
Don't eat the wrong ones again! These kinds of "pseudo-coarse grains" may hurt your body more and more you eat them

author:Health care of the great country

What exactly is a real whole grain?

What foods in life are "pseudo-coarse grains"?

What are the particulars of eating whole grains?

Let's see if you usually eat right↓


What are whole grains

Can it be eaten instead of a staple food?

Coarse grains are relative to fine grains such as rice and white flour

Mainly refers to millet, brown rice, oats, corn,

Sorghum, barley, black rice, buckwheat, wheat bran, etc

Compared to fine grains

Whole grains are rich in fiber and vitamin B1

Therefore, a moderate daily intake of whole grains is good for your health

But replace the staple grains with coarse grains altogether

May affect digestion

Don't eat the wrong ones again! These kinds of "pseudo-coarse grains" may hurt your body more and more you eat them

Because whole grains contain more cellulose, they are not easy to digest

Eating too much may cause bloating and affect appetite

In extreme cases

It can also cause problems such as intestinal blockage and dehydration

In addition, eating too much whole grains may hinder stomach emptying

Leads to food accumulation

These foods carry stomach acid back into the esophagus

Damage to the esophageal mucosa


These kinds of "pseudo-grains"

It may be endangering your health

01 Coarse grain biscuits

Many coarse grain biscuits often have wheat flour, vegetable oil and other ingredients added to them, but there are not many real coarse grain ingredients. On the contrary, the fat content is very high, and excessive fat intake caused by long-term consumption will cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, obesity, etc. When buying coarse grain biscuits, pay attention to the label, and choose the coarse grains in the ingredient list that rank high, and the fat and total calories are relatively low.

Don't eat the wrong ones again! These kinds of "pseudo-coarse grains" may hurt your body more and more you eat them

02Fancy cereal

Oats are whole grains that slow down the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream and help control blood sugar. However, there are many fancy cereals on the market, and there are not many oatmeal ingredients in the ingredient list, and sugar, oil, seasonings and other ingredients are added. Such fancy cereals are high in calories and are not conducive to blood sugar control.

03 Coarse grain powder

Coarse grains are eaten after flouring, which has a delicate taste and is convenient to eat, but it is not healthy. Because the finer the grain is ground, the easier it is to be digested, absorbed, and even change from a low glycemic index food to a high glycemic index food.

Don't eat the wrong ones again! These kinds of "pseudo-coarse grains" may hurt your body more and more you eat them

04 Coarse grain steamed buns

In the supermarket, we often see some coarse grain steamed buns. But if you look closely at its ingredient list, these foods labeled as "coarse grains" often contain only a small part of coarse grains, and their main ingredient is refined wheat flour.

05 Eight treasure porridge, eight treasure rice

Eight treasure porridge and eight treasure rice are two kinds of foods, and a large amount of glutinous rice, red dates and other ingredients are often added during the cooking process. Glutinous rice is a sticky staple food, containing a large amount of amylopectin, the ability to raise blood sugar is very strong, if steamed and boiled, soft and glutinous, it is easier to raise blood sugar.

Don't eat the wrong ones again! These kinds of "pseudo-coarse grains" may hurt your body more and more you eat them

06 Puffed coarse grains

Making coarse grains into puffed foods will not only cause a great loss of nutrition of coarse grains themselves, but also add a large number of additives in order to improve the taste. It's okay to eat this kind of food as a snack once in a while, but it should never be eaten as a long-term staple food.


These 5 whole grains are healthier to eat

brown rice

Compared to milled rice

Brown rice retains more dietary fiber and vitamin B1

Easier to digest and absorb


Corn is rich in dietary fiber and not high in fat

It is a better choice for people who are losing weight

Don't eat the wrong ones again! These kinds of "pseudo-coarse grains" may hurt your body more and more you eat them


Oats contain unsaturated fatty acids and soluble dietary fiber

It can reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood

sweet potato

Sweet potatoes have a relatively high crude fiber content

It can stimulate intestinal peristalsis and accelerate excretion

For those who eat meat regularly and have chronic constipation

The proportion of intake can be increased appropriately

Don't eat the wrong ones again! These kinds of "pseudo-coarse grains" may hurt your body more and more you eat them


Buckwheat contains soluble dietary fiber and rutin

At the same time, buckwheat is also very high in iron

It has a certain effect on people with anemia


What's the point of eating whole grains?

Scientific Arrangement

Grains, potatoes, and legumes

Blood sugar production is slower

At the same time, it is rich in protein, minerals and other nutrients

It is a relatively high-quality staple food choice

It is recommended to choose as many staple foods as possible

Achieve scientific and reasonable thickness matching

At the same time, the variety of food is taken into account

For example, rice can be compared with whole grain rice (brown rice),

Multigrains (oats, millet, buckwheat, etc.)

and mixed beans (red beans, mung beans, rue, etc.) to eat

Don't eat the wrong ones again! These kinds of "pseudo-coarse grains" may hurt your body more and more you eat them

A staple of the day

The proportion of coarse grains is about 1/4~1/3

It is also possible to eat whole grains alone twice a week

Coarse grains are finely cooked, not suitable for frying

You can use the steaming cooking method more

Frying at high temperatures may destroy the nutritional value of whole grains

Drink plenty of water after eating whole grains

Whole grains contain cellulose that acts like a sponge and is more absorbent

Drinking plenty of water can help promote the absorption of whole grains

Don't eat the wrong ones again! These kinds of "pseudo-coarse grains" may hurt your body more and more you eat them

In addition, attention should be paid to:

Patients with anemia, weak gastrointestinal function, and patients with kidney disease

The elderly and children should not eat too much whole grains

Don't eat the wrong ones again! These kinds of "pseudo-coarse grains" may hurt your body more and more you eat them

#Coarse grains# #Coarse grains biscuits# #Diet health# #Health preservation# #Pseudo coarse grains# #Health science qualifying# #健康真探社#