
Honor 90 GT Signal Test: How Much Improvement Does the Self-developed Independent RF Enhancement Chip Bring?

Honor 90 GT Signal Test: How Much Improvement Does the Self-developed Independent RF Enhancement Chip Bring?

When it comes to Honor mobile phones, I believe most friends will pay more attention to its performance, screen and body design, after all, this is also the focus of our usual writing reviews, but there are also some more difficult parts that are closely related to our daily use experience, such as signal.

Honor 90 GT Signal Test: How Much Improvement Does the Self-developed Independent RF Enhancement Chip Bring?

To enhance this part of the experience, the Honor 90 GT even has a built-in self-developed RF-enhanced C1 chip. Relying on Honor's self-developed smart antenna scheduling algorithm, this chip has systematically verified 9000+ network scenarios around the world, and it realizes the perception of the working status of each communication subsystem, and can track it in microseconds, so as to achieve real-time adjustment when necessary to ensure the best antenna efficiency.

Honor 90 GT Signal Test: How Much Improvement Does the Self-developed Independent RF Enhancement Chip Bring?

Theoretically, the addition of this chip can greatly improve the signal performance of the Honor 90 GT, and the transmission revenue of the mobile communication antenna can be increased by 17%, and the reception income can be increased by up to 35%.

On the other hand, it can help the Honor 90 GT achieve "six networks synergy" between Wi-Fi 2.4G and 5G bands, as well as dual-SIM 4G and 5G networks, and make the most appropriate switching when needed.

Honor 90 GT Signal Test: How Much Improvement Does the Self-developed Independent RF Enhancement Chip Bring?

Take our daily usage scenarios as an example, when leaving the Wi-Fi at home, it can switch to the phone's own mobile network as soon as possible, ensuring that games or videos are not stuttering and ensuring a good experience at all times.

Honor 90 GT Signal Test: How Much Improvement Does the Self-developed Independent RF Enhancement Chip Bring?

With all that said, how does the Honor 90 GT actually perform? We have found a few special scenarios and tested them with China Unicom cards and mobile cards, let's take a look at its communication signal performance in different scenarios.

First of all, in a more conventional outdoor, the signal performance of the Honor 90 GT is really good, in our outdoor, where the signal performance is relatively average, the mobile card also has a signal performance of -68dBm, and the Unicom card has reached a very good -54dBm, and the overall signal is indeed very good.

Honor 90 GT Signal Test: How Much Improvement Does the Self-developed Independent RF Enhancement Chip Bring?

With this relatively basic comparison project, let's raise the difficulty again, come to the subway station to see the performance of Honor, in the subway, we can see that the Honor 90 GT can still maintain the 5G network of the two cards, and the signal strength of the mobile card has come to -73dBm, and the signal of the Unicom card is still maintained at a good -64dBm, which is still quite good.

Honor 90 GT Signal Test: How Much Improvement Does the Self-developed Independent RF Enhancement Chip Bring?

Let's take it a step further and take a look at the stairwell with worse coverage. In this environment, the signal of the Honor 90 GT is very monitory, and the signal of the mobile card is still maintained at -69dBm, but the type falls into the 4G network, while the signal strength of the Unicom card is very close, reaching -71dBm, which is still maintained in the 5G network. It can be seen that even in the face of more difficult conditions, the Honor 90 GT can maintain a relatively stable signal level.

Honor 90 GT Signal Test: How Much Improvement Does the Self-developed Independent RF Enhancement Chip Bring?

Judging by the above review scenarios, the Honor 90 GT still performs quite well. This set of tests is actually very close to our commuting process, and the Honor 90 GT has a good signal in the subway station, and when it comes to the outdoors, it can also quickly switch to a smoother mobile network;

Honor 90 GT Signal Test: How Much Improvement Does the Self-developed Independent RF Enhancement Chip Bring?

However, it should also be noted that although the Honor 90 GT can achieve rapid switching and continuous network stability between different scenarios, we also recommend that you try to use your mobile phone as little as possible during walking and other mobile processes.

Honor 90 GT Signal Test: How Much Improvement Does the Self-developed Independent RF Enhancement Chip Bring?

A standalone signal RF booster chip is only a small part of the selling point of the Honor 90 GT. Don't forget,It's also a good performance、Feeling light and thin, and eye protection and good screen"Performance dominance"Mobile phone,Excellent signal is just a part of this good experience,In daily use,Other good configurations and MagicOS system will also bring more details and good experience,And on this basis,Its pricing has come to 2699 yuan,At present, there is a discount of 100 yuan for placing an order,It only costs 2599 yuan to get it。

If you're looking to get a high-performance phone with a stable gaming experience, from frame rate to power consumption, to signal, I believe the Honor 90 GT can be one of the best choices for you.

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