
Are China and the United States partners or adversaries? Wang Yi delivered a speech in which he pointed out the urgent task at present

author:The official number of Road Observation

As the world's two largest economies, the relationship between China and the United States has always been the most important set of bilateral relations in the international community. After entering 2024, the outside world has also had a lot of conjectures and predictions about the development and changes of China-US relations in the new year. Considering that the current international economic and political development situation has been greatly affected by some unstable factors, it is widely believed that in 2024, China and the United States will cooperate far more than differences, and China and the United States will work together to help the world get out of a series of current difficulties. At the beginning of 2024, the leaders of China and the United States called each other to congratulate each other, and in the congratulatory letters, the two sides also focused on the development of China-US relations and China-US cooperation, and both looked forward to a mutually beneficial and win-win outcome. For the Biden administration, it is undoubtedly a very good start to be able to get such a commitment from China at the beginning of 2024.

Are China and the United States partners or adversaries? Wang Yi delivered a speech in which he pointed out the urgent task at present

In fact, the Biden administration took the initiative to send a signal of goodwill to China at the beginning of 2024, which was also forced by the status quo. The current situation of the United States can be described by the term "internal and external troubles", which refers to a series of social and economic problems facing the United States, such as the debt crisis, inflation, and the downturn in the US bond market. The external invasion refers to the crisis pressure borne by the United States in the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the serious impact of these two military conflicts supported by the United States is continuing to spill over, if it is not alleviated in time, then when the crisis breaks out, the United States will inevitably be the first to suffer. Therefore, in the face of the deterioration of its own economic and political problems, the United States has also set its sights on China, after all, looking at the whole world, only China can provide the United States with the support and help it wants, and only China can help the United States get out of the current predicament. It is true that at this point in time when the 2024 U.S. presidential election is about to begin, Biden will take the initiative to ease tensions between China and the United States and release a signal of goodwill, which will be more or less attacked by the Republican Party under this pretext, accusing Biden of "weakness and compromise", and may even cause dissatisfaction among conservative groups.

Are China and the United States partners or adversaries? Wang Yi delivered a speech in which he pointed out the urgent task at present

However, the Biden administration knows very well that if it continues to maintain a tough stance on China and keep the Sino-US cooperative relationship at a low ebb, then it will definitely be the United States itself that will suffer huge losses for this, and the affected American people will inevitably target the Biden administration. At that time, Biden still wants to complete the re-election plan, which is tantamount to a pipe dream. Therefore, now the Biden administration must readjust its China strategy, it can cooperate and compete, but on the whole, it must put the United States in a state of benefit, otherwise everything will be in vain. Some analysts have pointed out that although playing the "China card" in the election campaign can gain a certain amount of support and recognition, it must be known that many people in the United States have already felt disgusted with the "anti-China" moves. A few days ago, the "China Committee" under the US Congress was criticized and accused by many politicians, holding that they would only make trouble all day long, and that they would stubbornly pin on China for some things that had nothing to do with China, so that China would bear the blame, and their real purpose was to do it for themselves. However, if this continues, it will inevitably have an immeasurable impact on Sino-US relations.

Are China and the United States partners or adversaries? Wang Yi delivered a speech in which he pointed out the urgent task at present

At least more and more Americans have clearly discovered through the reality that China is not a threat or adversary to the United States, but an important partner of the United States. In particular, the offline meeting between the leaders of China and the United States in San Francisco can be regarded as a good start for the redevelopment of Sino-US relations. It is against this backdrop that US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen plans to embark on a second visit to China, hoping to accelerate the pace of cooperation between the two sides in the areas of climate change and financial markets. Yellen's upcoming visit to China may also be an important opportunity for Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Commerce Raimondo, and Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry to start their 2024 trips to China, which will accelerate the return of U.S.-China relations to the normal development track. Therefore, on the question of whether China and the United States should fight or not, the Biden administration has finally made a wise new choice based on the reality of the situation.

Are China and the United States partners or adversaries? Wang Yi delivered a speech in which he pointed out the urgent task at present

In view of the future development trend of China-US relations, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently delivered a speech at the reception to mark the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, saying that the way for China and the United States to get along is to adhere to mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, and the top priority is to establish a correct understanding. In addition, Foreign Minister Wang Yi also stressed that peace is the most fundamental cornerstone of China-US relations, cooperation is the most correct choice for China-US relations, and win-win results are the most essential characteristics of China-US exchanges. These three sentences are sonorous and powerful, and they explain Sino-US relations very clearly and comprehensively. In these three sentences, Foreign Minister Wang Yi is to send a clear signal of goodwill and remind the United States that cooperation between China and the United States will benefit both sides, and separation will have two disadvantages, and the Biden administration should understand that for China and the United States, the two world powers, win-win cooperation is the best choice, and there is no one, and the premise is equality and respect, China has no intention of challenging the superpower status of the United States, nor does it intend to compete with the United States for world hegemony, what China needs is exchanges and cooperation on the basis of equality and respect, and if the United States can meet China's needs, then the United States will inevitably benefit from it。 But if the United States insists on treating China as an adversary and a threat, then the United States will only lose watermelons and sesame seeds.