
For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

Author | Su Mi

Produced by | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews)

At the beginning of 2024, TIOBE's latest January list has been released, so let's take a look at what's changed!

For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

C# Wins the 2023 Programming Language of the Year!

Last month, TIOBE made a bold prediction that C#, which had never won this title, was on its way to becoming the programming language of the year in 2023.

With the release of the latest edition of the list, predictions have come true, and C# has won the Programming Language of the Year award for the first time.

For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

Paul Jansen, CEO of TIOBE Software, said, "C# has been in the top 10 for more than two decades, and now it is catching up with Python, C, C++, and Java to become the language with the biggest growth in a year (+1.43%), winning a well-deserved award. ”

The reason C# has become so popular over the past year is that the TIOBE community believes that C# is eating into Java's market share.

Among them, Java has adopted a paid subscription model since 2019, but in January 2023, it changed its pricing model again, announcing that it will charge a corresponding fee based on the total number of employees in the company, rather than the number of employees using Java SE, this change in pricing model will have a significant impact on small and medium-sized businesses, and has also caused huge controversy. Some netizens even broke the news directly, "Recently, Oracle "required" the company to pay 72,000,000 pounds a year to use Java, so the company shut down all Java projects, uninstalled Java from each machine, and invited dozens of programmers to recreate their systems with HTML and so on. 」

For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

As a result, Java lost 4.34% of its market share from January 2023 to January 2024, according to the TIOBE Index. It is also very clear from the Java Trend List that Java has fallen to its lowest level since the launch of the TIOBE Index in 2001.

For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

In contrast to Java's fees and strict censorship rules, C# has been open source and free to use since 2014, and there is no sign of moving to a subscription model. At the same time, since it is open source, it is very easy to collaborate with other contributing developers. You can also check out what's in progress on GitHub ( at any time! There are several reasons why C# is popular:

  • Object-oriented C# is the official language of Microsoft and is deeply integrated with its development tools and platforms, such as Visual Studio and the .NET Framework. This integration leads to a high degree of interoperability, making C# the language of choice for the Windows platform and other Microsoft technologies. According to the 2023 State of the Developer Ecosystem report published by JetBrains, 79% of C# developers use Windows. 99% of users in .NET projects use C#.
For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year
  • As a statically typed language, C# has a powerful type-checking system that is able to catch many errors at compile time. It is also an object-oriented language that supports the core concepts of object-oriented programming, such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  • C# is constantly being updated and evolving, and Microsoft also brought the latest C# 12 version ( two months ago, introducing features of modern programming languages such as master constructors, collection expressions, inline arrays, and more, which makes C# more flexible and powerful in dealing with today's complex software development needs.
  • Visual Studio is a powerful IDE that provides a rich set of tools, debuggers, and automation features for C# development.
For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year
  • With the release of .NET Core and the latest .NET 8 release, C#'s cross-platform capabilities have been significantly enhanced. It's now possible to develop in C# on Windows, Linux, and macOS, which expands the reach of C#.
  • From a domain perspective, C# is the language of choice for developing desktop applications (Windows, macOS, and Linux), mobile applications (Android, iOS, and Windows Phone), web applications, and games that use the Unity engine.

"C# is here to stay, and may soon surpass Java", predicts the TIOBE community.

For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

Kotlin、Fortran 进入 Top 20 之列

In addition to C#, there were a number of interesting changes to the TIOBE Index over the last year, such as Fortran and Kotlin replacing R and Perl as the resident languages in the top 20.

  • Among them, Fortran is often used in science and engineering to perform large-scale numerical computing tasks, such as scientific simulation, meteorology, physics, etc. The performance and functionality of its math library make it a great choice in these areas. Today, Fortran is most commonly seen in scientific research and academia, and the language is number 12 on the list.
  • Another programming language, Kotlin, is a competitor to Java that is easier to learn and use. At Google I/O 2017, Google announced that it would prioritize Kotlin for Android development going forward, and now, nearly seven years later, Kotlin adoption is steadily increasing, as expected. Kotlin was also ranked 25th in January 2023 and is currently in 17th place.

Surprisingly, COBOL made it into the Top 20 this month. Previously, CSDN also analyzed the reasons in the article "64-year-old but "nobody's caring" programming language: 3 trillion dollars of transactions are processed every day, and most of the world uses its code":

At that time, affected by the epidemic, the United States ushered in a wave of unemployment, causing many people to apply for unemployment benefits. At that time, at least 12 states in the United States were using COBOL's unemployment system, and the hundreds of thousands of unemployment claims submitted by local users in various regions suddenly made the system in its 40s obviously a bit "stressful".

At the same time, according to IJARSCT, 43% of the banking system is still using COBOL, and up to $3 trillion in transactions are processed every day, including 95% of ATM transactions and 80% of credit card transactions in the United States.

These systems are in dire need of COBOL programmers to maintain. However, many COBOL-savvy programmers are 60+ years old, and few of the new generation of programmers specialize in COBOL. As a result, the use of COBOL has continued to grow in hard demand over the past few years. With this in mind, IBM has also launched watsonx, an AI-powered code generation assistant that helps enterprises use AI to convert COBOL code into Java code.

For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year
For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

Which programming languages are likely to make the leap to the top 20 in 2024?

Which languages will be in the top 20 of the TIOBE Index in 2024?


However, Paul Jansen, CEO of TIOBE Software, said based on the 2023 data, "In 2023, Julia briefly entered the top 20 of the TIOBE list, but failed to maintain this position. A second chance requires the mature development of the Julia language itself and the community. 」

In contrast to Julia, Paul Jansen said, "It's betting on Dart (along with Flutter) and TypeScript." The latter has been widely used in the industry, but for some reason, it has yet to make a breakthrough in the TIOBE index. Let's wait and see what happens in 2024. ”

For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

Top 10 Programming Languages TIOBE Index Trend (2002-2024)

For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year
For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

Other programming languages

Here's a list of the top 21-50 programming languages:

For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

The 51-100th places are as follows, and are listed only in text form (in alphabetical order) due to the small numerical difference between them:

  • Algol、AutoLISP、Avenue、Bash、bc、Boo、CIL、CL (OS/400)、CLIPS、Clojure、CLU、Curl、DiBOL、Erlang、Forth、Hack、Icon、Io、J、J#、JScript、LabVIEW、Ladder Logic、Lingo、LiveCode、M4、Maple、MQL5、NATURAL、Nim、OpenEdge ABL、PL/I、PostScript、PowerShell、纯数据、Q、Racket、REXX、Ring、RPG、Scheme、Snap!、Solidity、SPARK、SPSS 、松鼠、Stata、Wolfram、Xojo、XQuery
For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

All-time ranking (1988-2024)

Note: The rankings below are based on a 12-month average.

For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year
For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

Programming Language Who's Who (2003-2023)

For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year


The TIOBE Programming Community Index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated monthly. Ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers, courses, and third-party vendors worldwide. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube, and Baidu are all used to calculate ratings.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THE TIOBE INDEX DOESN'T FOCUS ON THE BEST PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES OR THE LANGUAGES THAT WRITE THE MOST CODE. For details, please refer to Please note that this ranking only reflects the popularity of a programming language, and does not indicate whether a programming language is good or not, or how much code is written in a language.

This ranking can be used to see if your programming skills are up to date, and can also be used as a basis for language selection when developing a new system.

For more information, please refer to the official website of TIOBE:

For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year
For the first time in 23 years, C# won the TIOBE Programming Language of the Year

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