
Winter is suitable for playing in the snow, and the southerners who are ready to set off to play in the snow should quickly accept the anti-freezing strategy!

author:Blessing the little ark

When it snows in winter, it is not the natives of the north who are the happiest, but the "little potatoes" of the south.

This year, there is a craze for watching snow, and southerners who have never seen snow will naturally not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play in the snow, and the streets of Harbin are occupied by a group of "little potatoes" from the south.

Winter is suitable for playing in the snow, and the southerners who are ready to set off to play in the snow should quickly accept the anti-freezing strategy!

However, the winter in the north is not only very cold, but also very slippery on the ground, which is easy to be dangerous! Therefore, if you want to play in the snow with confidence, this strategy should be prepared in advance!

1. Keep warm

When you go outside to play in the snow, be sure to add enough warm clothes, clothes should not only be warm, but also close to the body, and must not be demeanor or temperature.

You should also prepare a cotton hat and waterproof gloves when playing in the snow to avoid frostbite. If your hands feel frozen, don't burn them right away, but rub them vigorously with your hands to help you recover.

Winter is suitable for playing in the snow, and the southerners who are ready to set off to play in the snow should quickly accept the anti-freezing strategy!

2. Exercise appropriately

Due to the thick clothes you wear in winter, if you do a lot of exercise, it is easy to sweat, and if you sweat too much and blow cold wind, it is easy to catch a cold.

Moderate exercise is sufficient in winter, not vigorous exercise.

Winter is suitable for playing in the snow, and the southerners who are ready to set off to play in the snow should quickly accept the anti-freezing strategy!

3. Beware of frostbite

The dry weather in the snowy areas is accompanied by cold winds. Skin that has been exposed to cold winds for a long time is prone to dryness and cracking.

Before going out, you should prepare for skin care and apply skin care products with a high degree of moisture to your exposed skin to avoid frostbite.

Winter is suitable for playing in the snow, and the southerners who are ready to set off to play in the snow should quickly accept the anti-freezing strategy!

4. Be careful of slipping

The road is slippery in snowy weather, so it is best to wear warm non-slip shoes when you go out, and do not go too fast to prevent you from falling, whether you are walking or riding.

If you accidentally fall, you can withdraw your hands and slide forward with the force, or help your head and face with both hands, shrink the group, roll forward and backward left and right with the force, and land on the side of the whole body to increase the force area. Both of these practices reduce the risk of fractures.

Winter is suitable for playing in the snow, and the southerners who are ready to set off to play in the snow should quickly accept the anti-freezing strategy!

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