
No. 481 Tepid Joke Three - Shortbread Shortbread Custom Beer Friendship Tips: The content is sometimes very general, don't pay special attention to like comments, just be happy, the picture comes from the Internet!

author:Xiaoice funny
No. 481 Tepid Joke Three - Shortbread Shortbread Custom Beer Friendship Tips: The content is sometimes very general, don't pay special attention to like comments, just be happy, the picture comes from the Internet!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > shortbread</h1>

When I was a child, I didn't hold my pants in class, but fortunately it wasn't thin and didn't flow out.

Just sat like this for an afternoon, not daring to move. It wasn't until after school in the afternoon that I carefully returned home, and when I entered the back room, I quickly took off my cotton pants, and the thing fell out with a click, at this time, my father just came over...

As soon as he looked at the things on the ground, he immediately became angry: "Stinky boy! Why steal my money to buy shortbread! ”

Xiaoice: You have to argue with reason, pull again, and make a similar one!

No. 481 Tepid Joke Three - Shortbread Shortbread Custom Beer Friendship Tips: The content is sometimes very general, don't pay special attention to like comments, just be happy, the picture comes from the Internet!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > custom</h1>

During the New Year, the damaged friend goes to the target's house for the New Year, and gives cigarettes and alcohol to the elders according to the custom.

The elders, who are drunk orangutans, kindly warn their friends that young people smoke less and are prone to lung cancer.

In order to pull in the relationship with the elders, the friend sincerely shook the hand of the elder and said: It is all right, I do not want to be born on the same day of the same month of the same year, but I hope to die on the same day of the same month of the same year.

Xiaoice: Oh ~ this boy, the road is quite wild!

No. 481 Tepid Joke Three - Shortbread Shortbread Custom Beer Friendship Tips: The content is sometimes very general, don't pay special attention to like comments, just be happy, the picture comes from the Internet!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > beer</h1>

The instructor yelled at us very sternly, "Who drank beer last night?" No one dared to admit it, so the instructor suddenly raised the tone by an octave, "I ask you, who drank beer last night?" Finally someone couldn't hold back and whispered, "Instructor, I drank." The instructor was immediately furious and solemnly admonished: "After drinking beer, why don't you return the beer bottle to others?" ”

Xiaoice: The commissary was opened by your daughter-in-law, don't return the bottle to nag you for one night!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > friendship tips: the content is sometimes very general, do not pay special attention to like comments, happy, the picture comes from the network! </h1>

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