
Why does the male nose hair come out? What does the vigorous growth of the nose hair mean?

author:Department of Nephrology, Zhang Hongtao

Mr. Liu, 30, is an ordinary office worker, and like most men, Mr. Liu's body has a relatively vigorous growth of hairs such as leg hair and sweat hair, and even a few small nose hairs will burst out of his nostrils from time to time.

In this regard, Mr. Liu had a little "appearance anxiety", and began to try various methods such as "nose hair glue and tweezers to pluck nose hair" to limit the growth of nose hair and ensure that his appearance was not affected.

But what makes Mr. Liu more angry is that no matter what kind of method is used to pluck the nose hair, the process is always "very sour", but within a few days of plucking, the nose hair will spring up from the nostrils like mushrooms after a rain.

So why do most men grow nose hair so vigorously, and does it affect the body to deal with the nose hair that often pops out of the nostrils?

Why does the male nose hair come out? What does the vigorous growth of the nose hair mean?

1. What exactly does nose hair do? Let's hear what the doctor has to say

The nose hair that we are all too familiar with is, in simple terms, the more important hairs on the skin around the anterior nasal chamber of the nasal cavity.

It is important not only because it is a tactile accessory located in the nasal cavity, but also an appendage structure of the skin, which has a protective effect on our nasal cavity and the entire respiratory system.

First of all, the nose hair, as the first protective barrier of the entire respiratory tract, can play a role in "ensuring air quality" for all the air we breathe every day.

According to relevant research data, our human body breathes about 10,000 liters of air every day, and nose hair can not only resist small flying insects in the air and particles larger than PM50, that is, more than 10 microns into the nasal cavity.

At the same time, it can also play a good role in blocking most of the bacteria and dust carried in the air, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, to ensure that the air inhaled by the human body is relatively clean.

Why does the male nose hair come out? What does the vigorous growth of the nose hair mean?

Secondly, for the bacteria attached to the nasal cavity, although the nasal hair does not effectively block them, it will sweep the bacteria into the gastrointestinal tract of the body in its own swing, accelerating the speed of bacteria being killed by digestive enzymes in the body, so as to effectively prevent respiratory diseases.

In addition, there are abundant hair follicles under the nose hair covering the anterior nasal court, and healthy hair follicles will keep the nasal cavity in a constant temperature environment because of their good heat dissipation function, and the nasal hair can play a certain role in filtering the "cold" in the cold air, greatly reducing the irritation of the nasal mucosa.

Under the action of the above two protective mechanisms, it can not only ensure the temperature and humidity of the nasal mucosa, but also avoid diseases and symptoms such as dry rhinitis and nasal dry bleeding, which greatly ensures the health of the nasal cavity.

In short, nose hair plays an important role in relieving nasal discomfort and ensuring respiratory health, but why do many men grow too much nose hair and come out of their nostrils from time to time?

Why does the male nose hair come out? What does the vigorous growth of the nose hair mean?

Second, men's nose hair is too vigorous and always "runs out"? It means that you should pay attention to these aspects, you may wish to understand

1. Vigorous androgen secretion

The male hormones in the male body will directly act on the hair follicles of all hairs to promote the development of hair follicles, including the hair follicles of nose hair, and male hormones will have a certain stimulating effect on the division and proliferation of hair mother cells.

The hair mother cell we mentioned here is actually a special structure that dominates hair growth at the end of the hair follicle, and the male hair growth is more and less, long or short is completed by the division and reproduction of the structure, and its function is mainly stimulated by male hormones, and the relationship between the two is positively correlated.

That is to say, if the male hormone secretion is excessive, resulting in an increase in hormone levels, the greater the stimulation of the hair mother cells in the nose hair follicle, the more frequent its division and proliferation, and the more vigorous the nose hair will grow.

In this regard, we must make it clear that if the male hormone secretion level in the male body is too high, it is not a good thing. On the one hand, it is because male hormones increase the activity of 5α reductase in hair follicles, which leads to atrophy of hair follicles and increases the risk of seborrheic alopecia.

Why does the male nose hair come out? What does the vigorous growth of the nose hair mean?

On the other hand, it is because male hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands of the skin, causing the body to secrete a large amount of oil, which increases the risk of acne. Therefore, if men find that their nose hair is always "channeling", don't just care about what it does to your appearance, but pay too much attention to your physical health.

2. Irritation of the nasal cavity

When we talk about stimulation here, we mainly mean smoking.

Tobacco contains a large number of more than 60 harmful ingredients and carcinogens such as nicotine and tobacco tar, and these components will be converted into smoke and inhaled by the human body after tobacco is ignited.

If the nasal cavity is stimulated by smoke gases, the hair follicles of the nose hair will undergo a very "subtle" change. We said earlier that nose hairs filter out harmful components, and this mechanism is just as effective against smoke:

After the hair follicle senses the stimulation of tobacco gas, it will turn on a greater filtration function in order to reduce the damage of harmful components to the nasal cavity, that is, the hair follicle will grow more or longer nose hair on its own, so as to protect the entire respiratory tract.

Therefore, it is recommended that men who love to smoke quit smoking as soon as possible, and the vigorous nose hair that comes out of the nostrils may be the "alarm" that sounded before the health of the body is threatened.

Why does the male nose hair come out? What does the vigorous growth of the nose hair mean?

3. Frequent nose picking

I believe that many people have the habit of picking their noses, but we must understand that frequent nose picking will also stimulate the growth of nose hair.

First of all, the action of picking the nostrils will have a "massage" effect, which will gradually increase the blood circulation speed and circulation in the nasal hair follicles, and accelerate the growth of nasal hair. Secondly, frequent nose picking can easily cause nose hair to fall out, and after nose hair falls out, hair follicles will accelerate the growth rate of nose hair.

Therefore, it is recommended that people who have this habit of "not conducive to nasal health" should change this action as soon as possible, and no matter what kind of stimulus makes the nose hair "come out", do not pluck it at will, because these actions may bring greater health risks to the body.

Why does the male nose hair come out? What does the vigorous growth of the nose hair mean?

3. Habit of plucking nose hair and picking nose nostrils?It's time to change, research shows that doing these two actions regularly may increase the risk of dementia

According to an experiment conducted by an Australian medical research team published in Scientific Reports, researchers took laboratory mice as test subjects, and after inoculating their nasal mucosa with the pathogenic bacterium Chlamydia pneumoniae, they began a 28-day observation, and found that:

• After 7 and 28 days of inoculation, Chlamydia pneumoniae has spread to peripheral nerve and central glial cells and caused the accumulation of β amyloid in mice.

Know that β amyloid is a key factor in Alzheimer's disease, and if its cumulative levels are rising, it means that the risk of dementia may be increasing.

Why does the male nose hair come out? What does the vigorous growth of the nose hair mean?

As for the chlamydia pneumoniae we just mentioned, as an important bacterium that causes pneumonia, it is mainly transmitted through the air and droplets. And the experiment also confirmed one point:

If Chlamydia pneumoniae comes into contact with the nasal mucosa, it flexibly uses this nerve between the nasal cavity and the brain as a critical path to invade the body, which can not only cause respiratory diseases such as asthma, but also may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, Professor James, the main person in charge of the experiment, has publicly stated that in view of the results of the experiment, we now have one more measure to prevent Alzheimer's disease, that is, try not to pick the nose and pluck the nose hair frequently, so as to form a good protection for the nasal mucosa against pathogenic bacteria.

Otherwise, it may not only cause damage to the nasal mucosa, but also expose the olfactory nerve in the nasal cavity directly to the air, making it easier for pathogenic bacteria like Chlamydia pneumoniae to "invade" the brain, which may lay a "time bomb" for the risk of late-onset Alzheimer's disease after the age of 65.

Why does the male nose hair come out? What does the vigorous growth of the nose hair mean?

Doctor concludes

In short, rapid growth of nasal hair may be a problem for most men, but we recommend that the relevant groups, regardless of the factor that causes the rapid growth of nasal hair, can be pruned when dealing with it, and try not to "pluck" it, so as to avoid greater damage to the nasal mucosa.


[1] Chlamydia pneumoniae can infect the central nervous system through the olfactory and trigeminal nerves and contribute to the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Scientific reports

[2] Yang X, Huang J, et al. Correlation between Excessive Nose Hair and Endocrine Level in Men[J]. Journal of Clinical Dermatology.