
When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

author:Wenzi Liao World

Nilai and her husband have been working hard in this strange city of Jinan for eight years, and they have worked hard to build their careers and families with their youth and sweat. Eight years ago, the two were neighbors in their hometown, frolicking in the fields every day, living a carefree life. However, as time passed, the two gradually developed feelings for each other, and love sprouted, and they became husband and wife. Although it is not easy to live in this strange city, they have supported each other, faced difficulties together, and gone through eight years of ups and downs together.

In order to change the existing living situation and let their families live a better life, they do not hesitate to leave their hometowns, leave their familiar hometowns and relatives, and come to unfamiliar cities to work hard for life. In this strange city, they are full of anxiety and worry, but for the sake of life and the happiness of their families, they persevere and move forward. Their perseverance and courage are worth learning Xi from.

Once like duckweed, the two were always running around for food and clothing, but now they have opened a small barbecue stall in Jinan's liveliest night market, and have successfully walked out of the predicament of having nothing. They use diligence and wisdom to create life, and love and faith to protect each other. Every morning, they wake up early to prepare the ingredients they need for the day. In the evenings, the night market is always bustling with business.

At this small barbecue stand, many people leave good memories every day, and their enthusiasm, dreams and fighting spirit are infectious to everyone around them.

When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

Luckily, they are highly skilled at making noodles, and the noodles they make taste authentic and have a unique flavor attract more and more customers to come and taste them, and gradually accumulate a small popularity, which also brings a ray of hope for their days and gives them hope for the future.

The two have been living a simple life in order to accumulate a rich fortune for their two children and lay a solid foundation for their future. They know how precious every penny is and always treat every expense with care. In order to save every penny, their daily life is full of frugality, and there is no extravagance and waste. Although their lives are not so rich, they feel content and relieved because they know that they are working hard for their children's future.

They seldom buy new clothes for themselves, nor do they buy luxury goods for entertainment, and their lives are simple but full of happiness and joy.

Most of the money they earn is used by them to save and invest, and they are like an invisible hand that is constantly accumulating wealth and wanting to create a better future for their next generation. They work tirelessly, constantly upgrading their skills and knowledge, and want to create a better environment and educational resources for their next generation, laying a solid foundation for their future.

When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

After years of hard work and accumulation, Nilai and United finally bought an 89-square-meter second-hand house with their hard-working savings this summer, which is the biggest investment they have made for their children's future. They know that this is just the beginning, and it is their greatest wish to create better living conditions for their children so that they can have a safe and comfortable home in this city. The house is not big, but it is full of love and warmth for them.

They look forward to spending every warm moment here with their children in the future, and also looking forward to the children being able to grow and learn Xi here, laying a solid foundation for their future.

Their income is not high, and their debts are so large that it is a heavy burden for them, forcing them to save money and tighten their belts to pay off their debts. Their new mortgage installments and the need to spend a certain amount of money every month have made their lives feel stressful, and they have to cut back on unnecessary expenses in their lives and save every penny as much as possible in order to pay off their debts as soon as possible.

Although there will be many challenges and difficulties in life, as long as the family is united and supports each other, any difficulties can be slowly overcome together. Difficulties are like an ordeal, and it can make people stronger, more mature, and wiser. As long as we do not flinch in the face of difficulties and face them bravely, we will definitely be able to overcome everything. Therefore, we should cherish the time we spend together as a family, face the challenges of life together, and create a better future together.

When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

This is a true portrayal of Nilai and her husband's joint struggle outside. Although the journey was not easy and the living environment was harsh, they were full of hope. They believe that as long as they are willing to endure hardships and stand hard work, they are not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and a better tomorrow will come.

Nilai's parents, who are the grandparents of the two granddaughters, are already in their twilight years. These two old men, who are no longer young, have experienced many hardships and difficulties in their past lives, and now they can no longer work as hard as they used to, they can only rely on some of the money they have saved and the five acres of thin fields they have planted to support their lives. Grandpa is about to turn 71 this year, and his physical condition has gradually aged, and his eyesight and hearing have begun to weaken, but he still insists on working in the fields every day to be able to support himself and his family.

My grandmother is 74 years old and her health is gradually weakening, but she still insists on working in the fields every day so that she can provide more help to her family.

Although they have lived very frugally, they still inevitably feel that life is difficult. The government's support is only enough to meet the most basic needs of life, and the harvest of their five acres of land is like a gamble, sometimes good and sometimes bad. Sometimes they are able to harvest enough food to get through the year, but other times, even if they work hard, it is still not enough to fill their stomachs, which makes them feel very tired and helpless.

When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

Fortunately, the neighbors in the village help each other, and whenever the farmland needs help, the neighbors will not hesitate to lend a hand, which not only solves some of the problems of the old couple in the planting process, but also makes them feel comforted psychologically, and their hearts are not so embarrassed.

Despite all the difficulties and challenges that may arise in life, Nilai's parents have never complained or been dissatisfied. They have experienced many hardships and hardships, and they have long understood the true meaning of life, which is to learn to be content and happy, and to cherish what they have in front of them. Whenever Nilai called home, her parents were always able to talk to her in an optimistic and cheerful tone, sharing the bits and pieces of the village, telling anecdotes about their granddaughters' growth, making Nilai feel their joy and happiness, and also making her stronger and more confident.

The elderly couple were very generous and accommodating to everyone in the village, welcoming them regardless of age. Everyone in the village has great respect for the couple, and they are deeply touched by their kind and loving personalities. Not only do they care about their families, but they also help others in the village as much as they can. The couple always does their best to help those in need, whether it's donating supplies or supporting their needs.

In their hearts, sharing is a kind of happiness, helping others is a sense of satisfaction, they have never cared about their own gains and losses, but always care about the needs of others, their kindness and selflessness have set a good example for the people in the village, everyone who sees them is deeply attracted by their personality charm.

When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

Even if life is so difficult, no matter how hard it is, I never want my children to share the task of caregiving, but I just hope that they can work outside with peace of mind, without worries, and can devote more time and energy to work and personal life. As parents, they are well aware of their responsibilities and obligations, and have always done their best to provide better living and educational conditions for their children. They know that the happiness and success of their children is their greatest wish and reward.

Such an optimistic and self-reliant, open-minded and generous character has deeply influenced Grandpa Zhang's two granddaughters, who have been very innocent since they were young, full of enthusiasm and confidence in life under the careful care of their parents, and this optimism and confidence have deeply affected the character of the two little granddaughters.

No matter what kind of difficulties they encountered, Nilai and Lianhe, who were far away, felt extremely warm and relieved when they received the letter from home.

The annual National Day Golden Week has finally arrived, and after discussing with United Brother, Nilai and United decided to take their children back to their hometown to visit their parents. Life is hard, and they only go home a handful of times, let alone have a whole week of free time.

When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

This was a great opportunity for the children to relive their innocence in village life.

Sure enough, as soon as the family got off the train, they saw from a distance that the kind grandfather was already waiting at the station in a tricycle. Ni's heart immediately softened, and her grandfather was already so old, but he still arrived early to greet them.

After getting on the tricycle, the group set off to return home, chatting about family life along the way, Nilai's mood has never been so comfortable.

Soon they arrived at the familiar old mansion. When they approached the gate of the courtyard, the compassionate grandmother was waiting there excitedly with her two granddaughters. That joyful smile seemed to soothe all the uneasiness and troubles in Nilai's heart.

When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

She called out "Mom" and hugged her grandmother.

The light and delicious home-cooked dishes that Nilai likes to eat have been prepared by her grandmother in advance, and the table full of food makes Nilai feel warmer than going to the most luxurious restaurant. The simple meal was full of grandma's love, which made Nilai feel extremely happy.

Several people sat on the ground and chatted while eating. Although the life of my parents-in-law was difficult, they did not reveal any of their difficulties to us, but kept telling us to pay attention to our bodies and save money.

At night, Nilai lay down on the couch with her sleeping daughter, and her parents-in-law tucked the quilt for them softly, and her eyes were full of deep love.

When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

In this moment, Nilai felt like the happiest person in the world.

The National Day Golden Week passed in a hurry in joy. Nilai and United are preparing to return to Jinan with their children to live and work. My parents-in-law were reluctant to let them go, and carefully prepared many hometown specialties for them, including home-grown fruits and vegetables, as well as freshly ground flour, peanuts and other miscellaneous grains.

Ni looked at the mountain of luggage in the station and felt helpless.

"You're so prepared, we can't really take this back. Nilai said to her father-in-law with a wry smile.

When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

The father-in-law was stunned for a moment, and his face showed a hint of loss. Nilai understood that this was her parents' affection for her, so she kept most of her belongings, only a small part with her.

When she returned to her empty home, she decided to give some of her souvenirs to her neighbors. She first came to the opposite door and brought eggs, fruit, and a small packet of flour to the neighbor's eldest sister.

The neighbors were overjoyed and hurriedly thanked them.

Just as Nilai was about to close the door, the neighbor ran over in a panic, still carrying the bag of flour in his hand. "Look what's inside!" The neighbor looked extremely strange and opened the mouth of the bag to reveal a large plastic bag.

When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

Nilai was shocked by the sight in front of her, she saw stacks of cash neatly placed in plastic bags, and counted them to find that there were 70,000 yuan. She immediately called her father-in-law to inquire about the situation.

The father-in-law said that it was a little savings for him and his grandmother, and he wanted to help them buy a house privately.

It turned out that although my in-laws were living poorly, they still secretly saved money and wanted to support us. Not only did they put up with their own needs, but they also put all their energy and money into how to help our family.

This selfless love brought tears to Nilai's eyes, and she knew that every inch of flour in the big bag of flour given by her parents contained deep love and longing.

When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

After hanging up her father-in-law's phone, Nilai stood in place with mixed feelings, full of guilt and heartache. She originally knew that her parents' life was not easy, but she never expected that they were still quietly saving money and wanted to support her.

I seldom go home to visit, and I don't even find time to visit on National Day.

Nilai suddenly thought of her parents' gray hair and rickety backs, the picture of them working on their own, and remembered that they always told her that everything was okay at home with a smile on their faces...... Tears welled up unconsciously, and she cried bitterly.

The husband on the side saw it in his eyes and felt very painful. He knew that when his wife saw the selfless love of her parents, her heart was full of self-blame and heartache. He walked over and hugged Nilai tightly, putting his arm around her trembling shoulders.

When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

Nilai sobbed in her husband's arms and said, "We must be filial to our parents and take care of their old age." We have to go home often, and we can also bring them to live in the city......" She was so excited that tears soaked her husband's shoulders.

Lian's eyes turned red, and he comforted softly: "Don't blame yourself too much, Mom, they won't blame us." We will be more filial to them and repay them for their nurturing kindness. ”

Nilai wiped away her tears and nodded firmly, determined to be more filial to her parents, share their sorrows, and make them carefree in their old age. This is her return for her meticulous care for the elderly.

Nilai and United gradually adjusted their mentality. They know that life is always full of twists and turns, and facing all kinds of difficulties is the real life. However, with the support of family and friends, solving problems with warmth is the most precious gift that life has to give them.

When I returned to the city from my hometown, I gave the flour from my mother-in-law to my neighbor, and she opened it and gave it back to me immediately

In fact, the in-laws' spirit of great love has a positive and encouraging effect on them. Their generosity and dedication to their humble lives touched and inspired them deeply.

She is even more determined to work hard with her husband for the development of the next generation.

"We will definitely make our parents happy. Nilai said to her husband. United nodded, and put his arm around his wife's shoulder.

Although autumn in Jinan is a little cold, the feeling of being surrounded by family and friends is so warm in their hearts. In the journey of life, there are cold and summer, birth, old age, sickness and death. But as long as they have this warm company, they are no longer afraid to face the future life.

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