
The 8 Internet celebrities who will explode in 2023 are all inexplicably popular?


With the rapid pace of the information society, the tide of change in the global economic field is sweeping with an unstoppable momentum, especially the rise of Internet celebrities using social media platforms such as WeChat as communication channels, with their unique talent and personal charm, quickly gathered a group of highly loyal fans, leading the market trend, bringing an unprecedented "fan economy" model. With the increasing popularity of online live events and the increasing number of participants, a number of highly influential Internet celebrities have emerged on major online platforms, and they have quickly become the focus of public attention. It is worth mentioning that in 2023, there are six Internet celebrities who have sprung up, their popularity came so suddenly and quickly, and the material wealth they have obtained is even more jaw-dropping.

The 8 Internet celebrities who will explode in 2023 are all inexplicably popular?

Nowadays, the name "Wen Huijun" has become a popular word in the online world, and his life experience has been widely spread in the circle of friends and has become a hot topic among a large number of people. Wen Huijun was born in 1970 and was an unknown driving school instructor in Hebei. However, life is always full of dramatic changes, and he actually shines brightly in the online world.

In the early morning, he was still the ordinary driving school instructor who led nine students to take the driver's license test, but only eight of them successfully passed, except for his son, who failed to pass as he wished; in the afternoon, when the sun was shining, he transformed into the "Wen's God" who conquered a large number of netizens with his unique grassroots dance style; and at night, it was his leisure time to publish self-photos in the form of beautiful prose poems in the circle of friends.

The 8 Internet celebrities who will explode in 2023 are all inexplicably popular?

On the stage of the live webcast, Wen Huijun's unique performance was even more praiseworthy. He doesn't need to expend too many resources to create a luxurious backdrop, just follow the rhythm of the music, occasionally express his gratitude to his esteemed fans, and talk about some trivial things. This unpretentious way of performing has enabled him to receive a large number of gifts from netizens in just a few hours, and reap rich financial rewards. Xie Qingshuai, a young man from Xingtai, Hebei Province, has been abducted by ruthless human traffickers since he was three months old, causing his life trajectory to change dramatically. Since then, for 25 years, his biological parents have been looking for him in the hope of being reunited. Finally, with the unremitting efforts of the public security police, Xie Qingshuai was able to rediscover his long-lost biological father. What is shocking is that this loving father turned out to be a successful billionaire in Hebei.

The 8 Internet celebrities who will explode in 2023 are all inexplicably popular?

It took less than a day to suddenly change from a poor boy to a rich second generation. Xie Qingshuai's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. His anecdote quickly became the focus of attention on the Internet, sparking heated discussions among many netizens, presenting a picture of the impermanence of fate and full of wonderful colors. However, Xie Qingshuai, who returned to his biological family, was not satisfied and stopped there. He quickly dabbled in live streaming and began merchandising, a novel way of doing things that was puzzling. In just a few days, he was able to launch his first webcast. According to preliminary estimates, more than 12 million people watched the live broadcast that night, and the gifts given by fans were worth more than one million yuan.

The 8 Internet celebrities who will explode in 2023 are all inexplicably popular?

This staggering amount fully shows the popularity of Xie Qingshuai's Internet. The history of his life is not only a story of true feelings about the search for relatives, but also a magnificent saga of hard work, opportunity and dreams. It is through his personal hard work and ingenuity that Xie Qingshuai has successfully transformed the turning point of his life into the driving force to move his life forward.

On August 30, 2023, Yu Wenliang made his first attempt to set foot in the field of short videos, and his first work did not make much waves in the online world. Unexpectedly, two years later, on October 2, 2023, the situation changed dramatically. This time, he posted a text full of charm: "The most gorgeous sunset I have ever witnessed is the scenery when you and I enjoy the sea together." This video is like a bright star, which has attracted widespread attention and enthusiastic response in the vast ocean of the Internet. Within hours, the number of likes under the video skyrocketed to 3.5 million times, and hundreds of thousands of comments were received in the comment section. Since then, Yu Wenliang has become a hot figure on the hot search list, and his topic discussion has soared all the way to the peak. Even at this moment, a new word - "Yu Wenliang spirit" was born.

The 8 Internet celebrities who will explode in 2023 are all inexplicably popular?

In just seven days, his number of followers quickly climbed to 1.66 million, a huge number that strongly proves that Yu Wenliang's explosion was not accidental. However, people at the top of their lives are bound to feel lonely. Just after it became popular, Yu Wenliang was not in a hurry to achieve commercial value transformation through live broadcasts. Although the introduction of his personal homepage once mentioned: "Only when parents are unable to cope with it, will they consider receiving advertisements to obtain income", but at the beginning of his career, he still did not open the live broadcast tipping function.

The 8 Internet celebrities who will explode in 2023 are all inexplicably popular?

However, this all took a clear and far-reaching turn in November. may be attracted by fame and fortune, or based on the expectation of future development, Yu Wenliang finally decided to launch the live broadcast reward function. Unfortunately, a few weeks later, during a live interactive exchange with netizens, he uttered the words "Then let's make a lot of money together", which brought fans a blow like a slap in the face. It was this sentence that caused his fan base to plummet below one million in just ten days. It is worth mentioning that on October 14, 2023, Brother Da Yuan uploaded a short film called "Regret" on major social platforms.

The 8 Internet celebrities who will explode in 2023 are all inexplicably popular?

Unexpectedly, the short film earned him more than 3 million followers overnight, and in just ten days, his personal following has surpassed 10 million, confirming his status as an internet celebrity. As of today, the video has garnered a whopping 13.948 million likes, 1.25 million comments, and 5.3 million retweets. It can be predicted that the number of views on the whole network has reached a shocking level. Although this short film is only 9 minutes and 59 seconds long, it has won the in-depth interpretation of many netizens, as if telling the story of "a small difference, a thousand miles lost, and a life full of regrets".

The 8 Internet celebrities who will explode in 2023 are all inexplicably popular?

In fact, the story structure of Brother Dayuan's "opening a new chapter" video is not new, and it can even be called old. It's a storyline about seeing your former sweethearts for the last time, the kind of plots we've been seeing in TV shows and web shorts. However, it is this kind of ordinary character image, plain storytelling and profound life insights that have deeply hit the hearts of the majority of netizens. From this video, they saw the epitome of their own life trajectory and experienced the indescribable regret and emotion.

Today, Da Yuan is a public figure with 16 million followers, and his social impact cannot be ignored. His success is not due to accident, but from his deep insight into the inner emotions of the majority of netizens. He won the love of the audience with his true feelings and personal experience, so that they found emotional comfort in the fast-paced modern life.

The 8 Internet celebrities who will explode in 2023 are all inexplicably popular?

The story of Brother Da Yuan reminds us that sometimes seemingly ordinary things can show great power. In this era of information explosion, we are often obsessed with the pursuit of novelty, uniqueness and excitement, but ignore the beautiful things that really touch people's hearts. Through his "regret" video, we deeply realized that sincere touching comes from the bits and pieces of daily life and vivid emotional experience.