
Spicy stir-fried shredded meat how to fry into the taste, the chef teaches you the restaurant method, do this step more, tender and salty

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first gourmet Ah Fei, every day there are several dishes to share with you, pay attention to take you to appreciate the taste of the tongue of the world.

How to make the shredded meat tender and smooth, not old and not chai, today I will share with you a home-cooked dish "spicy stir-fried shredded meat", simple and practical, worth collecting. Friends who like it hurry up and learn it

Spicy stir-fried shredded meat how to fry into the taste, the chef teaches you the restaurant method, do this step more, tender and salty

Ingredients: Pork

Accessories: green line pepper, red red pepper, green onion white, ginger, red dried pepper, pickled pepper, coriander, egg, dry starch

Seasoning: salt, pepper, cooking wine, dark soy sauce, soy sauce, chicken powder, sugar

【Spicy stir-fried shredded meat】—— Spicy and delicious

1. Let's start preparing the ingredients

Prepare a piece of pork, cut into slices and then shreds, put in a pot and set aside.

Spicy stir-fried shredded meat how to fry into the taste, the chef teaches you the restaurant method, do this step more, tender and salty

2. Marinate the pork below

Add an appropriate amount of salt, pepper, cooking wine, and soy sauce to the pot, grasp the seasoning with your hands and stir it, this process should be stirred for 2 minutes, and the permeability of the salt is used to give the meat a taste in the early stage.

Spicy stir-fried shredded meat how to fry into the taste, the chef teaches you the restaurant method, do this step more, tender and salty

Beat another egg, stir again in one direction, the egg coagulation can seal out the water of the shredded meat, the taste is relatively tender, keep stirring for two minutes, after beating the gum, then sprinkle a handful of dry starch, continue to grasp well with your hands, and then put aside to marinate for 5 minutes.

Spicy stir-fried shredded meat how to fry into the taste, the chef teaches you the restaurant method, do this step more, tender and salty

3. Start preparing the excipients below

Prepare a handful of green and red peppers, cut into pepper rings and set aside.

Prepare a white shallot and cut into horseshoe slices and set aside.

Prepare a slice of ginger, cut into thin slices, and then grab a small handful of red dried peppers, six pickled peppers, cut through the middle and set aside.

Spicy stir-fried shredded meat how to fry into the taste, the chef teaches you the restaurant method, do this step more, tender and salty

Prepare a handful of parsley, cut into segments and place on a plate to set aside.

Spicy stir-fried shredded meat how to fry into the taste, the chef teaches you the restaurant method, do this step more, tender and salty

4. Slip the meat silky under the oil

Burn oil in the pot, after heating, pour out hot oil to add cool oil, the purpose of the hot pot cold oil is to fry the meat is not easy to stick to the pan, the meat is poured into the pot with a low heat, the temperature is not too high, the meat silk slips to change color, and then pour out the control oil.

Spicy stir-fried shredded meat how to fry into the taste, the chef teaches you the restaurant method, do this step more, tender and salty

5. Start cooking below

Leave the bottom oil in the pot, pour in the prepared accessories, put it in the pot to stir-fry the aroma and then pour in the shredded meat, quickly stir-fry, add the appropriate amount of cooking wine, soy sauce and continue to stir-fry, and then pour in the green and red pepper rings to stir-fry the broken raw, and then add the appropriate amount of old soy sauce on the background color, and stir-fry the color of the old soy sauce evenly.

Spicy stir-fried shredded meat how to fry into the taste, the chef teaches you the restaurant method, do this step more, tender and salty

Now start seasoning: add the right amount of salt, chicken powder, sugar, the amount of sugar to eat less sweet is appropriate, mainly to improve freshness, turn over again to open the seasoning, when it is about to come out of the pot, turn on the high heat quickly stir-fry a few times to make the meat more flavorful, and finally pour in the parsley, quickly turn a few times can be out of the pot to plate.

Spicy stir-fried shredded meat how to fry into the taste, the chef teaches you the restaurant method, do this step more, tender and salty

Well, a tender spicy stir-fried shredded meat is ready.

Spicy stir-fried shredded meat how to fry into the taste, the chef teaches you the restaurant method, do this step more, tender and salty

Pay attention to Ah Fei, there are simple and practical dishes for your reference every day

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