
Erbin out of the circle (1)|Southern tourists go to the Northeast and encounter "sincere" nirvana......

author:Golden Sheep Net


"In the era of self-media, it is difficult to predict what kind of thing a place will suddenly become 'popular'. The matter of 'out of the circle' can be said to have both regularity and irregularity. ”

As Wu Liyun, an associate professor at the Chinese Culture and Tourism Industry Research Institute of Beijing Second University of Foreign Chinese, said in an interview with a reporter from Yangcheng Evening News, this winter, Harbin is indeed "on fire", and there are almost no obvious signs before that, and it has just experienced the crisis event of "Ice and Snow World Ticket Refund".

However, Harbin uses a series of operations such as "sincere marketing", "heart-to-heart service" and "'rectification' thanks" unique to Northeast people, so that the crisis event is reversed, so that tourists not only "lose their anger", and can't find fault, but also become Harbin's "iron fans" and "volunteer network propagandists".

Erbin out of the circle (1)|Southern tourists go to the Northeast and encounter "sincere" nirvana......

On January 1, Liang Chunmei, a retired reporter from the Broadcasting News Center of Guangdong Radio and Television Station, and her family set off to Harbin, Snow Town and other places to play.

The ice-covered ice city, the 18-meter-high giant snowman, the super large ice slide that queues for 5 hours with great interest, the snow go-kart, the ice sculpture of the ice and snow world, the Modern popsicle, the rock sugar gourd, the 10,000-person snow jump, the two-person turn, the hot kang head, the dog pulls the plow, and the snow tug-of-war ......

Erbin out of the circle (1)|Southern tourists go to the Northeast and encounter "sincere" nirvana......

As a southerner, Liang Chunmei's lens records the unique boldness and enthusiasm of the Northeast from the delicate perspective of southern tourists, attracting a large number of onlookers in the circle of friends - for the southern friends who can't go to Harbin to see the current grand occasion, you might as well feel the "warm winter" of "Erbin" through the video in this article.

Erbin out of the circle (1)|Southern tourists go to the Northeast and encounter "sincere" nirvana......
Erbin out of the circle (1)|Southern tourists go to the Northeast and encounter "sincere" nirvana......

Harbin: Practice "host-guest sharing" in the most straightforward language

After the high-concentration fermentation of the three-day holiday on New Year's Day, Harbin's current popularity and traffic are not at all inferior to Zibo, which exploded last year, and even has a higher topic degree and a series of exclusive terms, especially won the "one-sided" favor of the southern masses, and has become the "absolute top stream" of the tourism circle that is down-to-earth and popular.

According to the big data provided by the Harbin Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, during the New Year's Day holiday, Harbin received a total of 3.0479 million tourists and achieved a total tourism income of 5.914 billion yuan, both reaching historical peaks. Not only Harbin, but also the entire Heilongjiang Province on New Year's Day cultural tourism has been booming - the province has received a total of 6.619 million tourists, a year-on-year increase of 173.7%, 18.4 percentage points higher than the national growth.

Erbin out of the circle (1)|Southern tourists go to the Northeast and encounter "sincere" nirvana......

Why Harbin? The answer is not difficult to solve.

As Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Academy, said in the latest signed article "Prosperity Begins——2023 Tourism Economy Review and 2024 Outlook": domestic tourism and national leisure in 2024 will enter a new stage of prosperity and development, and "cultural and tourism integration of new scenes, host and guest sharing of new life" has increasingly become a concept recognized by tourism investment institutions and market players.

From Citywalk, social exhibitions, tea brewing around the stove to temple fairs and ice and snow markets, visitors can feel "the warmth of fireworks in the world and the tranquility of Guotai and the people" in their daily life scenes.

In Dai Bin's view, the sharing of hosts and guests, near and far, is the traffic password for the development of contemporary tourism. Treat the guests as relatives and family members, welcome the foreign tourists from the south into their arms, and "cut the frozen pears to wait", Harbin uses the most straightforward language to share with the host and guest, and truly realizes the "near and far".

From the perspective of the industry, the new space for the host and guest to share a better life created by Harbin will also become a new driving force for the innovation and development of the tourism industry.

Expert Perspectives:

"Sincerity" is the best marketing for a tourist destination

Experts interviewed:

Wu Liyun is an associate professor at the Chinese Academy of Culture and Tourism Industry, Beijing Second University of Foreign Chinese

Erbin out of the circle (1)|Southern tourists go to the Northeast and encounter "sincere" nirvana......

Yangcheng Evening News: What do you think of Harbin's explosion out of the circle?

Wu Liyun: Harbin's explosion out of the circle reflects two major phenomena: first, in the era of self-media, as long as tourist destinations do a good job in products, services and attitudes towards tourists, every place may be "out of the circle";

Second, "sincerity" is always the nirvana of tourist destinations. For all destinations, being honest with every visitor can sometimes be more effective than a lot of marketing.

Yangcheng Evening News: Combined with the relevant practices of Harbin's local cultural and tourism departments, scenic spots and other tourism entities, what inspiration does Harbin's explosion have for the marketing of tourist destinations?

Wu Liyun: The inspiration of this event for tourism destination marketing is as follows:

The first is a timely and sincere response in the face of the crisis, which is a very important boost for Harbin to go out of the circle this time.

Although at the end of December last year and New Year's Day, Harbin's tourism popularity reached a peak, but we actually also paid attention to the fact that on December 18 last year, there was a refund incident in the Ice and Snow World, which was a crisis faced by Harbin at that time, but because it was dealt with and responded in a timely and sincere manner, it became a way of "circle traffic", because various service upgrades attracted a lot of tourists, thus contributing to the next wave of tourism explosion.

After the refund incident occurred in the Ice and Snow World, the relevant leaders of the local Bureau of Culture and Tourism went to the scene to supervise and urge the scenic spot to refund the tickets to tourists. A series of reactions have become a very important driving force for Harbin's follow-up heat. Such a treatment has allowed many tourists to see their sincerity, so it has not had a bad impact because of the refund incident, but has become a positive effect.

Erbin out of the circle (1)|Southern tourists go to the Northeast and encounter "sincere" nirvana......

The second is the continuous upgrading of products and services.

What has been actively promoted and "hot searched" in Harbin is not the traditional ice sculpture, skiing and other content, but some innovative content, such as "frozen pears are on the plate". Just because the southerners are more refined, the northeasterners have also begun to be refined, which is the upgrading of products and services.

This also includes some new content launched in the local area, such as hot air balloons on the ice, dark horse knights, artificial moon in Sophia Cathedral, hovercraft on the Songhua River...... All of this content was a small point in the past, and it was not enough to attract tourists to Harbin, but after tourists arrive in the Northeast and feel the ice and snow, such small highlights will become a plus, quickly spread and spread on the Internet, forming a high degree of topic.

The third is the improvement of public services and infrastructure.

Whether it's the heat in Harbin or the barbecue in Zibo before, we will find that the timely response of the local government to this rapid growth of tourists in terms of public services and infrastructure is a very important plus.

For Harbin, whether it is the construction of a "warm station" in Sophia Church Square, the extension of the operating hours of seven bus lines by the bus company, or the free distribution of "subway ferry tickets", these can reflect the local government's high attention to tourists and timely response to tourists' needs, such content is actually very good marketing. On the other hand, some places quickly take the opportunity to cut a wave of "leeks" after the heat rises, and it is naturally difficult for such tourist destinations to make everyone willing to spontaneously promote them.

Erbin out of the circle (1)|Southern tourists go to the Northeast and encounter "sincere" nirvana......

The fourth is to use a more down-to-earth marketing approach.

This contains two dimensions: the first dimension is when a large number of tourists arrive, Heilongjiang Province issued a "New Year's thank you letter to tourists and friends at home and abroad", such a thank you letter largely jumped out of the cold official written language that was common in the past, but used a lot of sentences that can make people feel sincere, such as they wrote: "We also know that tourism management services are endless, and there are still many things that need to be improved", in fact, it is to show sincerity, which is also a kind of marketing.

Including saying "This winter, your preaching has made many Longjiang people 'can't be rectified', which makes us move to tears", and this very interesting Internet language similar to "can't be rectified" will instantly shorten the distance between tourists and is very down-to-earth.

Such a letter of thanks, on the one hand, expressed the sincerity of the local cultural and tourism department, and at the same time took the opportunity to make a wave of recommendations for tourist destinations, including recommending tourists to travel to other places in Heilongjiang such as Hexiang in China, Shenzhou Arctic, and Damei Hegang in the letter...... A thank-you letter was written on multiple levels, and it gained waves of goodwill from tourists. Of course, the premise must be sincere, otherwise it may be counterproductive.

In the second dimension of down-to-earth marketing, we will find that Harbin has created a similar wave of traffic languages such as "Little Princess", "Little Golden Bean", "South and North Rub", etc., which will form some more word-of-mouth content, which is easier to attract attention and attract the attention of the public.

文、视频剪辑 | 记者 刘星彤图、视频素材 | 梁春梅(另署名除外)