
Jia Ling appeared in Xu Juncong's new news, and she didn't lose 100 pounds at all, and it is suspected that the public relations team will hype it again

author:A little laughing little smiler

Xu Juncong's new news was exposed, and Jia Ling may become popular again

Jia Ling appeared in Xu Juncong's new news, and she didn't lose 100 pounds at all, and it is suspected that the public relations team will hype it again

Recently, Xu Juncong posted a mysterious news on social media, announcing that he and Jia Ling will co-star in the upcoming movie "Hot and Hot". However, as the news spread, netizens began to question whether Jia Ling's weight loss rumors were true.

Suspected weight loss rumors are untrue, the truth revealed!

According to the observation and comparison photos of netizens, although Jia Ling has indeed lost weight, this figure seems to be exaggerated compared with the previously rumored weight loss of 100 pounds. Sharp netizens began to wonder if Jia Ling's public relations team was hyping up her weight loss achievements, which sparked a lot of controversy and discussion.

Jia Ling appeared in Xu Juncong's new news, and she didn't lose 100 pounds at all, and it is suspected that the public relations team will hype it again

It is suspected that the public relations team attacked again, causing heat

As a popular comedian, Jia Ling's outstanding performance in the movie "Hello, Li Huanying" has won her wide attention and praise. And the release of the new movie "Hot and Hot" is bound to attract great attention. It is suspected that the public relations team has once again put a lot of effort into the topic of Jia Ling's weight loss, trying to arouse the public's curiosity through hype, so as to increase the exposure and box office results of the movie.

Jia Ling appeared in Xu Juncong's new news, and she didn't lose 100 pounds at all, and it is suspected that the public relations team will hype it again

Movie prediction: box office or another success!

Regardless of whether the suspected hype is true or not, Jia Ling's fame as a powerful actor has far exceeded the previous height. Coupled with the popularity of the actor Lei Jiayin, the box office of this movie is bound to attract the attention of many audiences. While it may be a bit premature to compare it to the box office record of "Hello, Lee Hwan Young", it is predicted that the film will not be inferior to the previous one's record at the box office.

Is Jia Ling true to lose 100 pounds? The public relations team hyped up the truth and revealed the secret! Can the box office of "Hot and Hot" surpass the good results of "Hello, Li Huanying"? Stay tuned! #热辣滚烫 #贾玲减肥秘籍 #贾玲新电影 #许君聪出演

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