
This kind of vow of a man is only counted when he still loves you

author:A small rain bubble

A man's vow: those fleeting romances and eternal perplexities

This kind of vow of a man is only counted when he still loves you

In this world, there is one language that is particularly moving, and that is the man's vow. Sometimes it is like a morning dewdrop, shimmering with innocence and romance, and sometimes like the brightest stars in the night sky, sparkling and desirable. But, like the stars in the sky, a man's vows change color over time, and the flickering light disappears. However, when we look back on those vows, we can't help but ask ourselves: Are men's vows really only counted when he still loves you?

1. Those vows that once were

I remember when we met that year, he said to me affectionately: "You are the sunshine of my life, without you, I can't imagine the days ahead." "At that time, I was moved to tears, thinking that I had found true love. However, as time went on, I found that his vows became more and more blurred. He no longer cared about me as much as he used to, and even sometimes became indifferent to me. I tried to ask why, but he said, "I don't love you anymore." "At that moment, I felt like a knife in my heart.

This kind of vow of a man is only counted when he still loves you

2. The man's vows and the duration of love

A man's oath is like a short fireworks display. It's dazzling and intoxicating, but its beauty is only instantaneous. When the fireworks go out, all that's left is ashes and cold air. So, do men's vows really only count when he's still in love with you? Actually, it's not an absolute question. A man's vows can be influenced by many factors, such as his emotional experience, life circumstances, work pressure, etc. What we can be sure, however, is that a man's vow does not last forever. Whatever the reason for which he said it, these vows will also pale when love fades away.

3. There is no eternity in the world of feelings

In this ever-changing world, it's hard to find something eternal. The same goes for love. Maybe we will be intoxicated by each other's vows, but we can't ignore the fact that love will always have a shelf life. Whether it's a man's vow or a woman's promise, they can't resist the erosion of time. Maybe we were moved to tears at that moment, but when we look back at the past, it is not difficult for us to find that those touches have become a thing of the past. We cannot ignore the reality of the present because of the good things of the past. In the world of feelings, we should cherish every moment of good time, but at the same time, we should be prepared for the future.

This kind of vow of a man is only counted when he still loves you

Fourth, growth and face

In this world, everyone is constantly growing and changing. The same goes for love. When we face the ups and downs and changes of love, we should learn how to accept and face them. Maybe we feel miserable and helpless, but that's part of growing up. When we learn how to face the ups and downs of love, we can better grasp the happiness in front of us.

In this uncertain world, we can't predict what will happen in the future. However, we can grasp the present and cherish every time we spend with the people we love. Whether or not a man's vows pale at some point, we should learn how to love, to cherish, and to grow. Because only in this way can we find our own happiness in this challenging world.

This kind of vow of a man is only counted when he still loves you

V. Conclusion

A man is sometimes like an unstable time bomb, and his emotions change with time and circumstances. His vows may only be counted while he still loves you, but that doesn't mean his heart won't change. We should learn to understand and accept this fact. After all, love itself is a complex emotional experience, which requires us to face, understand, and grow. Let's cherish every time we spend with our loved ones!