
Solve the espionage case again, this time it is "MI6"!

author:Livestock team
Solve the espionage case again, this time it is "MI6"!

Early in the morning of January 8, the Ministry of State Security announced that it had recently cracked a case of espionage against China led by the British Secret Intelligence Service.

Huang Moumou, a foreigner, is the head of an overseas consulting agency, and was developed as a spy by MI6 in 2015. Since then, Huang Moumou has entered China many times in the name of consulting to collect China-related intelligence for British spies, and to find personnel for MI6 to instigate rebellion, and MI6 has assigned Huang Moumou special espionage equipment to conduct professional intelligence training.

Solve the espionage case again, this time it is "MI6"!

At present, Huang Moumou has been arrested by the national security organs in accordance with the law, and after the appraisal of the secrecy department, Huang Moumou provided the British side with 9 secret-level state secrets, 5 secret-level state secrets, and 3 pieces of intelligence.

Judging from the publicly disclosed information, the following points in this case are worth pondering:

1. The opponent of national security this time is not a "habitual offender" of the CIA, but an intelligence agency that is more established than the CIA - the British Secret Intelligence Service, commonly known as "MI6".

Solve the espionage case again, this time it is "MI6"!

The four major intelligence agencies in the world, the CIA was established in 1947, Israel's Mossad was established in 1948, Russia's KGB was established in 1991, and Britain's MI6 was established as early as 1909.

Second, MI6 has obviously invested heavily in espionage activities in China. They are looking for personnel from third countries, who are not British or Chinese, equipped with espionage equipment, and conduct professional training, as if they were making them domestically produced "007".

Solve the espionage case again, this time it is "MI6"!

As early as 2021, Richard Moore, the head of MI6 in the UK, publicly stated that Britain needs to wake up to the Chinese threat, and China has become the "top priority" of British intelligence, and in July last year, it was openly declared that MI6 is now investing "more resources than any other task" in China.

Third, the infiltration time is long, and the danger to national security is great. Huang Moumou was developed by MI6 in 2015 and arrested in 2023, and the espionage continued for 8 years, during which he provided the British side with 9 secrets, 5 secrets, and 3 intelligence, which is obviously a great danger to national security.

Solve the espionage case again, this time it is "MI6"!

Combing through the espionage cases announced in recent years, it is not difficult to see that foreign espionage and intelligence agencies have never stopped their counter-instigation activities against relevant secret-related personnel, and their areas of stealing secrets are not limited to the national defense and military industries.

Fourth, espionage activities are extremely hidden, and "advisory bodies" are often the usual methods of espionage activities. Due to the particularity of the consulting industry, you can access a large amount of information, and if you lack a bottom line and lack legal awareness, you can easily become an accomplice of spies.

On April 26, 2023, the mainland's new "Counter-espionage Law" was revised and officially came into effect on July 1, 2023. The new "Counter-espionage Law" expands the object of protection from "state secrets and intelligence" to "'state secrets and intelligence' and 'other documents, data, materials, and items related to national security and interests'".

Solve the espionage case again, this time it is "MI6"!

At this point in the analysis of the incident, it can only be said that Britain is indeed "professional" in terms of espionage, and the infiltration of MI6 into China is by no means a ripple on the surface, Britain and the United States have the same roots, and espionage activities against China have always been the top priority of the two countries.

In the early days after the founding of the People's Republic of China, MI6 and the CIA secretly provided support for "Tibet independence" activities, and took advantage of the fact that Tibet had not yet been completely liberated, and lurked a large number of spies in Tibet to plot separatist and sabotage activities.

When Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, MI6 held the "hidden piles" of all walks of life in Hong Kong that were not destroyed, and most of them were transferred back to London.

Solve the espionage case again, this time it is "MI6"!

What is even more infuriating? British anti-China politicians and media have made a backshit, wantonly smeared China for engaging in so-called "espionage activities" against Britain, and have repeatedly fabricated espionage accusations against China, but so far they have not been able to produce any evidence, and their words are full of ambiguous words such as "maybe," and they have been frequently slapped in the face.

This is in line with the old Chinese saying: "Those who say right and wrong are right and wrong."

Interestingly, when amendments to China's Counter-Espionage Law went into effect on July 1, the U.S. Embassy in China complained that the law could create legal risks or uncertainties for foreign companies, journalists, academics, and researchers.

Solve the espionage case again, this time it is "MI6"!

Does this mean that spies lurking in China are good at using these identities as cover?