
Hebei Quzhou: 10,000 acres of stevia support the masses to get rich dream

author:Bright Net
Hebei Quzhou: 10,000 acres of stevia support the masses to get rich dream

10,000 acres of stevia planting base. Infographic

Great Wall News (correspondent Li Weiguo, Wang Tianzhou, reporter Wang Linhong) Recently, the 2020 annual stevia leaf planting and acquisition work in Quzhou County and surrounding counties in Hebei Province was successfully completed. It is understood that the stevia planting industry centered on Quzhou has gradually driven more than 100 natural villages and more than 3,500 growers in the surrounding 5 counties, benefiting more than 20,000 people. The planting area of stevia has increased from more than 6,000 mu in the previous year to about 13,000 mu this year, and the yield of stevia leaves is close to 4,000 tons, with an average yield of about 300 kg.

Behind this set of beautiful numbers, soaked with the painstaking efforts of the morning light stevia people and the hard work of the majority of growers.

As a national leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization, Chenguang Bio has developed stevia planting in Quzhou since 2013, and implemented the protection price purchase policy through the "enterprise + cooperative + farmer" business cooperation model, effectively protecting the interests of farmers.

Hebei Quzhou: 10,000 acres of stevia support the masses to get rich dream

M&G Bio provides free tracking services for growers and implements "nanny management". Courtesy of Wang Tianzhou

In order to standardize the operation of the market and continue to stabilize the planting situation, Chenguang Bio actively cooperated with the local government to adjust the planting structure, and repeatedly held seedling fixing and pricing meetings with the participation of all parties to safeguard the interests of all parties and lay the foundation for the long-term development of stevia leaves.

"We must think more about growers and partners, and it is not long-term to think only about our own interests." Hou Lijuan, manager of M&G Bio's stevia business unit, said that they had to be carefully selected from seedling varieties, cooperative suppliers, and even each basket of seedlings.

In order to save money, Zhang Gengxi, manager of Chenlu Cooperative, broke the routine, took the initiative to extend the purchase of seedling chains, and directly cooperated with seedling farmers, reducing intermediate links, improving the quality of seedlings, and saving a total of 700,000 yuan in seedlings.

"We subsidize all this money to growers and buy seedlings at a price of 0.5 yuan per kilogram." Zhang Gengxi said.

Hebei Quzhou: 10,000 acres of stevia support the masses to get rich dream

M&G Bio buys growers' stevia at a price higher than market. Courtesy of Wang Tianzhou

In order to help growers improve the yield and quality of stevia, M&G Bio has increased the technical guidance for growers' stevia cultivation. Provide free tracking services for growers and implement "nanny management" to ensure that measures to benefit the people and facilitate the people are implemented.

Chenguang Bio uses the technology platform of China Nongda Quzhou Experimental Station to carry out more than 80 "street lamp planting trainings" throughout the year, more than 120 field classes, and many large-scale centralized lectures; using the network to regularly release stevia planting points, recommend pesticides, fertilizers, brand doses, and actively carry out grower interaction, so that "soil" experts and leaders can educate and drive growers with personal statements. Invited the Institute of Plant Protection of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and ningjin Revo agricultural machinery technicians to explain the pesticide application and agricultural machinery technology on the spot, more than 5,000 people participated in different forms of training throughout the year, and 1,500 families benefited from it.

At the same time, in 2020, Chenguang Bio also used the "road network, river belt" farmland return to forest project and the shade-loving characteristics of small trees and forest sparse stevia, actively promoted the planting of stevia leaves under the forest, and realized more than 1,000 mu of lin chrysanthemum planting, increasing income by more than 2 million yuan, farmers jokingly called this combination "rich money full of bags, who plants who gets rich".

Source: Great Wall Network

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