
The reporter is at the scene | "Bird Chaser" on the tarmac

author:People's Daily Network Hebei
The reporter is at the scene | "Bird Chaser" on the tarmac


At 4:30 p.m. on January 25, at Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport, an Airbus 319 medium-sized aircraft carrying more than 100 passengers flew down the clouds, and then landed smoothly on the runway. 200 meters away, Liu Yikai, a bird strike preventer, witnessed the whole landing process, and his nervous mood instantly turned relaxed.

The reporter is at the scene | "Bird Chaser" on the tarmac

Liu Yikai taught reporters how to use laser bird repellents to drive birds away from the airport. Photo by Wu Xinjie, a reporter from the Great Wall Network Jiyun client

Half an hour ago, Liu Yikai from the Clearance Bird Defense Division of the Flight Area Management Department of Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport Branch had just carried out several rounds of bird strike prevention work with his colleagues, and drove the sparrows and magpies hovering in the air away from the airport through a variety of equipment such as no residual emitters and laser bird repellents, so as to escort the take-off and landing of the aircraft.

"Once a bird hits a high-speed aircraft, the energy generated is equivalent to a car crashing into a solid fence at high speed, which is likely to cause damage to the aircraft, and in severe cases, it may lead to the destruction of the aircraft and the death of people. "As the Spring Festival approaches, safety and security have become the top priority. There are many flights and high intensity, Liu Yikai and his colleagues have to keep an eye on each flight and patrol all day long.

The reporter is at the scene | "Bird Chaser" on the tarmac

Liu Yikai taught reporters to use binoculars to observe bird flights. Photo by Wu Xinjie, a reporter from the Great Wall Network Jiyun client

"Fighting wits and courage" with birds on the tarmac is not only physical work, eyesight work, but also technical work.

"In winter, there are many local resident birds, such as magpies, larks, sparrows, field pipits, etc., after years of observation, the range of activities and activity rules of these birds are basically grasped, and they are easier to control. Liu Yikai introduced the birds to reporters, "I know more than 60 kinds of birds around the airport, and I have dealt with them for 10 years. ”

Ecological governance is also a kind of "trick". Set up obstacles on the nesting grounds, waters, and food of birds, and control the biological chain of birds. For example, the improvement of grass seeds and the planting of bison grass that does not bear grass seeds and is not suitable for insects also reduces the cost of bird repellent such as insect control, and further brings good economic and ecological benefits.

"Swallows like to eat small flying insects. We started spraying pesticides at the beginning of April to reduce the number of insects. In this way, the attraction of the flight area to birds can be reduced from the perspective of the food chain. Liu Yikai said.

Since in a relatively short period of time, the birds are able to adapt to human precautions. Therefore, in addition to biological bird repellent, Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport is also gradually using Internet technology to detect, record and analyze bird conditions, and establish a large database of bird activities.

In the cold winter, the ultraviolet rays on the runway are extremely strong, and Liu Yikai and his colleagues have been tanned black for many years. They were highly concentrated, squinting their eyes as if they were scanning the lawn like a radar, "After all, one more bird is one more safety hazard." ”

The Spring Festival is coming as scheduled, the number of flights has increased, the number of passengers has increased, and the burden on Liu Yikai's shoulders has become heavier. "Even though passengers don't see us or even hear about our work, it doesn't matter. As long as we can see the plane go back and forth safely every time, it is the greatest recognition of our work. Liu Yikai said.

Source: Great Wall New Media Jiyun client