
Part 2: "The Ugly Duckling" is suitable for 6-12 year old children to go to bed with 100 stories in a series

author:Macabaka children's dreams

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On a distant farm, there is an egg with a special shape, which is larger than the others. When this egg hatches, the ducklings born are different from other ducklings. It is larger than any other duck, and its coat color is gray, which is out of place with other golden ducks.

Part 2: "The Ugly Duckling" is suitable for 6-12 year old children to go to bed with 100 stories in a series

ugly duckling

Despite the fact that the ugly duckling looks like something different, none of the other animals on the farm are willing to play with it. It is seen as hoodoo, ostracized and ridiculed. The ugly duckling often feels lonely and lost, but it still has beautiful dreams in its heart.

Part 2: "The Ugly Duckling" is suitable for 6-12 year old children to go to bed with 100 stories in a series

The ugly duckling is lonely and lost

One day, a flock of swans flew past the farm. The ugly duckling looked at the swan's elegant posture and beautiful appearance, and was deeply envious in his heart. It couldn't help but sigh, "If only I could be as beautiful as a swan, how nice it would be!"

Just then, a kind swan noticed the ugly duckling. When it saw the ugly duckling alone, it couldn't help but feel pity. So, the swan went up and befriended the ugly duckling. The ugly duckling finally has a real friend.

Part 2: "The Ugly Duckling" is suitable for 6-12 year old children to go to bed with 100 stories in a series

The ugly duckling is happy to have a swan friend

Accompanied by the swans, the ugly duckling gradually became confident. It begins to learn to appreciate its own uniqueness and realizes that each creature has its own unique beauty.

When autumn comes, the swan invites the ugly ducklings to go south for the winter. On the lake in the south, the ugly duckling finds itself transformed into a beautiful white swan. It turned out that it had always been a swan, only to be mistaken for a regular duck.

Part 2: "The Ugly Duckling" is suitable for 6-12 year old children to go to bed with 100 stories in a series

The ugly duckling grew up to be a white swan

This story teaches us that each person has their own unique beauty and value. Although we may be ostracized and ridiculed for being different, as long as we stick to our dreams and beliefs, we will one day show our own beauty.