
Pay homage to the remains of the people's leaders and spread the glorious thoughts of great men

author:Dongfanghong commented

Original Liu Jihua

I am a staunch patriot, a passionate admirer of the great leader Chairman Mao, and a persistent promoter of Mao Zedong Thought.

On the occasion of the 110th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth, he paid tribute to the chairman's face for the first time, which made people's hearts surging and tears flowed.

Pay homage to the remains of the people's leaders and spread the glorious thoughts of great men

Chairman Mao is a true leader of the people, he has the people in his heart, and he has always loved the people deeply.

He is hard and simple, cares about the people, does not engage in specialness, and does not engage in enjoyment.

At the founding ceremony, Chairman Mao wore a woolen sweater with seven holes under his Mao tunic jacket, which is unimaginable to ordinary people. Before, the staff around him really couldn't stand it, and suggested that the chairman change to a new sweater, he didn't can't afford it, and it wasn't that the country lacked a sweater, but he insisted on wearing an old sweater with many drops and holes, and resolutely refused to buy a new sweater. He also knew that he had to set an example, and if he took the lead in wearing a new dress, the people below would wear two or three pieces, and then the people below would wear ten or eight pieces, and so on, and so on, and they would forget the original intention of the communists.

During the three years of hardship, he suffered with the people, starved together, insisted on not eating meat for seven months, and even if his face was swollen due to lack of nutrition, he insisted on overcoming the difficulties with the people and cutting back on food and clothing.

Pay homage to the remains of the people's leaders and spread the glorious thoughts of great men

Liu Yiqing, a writer of the Southern Dynasties, once said: "Be clear, cautious, and diligent for officials and elders." If you cultivate these three, why can't you cure any trouble?"

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao extended the "three principles of family style" for educating children and spurring oneself on these three points: love relatives not for favoritism, remember the old and do not seek benefits for the old, and help relatives not support relatives.

He leads by example, is upright, adheres to principles, and never favoritism.

The traditional idea of one son enlightening the Tao and nine tribes is not only a general consensus, but also a historical stubborn disease.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, many villagers went to Beijing to find his old man's home, wanting to solve the job for his children, and wanted to make a fortune, Chairman Mao politely invited the villagers to a meal with his own salary, and then explained the reason, sternly rejected everyone's unreasonable demands, and advised everyone to keep to themselves, and strive for it with their own efforts, Mao Zedong will never open the back door.

Martyr Yang Kaihui is not only Chairman Mao's first love, but also a deeply affectionate wife, and also gave birth to three sons for Chairman Mao. After Yang Kaihui was captured and imprisoned by the enemy, in the face of severe torture, she was unyielding and unswerving, and in the face of coercion and temptation, she was righteous and unmoved. On November 14, 1930, Yang Kaihui was brutally killed by the enemy at the age of 29. Chairman Mao has always felt indebted to Yang Kaihui and often blamed himself.

Pay homage to the remains of the people's leaders and spread the glorious thoughts of great men

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yang Kaizhi wrote a letter to the chairman with great hope, wanting to find a job as the director of the department. Because he is not only Yang Kaihui's brother, but also Chairman Mao's old friend. He had close contacts with Chairman Mao during middle school and college, and established a deep friendship. In addition, after leaving school, he used his personal savings to support the revolutionary activities of the chairman, and at the same time actively covered the chairman's actions to ensure the safety of the chairman. After Yang Kaihui's death, he risked his life to quietly take his three nephews home, and transferred them to Shanghai the following year. Although, Chairman Mao felt deeply guilty about Yang Kaihui, and he was also very grateful to Yang Kaizhi. However, he was very disgusted with the bad habit of being an official and ascending to heaven, and set an example with practical actions, always warning the people around him not to bend the law for personal gain and not to engage in nepotism. In the end, the chairman rejected him.

On October 9, 1949, the chairman sent a telegram to the chairman of the Hunan Provincial Government, saying that Yang Kaizhi and others should not be allowed to go to Beijing, and that they would be assigned jobs in Changsha according to their abilities, and that they should refuse all unreasonable demands. As a martyr, Yang Kaihui's mother can help appropriately if she has difficulties in life.

Pay homage to the remains of the people's leaders and spread the glorious thoughts of great men

Chairman Mao also called Yang Kaizhi, hoping that he would cooperate with the competent work assigned by the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, not to embarrass the Hunan government, to dispel all extravagant hopes, not to go to Beijing, and to follow the rules in everything.

Regarding Yang Kaizhi's request, the chairman only met the requirements of Yang Kaihui's mother's martyrs for proper care, and the rest categorically refused, making a good start for breaking through the "family relationship" and making an example.

According to the statistics of "Mao Zedong Annals", from October 1949 to the end of December 1953, the chairman received and replied to about 170 letters from relevant relatives, involving about 150 relatives and friends.

In the face of the bombardment of letters by the "relatives group", Chairman Mao made it clear that all his relatives would not be seen when they came to Beijing, and no matter who asked the organization to solve their work problems, they would all refuse. He himself is: no recommendation, no introduction, no speech.

The chairman said: Our party's policy is to appoint people on the basis of merit and reject nepotism.

As for the proud and disobedient relatives in his own family, the chairman wrote a letter to the government of his hometown, saying that it is wrong for his own relatives to be proud and disobedient, and that anyone in the Wen family (the chairman's mother's family) should be the same as all the villagers, and do not dare to discipline you just because you are my relatives.

Pay homage to the remains of the people's leaders and spread the glorious thoughts of great men

Chairman Mao was so strict with himself, never showing favoritism for his relatives, and going through the back door, because he had thousands of toiling people and hundreds of millions of people across the country in his heart, and he wanted to truly fulfill his promise of "serving the people wholeheartedly".

There is no harm without contrast, and there is no high and low without comparison.

Look at the crony wind now, the climbing tide today. Let's not talk about anything else, just casually find a few cadres with real power at the county and department level to see how many of their relatives and friends have been wiped out and made rich.

Pay homage to the remains of the people's leaders and spread the glorious thoughts of great men

In real life, it is common to encounter such a situation, when someone complacently says that he knows an important member of a certain central department or a certain senior official in Beijing, and he went to Beijing to visit everyone and everyone, and entrusted him with a difficult matter, which was quickly completed. or solved the job in Beijing for his children, or was entrusted by someone to take a shortcut and was promoted, or got the favor to give the green light on a certain project...... This is definitely a good thing, a great good thing for those who have received favors in detail! But for the masses of the people, it is a bad thing, a very bad thing! Because it is too easy for a person in a high position to accomplish a thing, that is, to nod his head to his entourage, to show a glance, or to solve it with a single phone call. However, these things use the resources of the masses and squeeze the living space of the people. If everyone is looking for connections, seeking high-ranking officials, and clinging to the powerful, then what can the many ordinary people who do not know the powerful do? Giving special care to a few people is an injustice to the vast majority of the people. With only relatives in their hearts and no broad masses of the people, this kind of official's mind is selfish and narrow-minded, which is not only the difference between mountains and hills, but also the difference between leaders and politicians.

Pay homage to the remains of the people's leaders and spread the glorious thoughts of great men

Therefore, looking for powerful people who have done private affairs and sought personal interests boast and are shameless are not only smearing the face of the leaders but also ruining the image of the party and the government; and the leaders who have opened the back door have only personal feelings and selfish intentions, but they have no public, no people, and no feelings for the people, and they are doomed to be bad officials and bad politicians.

I am an ordinary party member who sincerely loves the people's leader, and I am also a commoner who loves the party, the country, and my family, and I do my best in my spare time to promote the excellent traditional culture and Mao Zedong Thought.

In today's society, people generally pursue benefits and advocate fame and fortune, many people have forgotten Mao Zedong Thought, and many young generations are even more unfamiliar with Mao Zedong Thought, and the Chinese nation must carry forward the great Mao Zedong Thought in order to develop healthily, realize the Chinese dream, and realize the rise of China, which is the only correct path, and there is no other way.

The stones of its mountains can attack jade, and the words of non-friends can wake up. We can cite the views of the national elites who most want China to fall as a testament to the necessity and importance of Chairman Mao's incomparable greatness and eternal exaltation of Mao Zedong Thought.

Pay homage to the remains of the people's leaders and spread the glorious thoughts of great men

U.S. President Richard Nixon said: "Chairman Mao was a great man full of ideological vitality, and no matter what people think of Mao, no one can deny that he was a fighter who fought to the last breath." ”

Japanese Prime Minister Gerald Ford said: "Chairman Mao is a giant in China's modern history, and his influence on history will extend far beyond China's borders." ”

An instructor at the US Military Academy at West Point bluntly said that the US military is not afraid of the modernization of the Chinese armed forces, but of the Maoization of the Chinese armed forces.

In 2016, before the 123rd anniversary of the chairman's birth, the author began to write articles in memory of Chairman Mao; in 2021, around the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, he began to write a series of important meetings on the Long March, praising the great achievements of the people's leaders; in 2022, before the 129th anniversary of the chairman's birth, he wrote 10 consecutive series of articles in memory of Chairman Mao's outstanding achievements in his life; in recent years, he has written forty or fifty articles praising the great leader Chairman Mao; in 2023, before the 130th anniversary of the chairman's birth, he wrote several articles in memory of Chairman Mao, and selected more than a dozen articles written before and reposted them in the circle of friends.

Pay homage to the remains of the people's leaders and spread the glorious thoughts of great men

On December 31, 2023, I made a special trip to the capital to pay respects to the remains of the beloved great leader Chairman Mao for the third time! After making an appointment, on the morning of January 2, 2024, I went to the Chairman's Memorial Hall, and after four queues and four security checks, I could finally pay my respects to the remains of the chairman.

On the side of the chairman's crystal coffin, he took off his hat and bowed three times, pondered for a long time, and had many things to confide in the chairman, but he didn't know where to start for a while, only tears welled up in his eyes...... How I hope that the chairman can open his eyes to see the beautiful life today and also look at the people he has single-handedly built...... Due to time constraints, he could only stay in the chairman's memorial hall for a short time, and after he came out, he improvised on the guest book: "The people's leader and the people love, and sincerely miss Chairman Mao." ”

The leaders of the people are loved by the people, and the great men are young through the ages.

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