
Praise public welfare, build a new journey of dreams, Yingshang Heart to Heart Volunteer Association New Year Literary and Art Commendation Conference

author:SJ Horizon

On January 21, 24, the cold wind was bitter, and the lecture hall of the first elementary school in Yingshang County was warm. The annual commendation meeting and Spring Festival Gala of Yingshang County Heart-to-Heart Volunteer Association were grandly opened here. Zheng Guanming, former director of the Standing Committee of the Yingshang County People's Congress, Jiang Jie, deputy director of the County People's Congress, and Jiang Peng, Secretary of the Party Group of the County People's Congress. Leaders of the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, the County Federation of Trade Unions, the County Civilization Committee, the Customs Working Committee, the Civil Affairs Bureau, the County Letters and Visits, the County Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Youth League and County Committee, the County Financial Media Center, the County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and other units. More than 500 people participated in this unprecedented event. Fuyang Daily and Fuyang TV were invited to participate in the party. The scale of this party is grand, the participants are wide, and the level of theatrical performances is high. The county financial media center broadcast the whole event live.

Praise public welfare, build a new journey of dreams, Yingshang Heart to Heart Volunteer Association New Year Literary and Art Commendation Conference

1. The conference kicked off in the cheerful dragon lantern performance, and the dragon lantern team of Yingshang County Heart-to-Heart Volunteer Association performed a wonderful performance. Yang Chuanwu, president of the Yingshang County Heart-to-Heart Volunteer Association, delivered a New Year's message, saying: In 2023, the Heart-to-Heart Volunteer Association and Fuyang Yang Chuanwu Model Worker Studio have done a lot of work. First, in the county, the county has helped the poor, helped the disabled and helped students, cared for left-behind children, mentally handicapped children, lonely and widowed elderly, disabled people, condolences to nursing homes, and did more than 30 love activities, with more than 600 subsidized personnel. donated more than 200,000 yuan to the society, which was highly praised and praised by the people;

Praise public welfare, build a new journey of dreams, Yingshang Heart to Heart Volunteer Association New Year Literary and Art Commendation Conference

2. In the past year, the model worker studio has preached more than 50 times in the county, the province, and even the whole country into the organs, the judiciary, the township, the community, the factory and the mine, and the school, and the number of people listening to the report has reached more than 16,000 people. In high school, junior high school, and elementary school, he preached laws and regulations, prevented juvenile delinquency, prevented school bullying, and psychological counseling for juveniles, amounted to more than 30 sessions, and educated more than 50,000 teenagers and children, constantly transmitting positive energy to the society, which caused a strong resonance in the society!!

Praise public welfare, build a new journey of dreams, Yingshang Heart to Heart Volunteer Association New Year Literary and Art Commendation Conference

3, in June this year, under the cordial care of the secretary of Yingshang County Magistrate, combined with the experience of Fengqiao, Zhejiang, the county party committee and government on the basis of the model worker studio, set up the Yingshang County Petition Stability Maintenance Gold Medal Mediation Room, a group of people, the mediation room, tirelessly, a table, a chair, a cup of tea, a smile, so that there is a welcome, to have a voice, mediation is not good to apologize, adhere to the reason to convince people, to move people, to change people with heart, to touch people, to do their ideological work patiently and meticulously, so far, the letter and visit gold mediation room, under the direct leadership of the County Political and Legal Committee, the County Letters and Visits Bureau, the County People's Congress, the County Customs Working Committee, the County Federation of Trade Unions, the strong support of the townshipsIt has successfully mediated more than 40 complex cases left over from the county's history, Beijing visits, and provincial visits, all of which have reached the end of the lawsuit.

Praise public welfare, build a new journey of dreams, Yingshang Heart to Heart Volunteer Association New Year Literary and Art Commendation Conference

Participated in the mediation of more than 100 general cases by the petition department, and the success rate of mediation reached 70 percent. It has been fully affirmed and highly praised by the leaders at higher levels and relevant departments, and the common people have all applauded! The Chinese People's Net, Xin'an Evening News, Fuyang Daily, Yingzhou Evening News, Anhui Daily, Today's Headlines, Study to Strengthen the Country, Yingshang Television Station, and Fuyang Television Station have all carried out continuous reports! This has aroused strong resonance in society! It has solved difficult problems, troubles, worries, and worries for the people, and solved difficult problems, and has completely broken the last mile of the people's difficulty in petitioning and petitioning. It has maintained the stability and unity of the society, made the due contribution of the gold medal mediation room, and submitted a satisfactory answer to the county party committee, county government and relevant departments!

Praise public welfare, build a new journey of dreams, Yingshang Heart to Heart Volunteer Association New Year Literary and Art Commendation Conference

4, Xiongguan Mandao is really like iron, and now we are stepping forward from the beginning, on the road of public welfare, there is only a starting point, no end. Good people emerge one after another, models rush to be the first, and love volunteers rush to sign up to join the love team. This just proves that today, our era has progressed, science has developed, the motherland has become strong, and the people have become rich.

"Model workers are the elite of the nation, the model of the people, and the heroes of the republic." A good person is a flag, a model worker is a lighthouse. I believe that as long as all of us dedicate a little love, our society and our country will usher in a more brilliant and happy tomorrow!

Praise public welfare, build a new journey of dreams, Yingshang Heart to Heart Volunteer Association New Year Literary and Art Commendation Conference

For the rapid economic development of Damei Yingshang and the beautiful and happy life of the people, all volunteers will bow their heads and be willing to do good deeds, do good deeds, and do what the people need us to do. As the leader of the association, I will live up to my mission, live up to my time, forge ahead, and move forward with heavy burdens. On the road of public welfare, no matter how far the road ahead, how high the mountain is, how deep the water is, and how difficult the road is, I will lead this team to race in the wind and rain, grow up in the years, shine in the sun, be strong in the tribulation, and dedicate my precious life and life to the people and society with more high morale, more full of passion, more solid style, and more pragmatic dedication!

Praise public welfare, build a new journey of dreams, Yingshang Heart to Heart Volunteer Association New Year Literary and Art Commendation Conference

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