
Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

author:Fushan District Rong Media Center

According to Uncle Jiu's observation, there have always been two opposing factions in the matter of sleeping:

One is the naked sleeping faction, who believes in "the more you take off, the more fragrant you sleep", and when asked about the "reason for sleeping naked", he can immediately name 100 benefits.

The dressers, on the other hand, are firmly on the opposite side, believing that sleeping naked can bring health problems.

So, which is better, sleeping in clothes or sleeping naked? Uncle Jiu will analyze and analyze it today.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits
Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits
Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

Our body has a mature "sleep temperature control mechanism", whether it is day or night, when you are ready to fall asleep, the body will automatically lower your core temperature to help you fall asleep. It can be said that the faster the core temperature drops, the easier it is for a person to fall asleep (of course, if it is too cold, it will not be able to sleep).

Data from one experiment showed that under the same sleeping conditions, the perceived temperature of sleeping naked was lower than that of sleeping with clothes.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

Therefore, sleeping naked may be more conducive to helping you fall asleep sooner. On the contrary, because of the barrier of an extra layer of cloth, dressing and sleeping may interfere with the reduction of core temperature, thus affecting sleep.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits
Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

Many people wash their pajamas often, but they don't wash their sheets often. "Aged sheets" tend to accumulate a large number of dead skin cells, hair, dandruff and other dead things, and these "nutrients" will attract a large number of mites to settle down and multiply.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

Sleeping naked in this environment is somewhat unhygienic. However, sleeping in clothes is equivalent to an extra layer of protection, avoiding direct contact with dirty things on the skin, which is safer and more hygienic.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits
Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

Sleeping naked reduces the restraint of clothes on the body, which not only makes the metabolic activity of the skin smoother, but also "liberates" the private parts.

The suitable temperature for men is usually 2-7 °C lower than the body temperature, and not wearing underwear is equivalent to cooling and breathing, which is more conducive to the growth of sperm. Conversely, men who often wear tight pants and are exposed to high temperatures may have affected their overall sperm quality.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

Women's private parts are moist all year round, which is easy to increase the probability of bacterial infection. Sleeping naked allows the private environment to be ventilated and breathable, greatly reducing the risk of infection (prerequisite: sleep utensils should be clean and hygienic).

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits
Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits
Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

When it comes to disease prevention, the biggest benefit of dressing and sleeping is that it is good for preventing skin diseases.

Most skin diseases are contagious, and the common ones, such as ringworm, are even more difficult to prevent. According to the "Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Tinea corporis and Jock Itch in China", there are more than 20 kinds of dermatophytes that can cause disease.

This fungus is very "sticky", they like to live on the skin, hair and nails, and it is highly contagious, such as picking the buttocks with athlete's foot, it can become infected. Indirect exposure to contaminants, such as sleeping on unclean sheets, is also susceptible to infection.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

Therefore, when staying overnight in an unfamiliar environment, it is best not to sleep naked, and sleeping in pajamas can reduce the chance of infection to a certain extent.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits
Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits
Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

For couples, sleeping naked is more likely to increase physical contact, while intimate stickers will stimulate the body to secrete happy hormones such as dopamine and endorphins, and promote the warming of each other's feelings.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

Some couples may prefer to sleep with clothes on, find it hot to sleep, and worry that seeing each other naked often will reduce the novelty of sex.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

In general, sleeping naked and sleeping with clothes have their own advantages and disadvantages, and there is no better way to say it, and you can arrange it according to your personal preferences. For friends who are used to sleeping naked, Uncle Nine also has a few tips for everyone.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits
Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

If you want to avoid the embarrassing scene of getting up in the morning and being looked at naked, it is best not to sleep naked in school, work dormitories, and shared environments with family and friends, and maintain a relatively independent and private environment.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

Pillows, sheets, duvet covers and other close-fitting bedding should be cleaned every 1-2 weeks and disinfected in the sun to reduce the risk of bacterial infection.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits
Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits

If you sleep naked in spring and summer, if you turn on the air conditioner, you can cover it with a thin quilt to avoid getting cold. In autumn and winter, when sleeping naked, it is necessary to take warm measures, and you can replace the naked with the semi-naked to strengthen the cold and keep warm.

Is it good to sleep naked?Doctor revealed: Try it occasionally, there are also 3 benefits