
Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

author:Gourmet qualities

When it comes to pig's trotters, everyone will first think of its full collagen, the fat content is lower than pork, it is the best skin care products for women, the delicacy of postpartum tonic for pregnant women, and the men's wine artifact, and the folk custom has "winter pig's trotters race bear's paws", which shows that its nutritional value is quite high.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

Pig's trotters can be boiled into soup, braised and marinated, etc., the cooking methods are also varied, the taste of the pig's trotters should be soft and glutinous, and there should be a strong mouth, so that the pig's trotters will taste fragrant when chewed, it can be said that the aftertaste is endless, and the foodies love it very much.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

Now in autumn and winter, we often buy pig's trotters for stewed soup, which is not only beautiful and beautiful, but also very tasty. However, many people don't know how to choose the right pig's trotters, and today I will share with you some tips for buying pig's trotters.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

First, learn how to distinguish between front and hind hooves

The difference between the front hooves and the hind hooves of pigs, and what dishes are suitable for each of them?Pig front hooves and hind hooves have their own characteristics in cooking and are suitable for different dishes. First of all, the position of the front and hind hooves of the pig is different. There is a clear difference in the quality and taste of the meat between the two parts, and the meat of the front hooves of the pig is more tender and rich in collagen, which is suitable for cooking methods such as braised or stewed or roasted. In contrast, the meat of pork hind hooves is firmer, rich in collagen and chewy, making them suitable for dishes such as pork trotter crisp and stews.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

So how do we tell?

In appearance, the shape of the front hooves and hind hooves of the pig is slightly different. The front hooves of pigs are usually slender and long, with pointed, thin hooves and relatively light in color. The hind hooves of the pig are fuller, with flat tips and darker colors. In addition, the price in the market varies. Generally, the front hooves of pigs are more expensive, whereas the hind hooves of pigs are comparatively cheaper. This is because the front hooves are leaner and more muscular than the hind hooves, making them suitable for making delicious food.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

Pork trotter tendon refers to the part that is rich in collagen on the pig's front hooves and has a certain toughness and chewiness. These gluten are rich in collagen, which plays an important role in the elasticity and hydration of the skin. Therefore, the pig's front hooves contain a large amount of pig's trotter tendons, which are loved by consumers. Compared with the front hooves of pigs, the hind hooves of pigs are less lean in terms of meat, relatively more fatty meat, and the bones are also larger.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

Second: look at the color, look at the appearance

First, we want to see if the trotters have a smooth appearance without excessive scratches or bruises. The color of the trotters should be ruddy, not ecchymosis or blue.

Also, don't buy trotters that are too white in color, as they may have been bleached with potions. The harm of bleaching pig's trotters with potions should not be underestimated. First of all, the potion itself is a chemical and may contain ingredients that are harmful to human health. Secondly, bleached pig's trotters lose their original natural color, but they can be mistaken for freshness, which brings a sense of deception to consumers. Moreover, bleached trotters may also contain too many additives, posing a potential health threat.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

When buying trotters, don't blindly judge freshness by color. Normally, fresh trotters will have a natural yellowish or pink color, and the color will be uniform without being too white. If the trotters appear too white, they may have been bleached with the potion.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

Third: Odor check

Normal pig's trotters will have some fishy smell of meat, or the smell of pig skin brought by sebaceous glands and sweat glands, and the mushy smell after being grilled by fire, which is normal. However, if you notice a pungent smell or a foul smell, you should abandon the purchase as it may be due to the quality of the trotters.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

Especially when there is a pungent smell, you should pay attention to the fact that it may have been soaked in formaldehyde, which is a toxic chemical and is often used for antiseptic and disinfection. In the process of food trading, if you use formaldehyde to soak the ingredients, you can not only prolong the storage time, but also maintain the appearance of the ingredients. However, excessive formaldehyde not only endangers the health of consumers, but also leads to the production of a pungent taste, once you find a pungent smell, do not buy it.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

Fourth: Don't buy pig's trotters that are too big

In order to maximize profits, some unscrupulous traders will use some malicious means to treat pigs' trotters to make them look big and fat, but in fact they are deceiving consumers. Oversized trotters are likely to have been soaked in potions, making them look bigger and fatter, but they are actually full of unhealthy ingredients. When buying pig's trotters, it is necessary to choose medium-sized pig's trotters, which are not only safe and reliable, but also have a better taste.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

The meat of the pig's trotters soaked in the potion is relatively soft, and there is no strength when pinched by hand. This is because the action of the potion causes the meat of the trotters to become less compact and inelastic. On the contrary, fresh pork trotters are plump and firm when pinched, giving them a firm feeling. Therefore, by feeling the texture, it is possible to preliminarily determine whether the pig's trotters have been soaked in the potion.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

The toes of fresh trotters are tightly closed, while the toes of pig's trotters soaked in potion will be separated. This is because the corrosive effect of the potion causes the toe part of the trotter to relax and spread out. Therefore, a careful look at the toe part of the trotter can help us judge the freshness of the trotter.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

The above are four ways to distinguish high-quality pig trotters, I hope some of my tips can help you better identify pig trotters, so that friends can enjoy delicious and healthy pig trotter delicacies.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

Delicious and healthy soybean stewed pig's trotters

Stewed pork trotters with soybeans is a traditional Chinese delicacy that is not only rich in taste, but also rich in nutritional value. Soybeans are rich in high-quality protein and a variety of essential amino acids, which help to enhance physical strength and improve immunity. Pig's trotters are rich in collagen, and the combination of these two ingredients makes a stew that is not only delicious, but also has nourishing and health effects.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

To make soybean stewed pig's trotters, you first need to prepare the main ingredients: soybeans, pig's trotters, green onions, ginger and garlic, cooking wine and seasonings. Soak the soybeans in advance, cut the pig's trotters into pieces and blanch them with boiling water to remove the fishy water, and set aside.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

Next, put a layer of green onions, ginger and garlic on the bottom of the stew pot to enhance the flavor. Put the pig's trotters into the bottom of the cup, then pour the soaked soybeans into the cup, and add an appropriate amount of cooking wine to make it more fragrant. Add the right amount of salt, light soy sauce and sugar according to your personal taste for a more balanced seasoning.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

Put the pot in the steamer, add enough water, and steam over high heat for about 30 minutes. During this period, the pig's trotters can be turned at the right time to make the stew more flavorful.

After the soybean stewed pig's trotters are cooked, you can add an appropriate amount of chopped green onions and coriander as decorations to enhance the appearance of the dish. Greet this fragrant delicacy!

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

There are also many variations of how to eat soybean stewed pork trotters, and you can enjoy it with rice or steamed buns, and the rich soup soaks the ingredients to enrich the taste. Of course, you can also enjoy the stew on its own and drink the flavor of the soup in one go.

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

Whether it is a delicious food or a healthy person who pursues health, soybean stewed pig's trotters is a good choice. Not only is it delicious, but let's try our hand at making soybean stewed pig's trotters!

Regardless of the front and hind hooves, remember not to buy these kinds of pig's trotters, thanks to the butcher's reminder, a long memory

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