
Suiyang's poetry creation is fruitful and fruitful

author:Tianyan News

In 2023, Suiyang's poetry creation will have a bumper harvest, and more than 1,000 literary works will be published throughout the year. Among them, more than 150 poems have been published in national and provincial newspapers and periodicals.

Suiyang poet Zhang Siliang published the lyrics "The Guy Who Delivered the Express" in the national journal "Words and Periodicals", and the lyrics "Hometown, You Are a Tree" in the national publication "Songs"; Peng Yanxiu's song "On This Land" was broadcast on CCTV Channel; Di Siyong's song "From That Moment" was published in the national publication "Song"; Liu Ping's "On the River Embankment" was published in the literary and artistic journal "Xinghuo" of the Jiangxi Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the poems "Encounter" and "Echo Wall" were published in the famous provincial and ministerial newspapers and periodicals "Selected Poems" and "Poetry Monthly" Liang Jingze's poem "Behind" was published in "Poetry Monthly"; Liu Huaying's poems "Zunyi Poetry" and "Lotus Appreciation in Honghe Village" were published in "Chinese Poetry"; and more than 30 people, including Bu Zhengheng, Li Changyuan, Liu Ping, and Kuang Xinghong, published their works in provincial newspapers and periodicals such as "Guizhou CPPCC Daily", "Wanqing", "Guizhou Nationalities Daily", and "Guizhou Qunwen Tiandi".

Suiyang's poetry creation is fruitful and fruitful

Kuang Yuyan, a junior high school student, will publish a number of works in provincial and ministerial newspapers and periodicals in 2023, among which the poem "Life is Like a Song" was published in "Selected Poems". Her poem "That's Just a Palm-Big Golden Yellow" (the second poem) won the 31st "Dongli Cup" Lu Qu Poetry Award Newcomer and New Work Award by Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and Tianjin Dongli District People's Government. At the same time, Kuang Yuyan, a junior high school student, and Liu Yihan, a primary school student, were also approved to join the Zunyi Writers Association, becoming the youngest city-level writers in Suiyang County.

The source of poetry creation in Suiyang County comes from the rich and colorful literary and artistic activities of the Suiyang County Poetry Society and the poetry creation work, and the development of activities has brought sufficient creative nutrition to the county's writers and poets. In 2023 alone, the County Poetry Society will carry out 10 influential large-scale activities such as the Spring Festival Poetry Reading Club, the Rural Revitalization Poetry Reading Club, the Dragon Boat Festival Poetry Reading Club, and the "Poetry Transfer Club". In recent years, 50 or 60 poetry reading sessions have been held in the county, with a total audience of more than 200,000 people.

Suiyang's poetry creation is fruitful and fruitful

There is also creative training and talent training, which has promoted the creation of poetry in the county. In 2023, the County Poetry Society will hold 10 poetry creation lectures in a flexible and diverse way, and a total of thousands of people have participated in the training. There is a village cadre, after actively participating in the poetry creation training, actually wrote dozens of poems, "Chinese Poetry Township" recommended the village cadre's poetry works on the special recommendation column, which produced a good response and played a leading role. The Suiyang County Poetry Society also improved the creative level of its members through revision meetings and review meetings.

Suiyang's poetry creation is fruitful and fruitful

The establishment of the poetry creation base is a powerful starting point for the prosperity and development of Suiyang poetry, and it is also a nutritional reservoir for promoting Suiyang poetry creation.

In 2023, the Suiyang County Poetry Society will create Lianchi Village, Fenghua Town, Shenglin Ecological Farm, Suiyang County Second Primary School, and Huangjiayuan Poetry Creation Base in Fenghuang Village, Zhengchang Town. The County Poetry Society has established 20 poetry creation bases in the county, with a total of more than 2,000 poetry lovers.

Suiyang's poetry creation is fruitful and fruitful

In 2023, the most innovative highlight of the poetry creation work in the province and the whole city is that after the Suiyang County Poetry Society conducted an inspection and research, it took the lead in awarding the "Poetry Home" to Huang Mingzhong, Zhang Yi, and Zhang Xiaoyang, which is the first innovative move in the province's poetry construction. The three households that were awarded the "House of Poetry" are scholarly families, each with a collection of 10,000 volumes, and has created and published thousands or even thousands of poetry works, each with its own characteristics. Zhang Yi's Poetry House is famous for its antique poetry building, characteristic buildings, and collection of 10,000 books; Zhang Xiaoyang's Poetry House is famous for its love of poetry, poetry notes, books and works collection of several generations; Huang Mingzhong's Poetry House is famous for thousands of poems created and published by father and son, a large number of poetry works published in high newspapers and periodicals such as People's Daily, selfless dedication to the construction of poetry corridors, and poetry culture walls to display the poetry works of more than 100 people in the county.


Edited by Xie Guohuan

Second instance Liu Zhenliang

Third trial Qian Cheng