
The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

author:Spit on Aceba


"I'm sick to death, Line 2 is not the second line of farmers, and now I look like a migrant worker every day. ”

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

In order to maintain the "sense of superiority" of taking the subway, a man in Shanghai openly insulted the migrant worker group, and as a result, he experienced what is called a disaster.

Maybe Bian never thought that he would make a big deal because of this sentence.

What makes netizens sigh is that the reason why Bian scolded migrant workers is described in four words, which is called fear of the strong and bullying the "weak".

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

On January 10, a video of Bian insulting migrant workers on the subway appeared on the Internet for the first time, and the blogger who posted the video said that the man was making a voice call at the time, and it stands to reason that his inappropriate remarks were said to the person on the other side of the phone, but he was educated because the voice was too loud.

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

In the video, the man's tone was a little angry, but the emotions he vented accounted for a lot.

Rather than complaining to the people on the phone, it is better to say that he is publicly insulting migrant workers: "Disgusting to death, Line 2 is not Line 2 of migrant workers, and now I am like an old farmer every day!"

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

Before Bian's words fell, the eldest brother couldn't listen to it anymore, so he asked Bian to get down, he was not used to taking the subway.

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

Originally, Bian complained about the migrant worker group just to get back some face, but now it's good, but the face was not found, but fell to the ground.

So, Bian began to spit fragrant at the big brother who made the voice: "You TM get out of here!"

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

Bian Mou thought that this swear word would save some face for himself, but he didn't expect to anger the other passengers around.

"Line 2 is opened by your family?"

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

"What kind of migrant workers are migrant workers?"

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

"I'll see where you got your quality. ”

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

At this time, Bian Moude's face was directly pressed to the ground and crushed in various ways.

Next, Big Brother Voice is going to class.

I only heard someone on the subway advise, "Hey, stop fighting, hey!"

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

Just from the passenger's statement, it can be known that Bian and the eldest brother tore up.

This video is only one and a half minutes, but it directly detonated the Internet.

The netizens in the comment area were one-sided, and this netizen said: Without migrant workers, you can't even sit on the subway. If you want to be comfortable, go in your own private car.

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

This netizen sarcastically said: Some people don't know that they are also individuals after eating two meals.

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

This netizen complained: Taking the subway shows that this person's conditions are also average, and he actually has the face to laugh at migrant workers, counting up three generations, who is not a farmer?

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

Some netizens questioned: Why is a powerful and clean character like him still crowding the subway, shouldn't he be picked up by a special car?

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

Netizens are joking to express the same point of view, the means of transportation are for the public, not the exclusive car of people who think they are high, if you want to enjoy social welfare, don't pick and choose.

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

As this video began to be forwarded and reported by various official media, the "Shanghai Metro Line 2" incident was quickly sent to the hot search, and if nothing else, the relevant departments will soon give the results.

According to the report of the subway GA department, we learned that Bian was angry when he insulted migrant workers.

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

The report said that the incident occurred on the afternoon of January 8, and the person involved, Bian Mou, was 34 years old and had just come to Shanghai from other places that day.

Before insulting the migrant workers, he got into an argument with a female passenger because he hated the other party for calling too loudly.

It can be seen that Bian suffered a "loss" on the female passenger and wanted to find some sense of existence from other places, so he began to scold the migrant workers angrily.

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

On the same day, the eldest brother surnamed Yuan, who was a 51-year-old man, was not a native of Shanghai, he made the first move, and then the two had a physical altercation.

At first, the two were pulled apart by the passengers, and then they scuffled together.

Now that both of them have been taken into administrative detention by the Shanghai police, I believe that Bian will no longer dare to be afraid of bullying the "weak" after that.

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

However, netizens don't plan to let go of this Bian,

In everyone's opinion, Bian's detention was only the result of his punishment for fighting, and he deliberately disrupted order on the subway and insulted other subway passengers, and the subway company should give him a lifetime ban on taking Shanghai Metro Line 2.

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

However, rationally speaking, this punishment method cannot be implemented, after all, taking the subway does not require a real-name system, so it is impossible to block Bian.

Throughout the whole incident, the biggest loss is Brother Yuan, who upholds justice, everyone will support him in maintaining the dignity of the migrant worker group, and many netizens are very sympathetic to him, but his way is too impulsive.

Nowadays, the "Shanghai Line 2 Migrant Workers" incident also shows that with the progress of society and the improvement of the quality of the public, everyone has tacitly accepted that there is no distinction between high and low occupations, and migrant workers are more worthy of everyone's respect.

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

Which of the beautiful homes, municipal construction, parks, and green spaces we enjoy today is not built by migrant workers with sweat?

As early as 2021, there are data showing that the group of migrant workers has plummeted by 5.17 million, and I believe that as the occupational vacancies of migrant workers become larger and larger, the wages of migrant workers will also increase significantly, and by then the positions of migrant workers with a monthly income of 20,000+, 30,000+, and 50,000+ will definitely become the envy of everyone.

The man scolded the migrant workers in the subway follow-up: The arrogant Bian's identity was exposed, he was criminally detained, and the comment area was one-sided

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