
Wang Yibo was scolded and sparked a siege of the technical station? Three referees should not curse

author:Curry dunked the ball

Recently, during a match in the Chinese Men's Basketball Professional League (CBA), a rare offensive scene against the technical station was staged. After the game ended, the players of the Zhejiang team were quite excited, they united, resolutely resisted leaving the field, and chose to concentrate their forces in the technical station area, putting pressure and attacking the technical station staff. They rebuked the technical representatives in terms of rhetoric, especially Wu Qian and Cheng Shuaipeng, two players who behaved more fiercely, and even pointed at the technical representatives in the face and began to spit out bad words. Cheng Shuaipeng's emotions were even more boiling, and he went deep into the technical station, trying to find a reasonable explanation and asking for a solution to the matter as soon as possible, showing his firm attitude and determination.

Wang Yibo was scolded and sparked a siege of the technical station? Three referees should not curse

It is worth noting that the intensity of this match was unexpected, and it was full of saber-rattling atmosphere. The two teams were already deeply conflicted last season, and neither wanted to lose to their opponents. In order to claim victory, both teams adopted a tough defensive strategy, and tension permeated the whole stadium. During the game, Lu Pengyu and Yu Jiahao accidentally pressed Yu Jiahao's knee in the process of competing for the floor ball, which caused the unquenchable anger in Yu Jiahao's heart. He immediately stretched out his foot and kicked Lu Pengyu violently, which made the game more urgent and the possibility of mystery and change confusing.

Wang Yibo was scolded and sparked a siege of the technical station? Three referees should not curse

We have reason to understand the dissatisfaction of the Zhejiang players and their fierce opposition. In the course of the intense game, the players are fully focused and give it their all, and everyone wants to play at their best. When they find out that there has been an unfair or misjudgement, they are naturally indignant and disappointed. However, even if their emotions can be understood, attacking the tech desk is unacceptable. This kind of overly aggressive behavior will not only disrupt the smooth operation of the game, but also have an inevitable negative impact on the entire team.

Wang Yibo was scolded and sparked a siege of the technical station? Three referees should not curse

In the final stage of the game, Wang Yibo and Gu Quan had a fierce physical contact collision. Wang Yibo used a strong hug to try to control Gu Quan's actions, but in the entanglement between the two sides, Wang Yibo lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground. The referee decisively judged Wang Yibo's foul behavior, and in the face of this penalty result, Wang Yibo did not treat it calmly. He began to engage in a heated argument with the referee, and the verbal clash was tense and agitated. Referee Duan Zhu tried to alleviate the conflict, but Wang Yibo became emotional, pointed his finger at the assistant referee, and verbally insulted the latter. On the way back to the bench, despite his best efforts to suppress his emotions, he still couldn't control himself, pointing to the air along the way to express his displeasure, apparently on the verge of an outburst.

Wang Yibo was scolded and sparked a siege of the technical station? Three referees should not curse

So, why did the Zhejiang team wreak such havoc on the technical desk after the game? Was it just because they didn't want to lose the game? Or was it because the referee's decision was biased? All these doubts are not fabricated out of thin air. According to the news media, the deep-seated reason why the Zhejiang team besieged the technical station was mainly because the referee on duty carried out excessive abusive words and sentences to the team members when dealing with the details of the game. In other words, when the assistant referee in charge of field affairs ruled that Wang Yibo had committed a game foul due to his hug gesture towards Gu Quanquan, Wang Yibo planned to reason with the referee about the matter, but was offended by the referee's outrageous words. Undoubtedly, it was this series of inappropriate words and deeds that catalyzed the general dissatisfaction of all members of the Zhejiang team, and also became the fuse that ignited the ultimate drama of their siege of the technical station.

Wang Yibo was scolded and sparked a siege of the technical station? Three referees should not curse

In competitive sports, the referee's decision is often an important factor in determining the direction of the game. However, if a referee's behaviour goes beyond the normal scope of his profession, such as verbally insulting a player, then the decision is no longer just a matter of money, but involves many aspects of sportsmanship and professionalism. In light of this, it is not difficult to understand the motivation of the Zhejiang players to react in this way. They do so out of the need to protect themselves and their peers and challenge injustice.

Wang Yibo was scolded and sparked a siege of the technical station? Three referees should not curse

As a professional in the field of media, Zhang Zexin revealed the truth of the conflict between the Zhejiang men's basketball team after the game on major social media platforms, and according to his own account, the exact situation he learned was that the referee at that time inappropriately said to the player Wang Yibo, which caused the players in the court to be more emotional. However, some fans questioned this statement, believing that it may contain some false information. In response to this question, Comrade Zhang Zexin responded, reiterating that he would be extremely cautious in verifying the stated matters before publishing relevant articles, and would resolutely not easily publish any unverified false rumors.

Wang Yibo was scolded and sparked a siege of the technical station? Three referees should not curse

Regarding the conflict between the Zhejiang men's basketball team and the referee, some fans hold a similar view, believing that such phenomena are common in the CBA (China Men's Basketball Professional League) league and need to be properly resolved by all parties. They strongly called on referees to improve their professional quality and moral standards, and make every effort to reduce the existence of misjudgments and misjudgments, so as to create a more fair and just competitive atmosphere. At the same time, fans also hope that the players can deal with the disputes in the game more rationally, find a reasonable and legal way to express their self-interest, and prevent more destructive behaviors due to emotional out-of-control.

Wang Yibo was scolded and sparked a siege of the technical station? Three referees should not curse

In fact, the dispute between the Zhejiang men's basketball team and the referee is just a typical case of many disputes in the CBA league. As the highest level of basketball in mainland China, the CBA league still has many things that need to be improved. In addition to the referee problem, the league also needs to continue to make efforts in many aspects such as event management, club operation, and player training, so as to improve the league's level and competitiveness in an all-round way. Only in this way can it be expected to significantly promote the healthy development of China's basketball industry and dedicate more exciting, fair and just sports events with considerable quality to the vast number of viewers and friends who love basketball across the country.

Wang Yibo was scolded and sparked a siege of the technical station? Three referees should not curse

Insulting others is intolerable, regardless of the type of industry. In the course of sports competitions, both referees and athletes should remain calm and restrained, and try not to use any inappropriate or offensive language. If the referee makes improper accusations against the athletes, this kind of behavior is a serious professional irregularity, which is bound to have a bad impact on the fairness of the competition and the rights and interests of the athletes.

Wang Yibo was scolded and sparked a siege of the technical station? Three referees should not curse

In basketball, referees are not only responsible for enforcing the rules of the game and ensuring fairness, but also for the personal safety of each player. Therefore, it is important for players and coaching staff to respect the referee's decision, and if they have reservations about the referee's decision, they can choose to express their opinions in a proper way, rather than choose to vent their dissatisfaction through insults or attacks. When a referee makes inappropriate or offensive accusations against an athlete during the competition, the competition organizer shall immediately launch an investigation and take corresponding serious measures according to the actual situation. This series of punishment measures may include warnings, fines, temporary suspension of the competition, etc., so as to ensure the rigor and fairness of the competition and the effective protection of the interests of the athletes.

Wang Yibo was scolded and sparked a siege of the technical station? Three referees should not curse

In the face of this incident, Zhang Zexin's criticism is undoubtedly reasonable and appropriate. As referees, they should set an example by establishing good professional ethics and codes of conduct, and setting an example for all athletes and spectators. Referees should not use inappropriate or offensive language during the game, but should do their best to maintain the fair order of the game through firm, fair and professional attitude and action.

Wang Yibo was scolded and sparked a siege of the technical station? Three referees should not curse

In addition, we need to understand that judges are also ordinary people who live in the ordinary world, and they will also encounter moments of emotional ups and downs and emotional fluctuations. However, given their responsibility to deal with emergencies as professionals on the field, they must be able to handle stress enough to keep their emotions and emotions under control as much as possible. If the referee fails to properly control his emotions and emotional fluctuations, it will not only pose a serious threat to the fairness and impartiality of the game, but also damage the legitimate rights and interests of every athlete.

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