
How to eliminate damp toxins in the body? Starting from four aspects: diet, exercise, medicine and acupuncture points

author:Orion Clarke

Damp toxin in the body refers to the accumulation of moisture and toxins in the body, resulting in various uncomfortable symptoms in the body, such as obesity, edema, skin diseases, joint pain, indigestion, fatigue, bad breath, etc. Damp poison not only affects the health of the body, but also damages the person's spirit and mood, making the person become dull, depressed, and irritable. Therefore, timely removal of damp toxins from the body is an important measure to maintain physical and mental health. This article will introduce you to some effective ways to eliminate dampness and toxins in the body from the four aspects of diet, exercise, medicine and acupuncture points.

How to eliminate damp toxins in the body? Starting from four aspects: diet, exercise, medicine and acupuncture points
How to eliminate damp toxins in the body? Starting from four aspects: diet, exercise, medicine and acupuncture points
How to eliminate damp toxins in the body? Starting from four aspects: diet, exercise, medicine and acupuncture points
How to eliminate damp toxins in the body? Starting from four aspects: diet, exercise, medicine and acupuncture points
How to eliminate damp toxins in the body? Starting from four aspects: diet, exercise, medicine and acupuncture points

1. Diet

Diet is an important factor affecting dampness and toxins in the body, because improper diet can lead to dysfunction of the spleen and stomach, producing dampness and toxins. Therefore, to eliminate dampness and toxins in the body, it is first necessary to adjust your eating habits and follow the following principles:

1. Eat less greasy, sweet, cold, cold, spicy, sour and other foods, which will increase moisture and toxins in the body, damage the spleen, stomach, liver and gallbladder, and affect digestion and excretion.

2. Eat more light, mild, spleen and dampness foods, such as millet, barley, red beans, oats, white lentils, winter melon, white radish, yam, lotus seeds, seeds, poria cocos, lotus leaves, etc., these foods can promote water metabolism, remove moisture and toxins, and enhance the function of the spleen, stomach and liver and gallbladder.

3. Drink some diuretic, heat-clearing and detoxifying teas, such as Huoxiang lotus leaf tea, rose tea, chrysanthemum tea, green tea, tartary buckwheat tea, wolfberry tea, etc., these teas can help discharge excess water and toxins from the body, reduce the feeling of dampness and weight, refresh the mind, and beautify the skin.

2. Exercise

Exercise is an effective way to eliminate dampness and toxins in the body, because exercise can speed up blood circulation, promote metabolism, enhance immunity, sweat and detoxify. Therefore, to eliminate damp toxins from the body, it is necessary to insist on a moderate amount of exercise, following the following principles:

1. Choose aerobic exercises, such as running, brisk walking, swimming, cycling, skipping rope, dancing, etc., which can improve cardiopulmonary function, increase muscle oxygen consumption, promote sweat secretion, and take away moisture and toxins in the body.

2. Pay attention to the intensity of exercise and do not exercise excessively, otherwise it will consume too much physical strength and water, resulting in weakness and dehydration. Generally speaking, the heart rate during exercise should be between 60%~80% of the maximum heart rate, the exercise time should be more than 30 minutes, and the exercise frequency should be between 3~5 times a week.

3. Pay attention to the exercise time, do not exercise before or immediately after meals, otherwise it will affect digestion and absorption, causing gastrointestinal discomfort. In general, the best time to exercise is in the morning or evening, on an empty stomach or about 2 hours after meals.

3. Medications

Drugs are a means to assist in eliminating dampness and toxins in the body, because drugs can regulate the qi, blood, yin and yang in the body, balance endocrine, clean the intestines, and discharge toxins. Therefore, to eliminate dampness and toxin in the body, you can take some dampness and detoxification drugs appropriately, following the following principles:

1. Choose traditional Chinese medicines, such as Shenling Baizhu San, Ma Ren Run Gut Pills, Huoxiang Zhengqi Pills, Liuwei Dihuang Pills, Niu Huang Jiedu Tablets, etc., these Chinese medicines can strengthen the spleen and promote dampness, dissolve phlegm and dispel dampness, clear heat and detoxify, reconcile yin and yang, and are suitable for different types of damp toxin patients.

2. Follow the doctor's instructions and do not take the drug at will, otherwise it will cause side effects of the drug and aggravate the dampness in the body. Generally speaking, the dose, time, frequency, and sequence of taking drugs should be taken in accordance with the doctor's guidance, and should not be increased, decreased or stopped by themselves.

3. Pay attention to your diet and do not mix with drugs, otherwise it will affect the effect of the drug and even produce toxic side effects. Generally speaking, when taking medicine, it is necessary to avoid eating greasy, spicy, sour, raw and cold foods to avoid aggravating dampness and toxicity, and also to avoid eating tea, coffee, alcohol and other beverages to avoid reducing the efficacy of the medicine.

IV. Hole position

Acupuncture points are an important way to regulate dampness and toxins in the body, because acupuncture points are the intersection points of the human body's meridians, and through massage, scraping, moxibustion and other methods, they can stimulate acupuncture points, regulate qi and blood, and remove dampness and toxins. Therefore, to eliminate dampness and toxins in the body, you can often massage some acupuncture points that promote dampness and detoxification, following the following principles:

1. Choose effective acupuncture points, such as Zusanli, Sanyinjiao, Chengshan, Fenglong, Shuishui, Zhongguan, Taixi, Yongquan, etc., these acupuncture points can strengthen the spleen and promote dampness, promote water and laxative, clear heat and detoxify, reconcile yin and yang, and are suitable for patients with dampness and toxicity in different parts.

2. Master the correct method, do not use too much or too little force, otherwise it will cause damage or ineffectiveness of acupuncture points. Generally speaking, the methods of massaging acupoints include pressing, kneading, holding, pinching, pushing, rubbing, etc., you can choose the appropriate method according to your own feelings, and the massage time is 3~5 minutes to feel soreness, itching, and heat at the acupoints.

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