
Premature aging is a deficiency of essence, forgetfulness is a deficiency of essence, weakness or deficiency of essence in the middle, a Chinese patent medicine improves it

author:Dr. Hou Wenjie of traditional Chinese medicine

First of all, let's talk about what is the relationship between premature aging and sperm loss, because the kidney essence in the human body is the main reproductive development, it can biochemical qi and blood to nourish our muscle tissue, and play a role in the rise of the kidney, if the human kidney essence is lost, unable to nourish our limbs and muscles and bones, people will prematurely begin to grow gray hair or hair loss, hair loss, loose teeth, obvious dark circles, soreness in the waist and knees, etc.

Premature aging is a deficiency of essence, forgetfulness is a deficiency of essence, weakness or deficiency of essence in the middle, a Chinese patent medicine improves it

Then let's talk about the relationship between forgetfulness and essence deficiency, because essence can turn into marrow, and the brain is the sea of marrow, if the kidney essence is very sufficient, the person's brain will be clearer and faster, and the reaction speed will be faster, then if the kidney essence is deficient, the brain will not be nourished by the kidney essence, and there will be mental trance, forgetfulness, slow reaction, and mental decline.

Premature aging is a deficiency of essence, forgetfulness is a deficiency of essence, weakness or deficiency of essence in the middle, a Chinese patent medicine improves it

Finally, let's talk about the relationship between weakness and kidney essence in the middle, the kidney essence in the human body is responsible for reproduction, which can nourish and nourish the tendons, if a person excessively consumes kidney essence, it will lead to kidney essence deficiency, and it will still appear when the fire fails. I can tell you that a Chinese patent medicine is called Wuzi Yanzong Pill, which is specially used to replenish the kidney and benefit the essence, which can effectively improve the symptoms of soreness in the waist and knees, frequent urination and urgency, and weak spleen caused by the deficiency of kidney essence.

Premature aging is a deficiency of essence, forgetfulness is a deficiency of essence, weakness or deficiency of essence in the middle, a Chinese patent medicine improves it

But if you are still accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, irritability, insomnia and dreams at night. It is easy to fall asleep and sweat, then you can refer to the Golden Lock Essence Pill. In general, kidney essence is very important for people, but you must not lose too much, so if you have kidney essence deficiency, you still need to treat the symptoms according to your own situation.