
Parents reported that the schoolbags of first-grade students weighed more than 20 pounds! The work of reducing the burden was widely questioned by parents

author:Giao brother Kan affair

*Introduction:** A first-year student has attracted widespread attention from the society because he is carrying an overweight school bag. Carrying a schoolbag of more than 20 pounds poses a potential risk to a child's health. Here, editor Xiao Guo puts forward suggestions to solve this problem, and calls for the joint attention of schools, parents and education departments.

Parents reported that the schoolbags of first-grade students weighed more than 20 pounds! The work of reducing the burden was widely questioned by parents


1. **Problem highlighted: children's health is worried**

Recently, a first-grade student carried a schoolbag of more than 20 pounds to school every day, which caused widespread concern and concern in the society. This small body bears a heavy load every day, and people can't help but worry about the child's health.

A child's body is in the developing stage, the bones and muscles are not yet fully mature, and the excessive burden can cause irreversible damage to their body. Carrying an overweight school bag for a long time may lead to spinal deformation, muscle strain and other problems, and even affect the child's height development. These potential health problems will not only affect a child's physical health, but may also have a negative impact on their psyche, such as low self-esteem, anxiety, etc.

As parents and educators, we need to pay attention to the weight of our children's school bags and arrange the amount of learning materials and other items that we can carry. Schools and families should pay more attention to students' health education, popularize the correct way to carry backpacks and reasonable weight bearing knowledge, so that children can develop good living habits from an early age and escort their healthy growth.

At the same time, the government and all sectors of society should also pay attention to this issue and jointly promote reforms to reduce the burden on students. The education department shall introduce relevant policies to limit the weight of students' school bags, and strengthen the management and supervision of schools and teachers. Schools can provide more reasonable curriculum arrangements and allocation of teaching resources, reduce students' homework burden, and allow them to learn and grow in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

In short, we can't let a heavy school bag become a burden that affects the healthy growth of children. Let's work together to create a healthier and better environment for children to grow up in.

Parents reported that the schoolbags of first-grade students weighed more than 20 pounds! The work of reducing the burden was widely questioned by parents

2. **Class Teacher's Suggestion: Reduce the Weight of the School Bag**

Faced with the problem of students' school bags being too heavy, a careful class teacher put forward a series of targeted suggestions after careful consideration. He advocates using e-books or online textbooks as much as possible to reduce the number of paper books in students' school bags by communicating with school management. This measure will not only reduce the burden on students, but also adapt to the trend of the digital age and improve students' information literacy.

In addition to the adjustment of teaching materials, the class teacher also suggested that teachers arrange their homework reasonably and avoid assigning too much redundant homework. He emphasized the effectiveness of homework and believed that teachers should assign homework according to the syllabus and the actual situation of students, rather than simply increasing the amount of homework. This can not only ensure the learning effect of students, but also effectively reduce the burden of students.

In addition, class teachers advocate the streamlining of extra-curricular activities to avoid students engaging in too many inefficient and repetitive activities. He suggested that students should selectively participate in extracurricular activities according to their interests and strengths to improve their learning efficiency and quality of life.

Finally, the class teacher encouraged the students to develop the habit of traveling light, reminding them to pay attention to tidying up their school bags and only carrying necessary study and daily necessities. The formation of this habit can not only reduce the weight of students' school bags, but also cultivate their good life attitude and self-management ability.

These suggestions may seem simple, but they are actually an effective way to solve the problem of excessive school bags for students. The carefulness and dedication of the class teacher have undoubtedly provided substantial help to the students' learning and life.

Parents reported that the schoolbags of first-grade students weighed more than 20 pounds! The work of reducing the burden was widely questioned by parents

3. **Working together: school, parents, society**

Parents, as an important role in the growth of children, must take the initiative to establish a good communication mechanism with the school and teachers. Through regular communication, parents can keep abreast of their child's performance in school, learning progress, and possible problems. This not only helps to enhance parents' sense of participation in their children's education, but also promotes trust and cooperation between home and school.

While focusing on children's learning, we cannot neglect their physical and mental health. A child's development is all-encompassing, and physical and mental health is essential for their future development. Therefore, parents should pay attention to their children's emotional changes on a regular basis and provide necessary psychological support and emotional companionship. If your child is found to have any abnormalities, they should communicate with the school and doctor in time for early intervention and treatment.

Of course, the education sector also plays a key role in tackling the problem of student academic pressure. We hope that the relevant departments will pay attention to the problem of excessive pressure on students and formulate corresponding policies and regulations. For example, limiting the number of after-school cram classes, limiting the amount of homework, and promoting a diversified evaluation system. These policy measures will help reduce the pressure on students and give them more time to develop their interests and strengths.

In addition, we should also pay attention to the promotion and use of electronic teaching materials. Electronic textbooks can not only reduce paper consumption and environmental pollution, but also have the advantages of easy to carry and fast update. Through e-textbooks, students can learn anytime and anywhere, improving learning efficiency. The education department should guide schools to gradually promote the use of electronic teaching materials to meet the development needs of the information age.

In short, for the healthy development of children, parents, schools, teachers and education departments need to work together to create a good educational environment.

4. **Call for Interaction: Creating a Better Educational Environment Together**

Editor Xiao Guo called on parents to actively interact and leave messages to discuss more ideas for reducing the burden on students. Work together to create a relaxed, enjoyable, healthy and uplifting learning environment for children.


When faced with the problem of excessive school bags for Year 1 students, parents, schools and society need to work together to take practical measures to protect their children's physical and mental health. With sound policies and active parental involvement, we hope to create a more relaxed and healthy learning environment for children. It is hoped that these suggestions will attract more people's attention and jointly promote the resolution of this issue.

Thank you for reading, looking forward to hearing more voices and suggestions to work together for the growth of children. **