
To be a man for a lifetime, reliability is the biggest capital

author:National mother mother and baby

In this world, there is never a shortage of smart people, only reliable people are lacking.

In fact, in life, reliable people are worthy of deep friendship.

A person's greatest ability is actually reliable. Reliable people will give people a sense of down-to-earth and reassuring.

To be a man for a lifetime, reliability is the biggest capital
To be a man for a lifetime, reliability is the biggest capital

Guiguzi Says:

“君子要聪明不露,才华不逞。 ”

It means that a gentleman with profound cultivation and reliable cultivation should treasure his external talent like pearls and jade, not show off, and be low-key and humble.

Lü Buwei made great contributions to the Qin State and also helped Yingzheng unify the Six Kingdoms.

However, Lü Buwei's tragedy lies in his prominent momentum and the word "arrogance" at the head, which posed a great threat to the King of Qin, so in the end, he failed to die well.

As the old saying goes: "There are people outside the people, and there are mountains outside the mountains." ”

Looking closely at life, it is not difficult to find that a truly reliable person must be a humble person.

In them, you can't see that arrogance and arrogance are invincible, and they will not boast and be arrogant.

Reliable people, steady and down-to-earth, rely on their own talents and efforts, down-to-earth to obtain professional or career success, gain prestige and the trust of others.

If you get along with them for a long time, you will inevitably be affected, and your own pattern will become bigger and bigger, and you will get the attention of others when you do things in a down-to-earth manner, and your life path will become wider and wider.

On the other hand, those who like to boast may think they are very powerful at first.

But after further communication, you will find that in fact, they do things and are good, and they can only play lip service, leaving people with an unreliable impression.

Over time, they will be alienated from others, and eventually their career and life will be negatively affected.

To be a man for a lifetime, reliability is the biggest capital
To be a man for a lifetime, reliability is the biggest capital

It is easy to lose trust, be lazy, and procrastinate in doing things, which is the most obvious characteristic of an unreliable person.

Whether this kind of person is a person or a worker, there is no accuracy at all. When others ask them to do something, they may be able to promise to do it, but when they actually do things, the effect is always unsatisfactory.

One of the simplest jobs is either not done in quality and quantity, or it is often procrastinated.

They can't keep their promises, but they can always find excuses for themselves, and they don't have the spirit of contract at all. This kind of behavior is a typical manifestation of "unreliable".

Therefore, we can think about it in reverse, what is the first criterion of "reliable", that is, "keep integrity, do not delay".

"Reliable" and "integrity" are related, a truly reliable person, honesty and trustworthiness is their bottom line for doing things, and it is also the foundation of their self-cultivation.

I once read a news: an old man paid off his debts for his son who had passed away for many years, and there were many creditors who didn't even remember it themselves, but the old man still didn't forget it.

For more than 20 years since his son's death, the old man has worked tirelessly, reminding himself every day of what debts he has paid and what debts he has not repaid.

When his son's debts were paid off, the old man cried.

After seeing this news, many netizens praised the old man's actions in the comment area and called him "the most reliable person in China".

To be a man for a lifetime, reliability is the biggest capital
To be a man for a lifetime, reliability is the biggest capital

Unreliable people are careless when they make promises, while those who are promised will wait for the result with great anticipation, but in the end they will be overjoyed.

Reliable people will go all out to fulfill the promises they give, and they will do everything they promised.

The so-called reliability, in the final analysis, is to try our best to fulfill the promises given, and to practice the promised things with heart.

Reliable people will not be late for the appointed time, will not break their promises, never delay what they promised, and never perfunctory things they have given.

Some people look good on the surface, but when they do things, they do things in front of them and behind their backs.

Praise you to your face, turn around and belittle you to worthless, call you brother to your face, turn around and push the mess to you.

If a person can't even match his words with deeds, then don't expect him to accomplish anything.

Some people like to win the favor of others by making easy promises.

If you ask him for help, he will pat his chest in front of you and promise to do it, but when the promise is done, he will put it aside and ignore it.

In this way, it not only delays things, but also overdraws trust, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Those who are clever and rely on lies and illusions to deceive others may be able to hide it from others for a while, but it is impossible to hide it forever, and once people know the truth, they will lose the trust of others and even lose their reputation.

To be a man for a lifetime, reliability is the biggest capital
To be a man for a lifetime, reliability is the biggest capital

Write at the end

In this world, there has never been a shortage of smart people, but what is lacking is reliable and down-to-earth people.

Li Ka-shing once said:

"You have to find reliable people to do things, and smart people can only chat. ”

Reliable is a scarce quality, it often comes with a kind of safety attribute, get along with reliable people, no suspicions, concerns, no need to be afraid, there is a kind of steadfastness born from the heart, extra peace of mind.