
Returning to rational consumption, young people start to save money in a fancy way

author:Love Jinan news client

  Recently, #Young people with a monthly salary of 5000 have saved themselves a year-end bonus# #Why young people don't like to use credit cards# and other topics rushed to the hot search, and for a while, the discussion about consumption and saving money exploded on the Internet and entered the public eye again.

  The interest in advanced consumption is no more

  "Early overdraft, repayment at maturity" used to be a way for many young people to spend. In recent years, young people's "interest" in advanced consumption has declined, and a group of young people have tried to return to rational consumption by closing consumer credit such as Huabei and credit cards.

  This can be seen in the number of credit cards issued. Data released by the People's Bank of China shows that from the fourth quarter of 2022, the credit card market has declined in card issuance for three consecutive quarters. According to the latest report released by the central bank, as of the end of the second quarter of 2023, the number of credit and loan cards in use was 786 million, a decrease of 21 million compared with the same period last year.

Returning to rational consumption, young people start to save money in a fancy way

Netizen comments. Screenshot of Weibo platform

  Data show that 35% of young people do not use credit consumption, and most credit consumption is less than 20% of income, which means that some young users' consumption concepts are changing, and more and more young people are trying to say goodbye to "advanced consumption" by closing consumer credit.

  Fancy saving money became a hobby

  When the enthusiasm for "buying, buying, buying" gradually dissipates, saving money is becoming a new topic for young people today. Previously, the topic of how to save money on Weibo was extremely hot, and there were even young people who "saved money in the style of special forces" - depositing money from one city to another for a higher deposit rate.

  On Douban, a super-popular "Heartbreak Crazy Money" group has gathered more than 600,000 young people, who call each other "piggy banks", motivate each other every day, and "gather people to save money".

  In Xiaohongshu, #存钱, #攒钱话题已有近30亿的浏览量, and money-saving bloggers share their experiences and achievements under the topic, and many young people follow the pace of money-saving bloggers to save money, hoping to complete small savings goals or urge themselves to save money.

Returning to rational consumption, young people start to save money in a fancy way

Alipay's small purse virtual plot saves money painlessly. Screenshot of the Xiaohongshu account @Garrurummon

  When it comes to coaxing themselves to save money, young people are very creative. "Painless Saving Money", which exploded at the beginning of the year, urged himself to save money in real life through a variety of plot developments such as virtual baby raising. Young people try to achieve a very low "pain" savings plan through a small amount, a short period of time, and a small goal.

  In addition, saving a "golden melon seed" and "golden bean" every month has become a popular way for young people to manage their finances, and the threshold for investing in gold products with light grams and low prices is low, which can not only satisfy their shopping desires, but also achieve the goal of saving money in disguise.

  Ant Fortune previously released a set of data that the growth rate of post-95 savings is 8 times that of other groups. According to Alipay data, the post-00s account for 4 percent of the users of small purses, and nearly half of them have opened the automatic savings plan "painless saving" to save a small treasury more intelligently.

  What makes young people keen to save money

  "I want to dominate my own life", the UP master of station B @ retired at the age of 30 and saved 1 million when he was 30 years old, and resigned to live on interest.

  Different from the older generation's dedication to saving, today's young people save money more to cultivate the habit of saving Xi and add a sense of security to their lives.

  At the same time, some people said that saving money is to be able to spend better in the future. Young people not only save money, but also advocate "smart spending", digging for cost-effective consumer products, investing in their own online and Xi offline training courses, including exploring niche travel routes.

Returning to rational consumption, young people start to save money in a fancy way

Experience sharing of saving money. Screenshot of the Xiaohongshu platform

  Chen Wu, a teacher at the Institute of Development and Educational Psychology of Wuhan University, believes that whether it is actively choosing to save money or avoiding the trap of consumption and living a low-materialistic life, it is a kind of cognitive progress of young people. Changes in the outlook on money and consumption will lead to changes in other concepts.

  "Young people are gradually breaking some of the false phenomena in society and moving in a more real direction. At the level of money, young people are more back to simplicity, and they will be full of money because they are down-to-earth. Chen Wu said.

  (Source: Poster News)