carrots are a healthy food, the Xi of "drinking with carrots" can adversely affect the body. It is recommended to avoid carrots and alcohol in your daily diet and pay more attention to a healthy diet. For middle-aged and elderly people who pursue health, understanding the potential risks of these dietary combinations is crucial to maintaining their own health.