
Sodium biacetate anti-mildew preservation advantages are outstanding! How to use the effect is better, let's take a look


Antifungal agent mechanism of sodium diacetate:

In its natural state, sodium biacetate slowly releases acetic acid. Acetic acid can effectively penetrate into the cell wall of mold tissue, interfere with the interaction of intercellular enzymes, and denature proteins in cells, thereby playing an antibacterial and anti-mildew role. The use of sodium diacetate not only maintains the bactericidal properties of acetic acid, but also does not cause the feed palatability to deteriorate due to excessive acidity.

Sodium biacetate anti-mildew preservation advantages are outstanding! How to use the effect is better, let's take a look

Sodium diacetate:

Appearance: White powder

Odor: Slightly acetic odor

Dissolved water: easy to absorb moisture, very soluble in water

Product advantages: The acid aroma of sodium diacetate can mask the uncomfortable odor of various drugs and a variety of trace elements added to the feed, which is conducive to the feeding of livestock and poultry. Promote feed nutrient absorption, improve nutritional value, sodium diacetate can adjust the pH value of livestock and poultry gastrointestinal tract, promote the growth of beneficial bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria, enhance the activity of digestive enzymes such as pepsin, and promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Sodium biacetate anti-mildew preservation advantages are outstanding! How to use the effect is better, let's take a look

Dosage of sodium diacetate:

The use range of sodium biacetate on feed is 0.5 to 0.8%. In terms of feed additives, it can enhance appetite, promote the conversion and absorption of feed, and improve the utilization rate of protein in feed. Anti-corrosion, anti-mildew, preservation.

1. Chicken and duck (burrowing poultry): add according to 0.2% (subject to the total amount of feed)

2, cattle: according to the cow 40-100 g / day head, beef cattle by 20g / day head to add

3, pigs: piglets added according to 0.1%, large pigs added by 0.2%.

4. Fish: Add by 0.3%.

5. Feed anti-mildew preservation is added according to the following provisions:

In the compound feed and silage, add 0.1% to 0.3%, which can make the feed antiseptic and fresh for 3-5 months; silage (corn, rye grass, sweet sorghum, alfalfa, etc.) add 0.2% (before silage) when added to the feed, first mixed with a small amount of feed, and then mixed with a large amount of feed. Sodium diacetate must be evenly distributed in the feed.

Sodium biacetate anti-mildew preservation advantages are outstanding! How to use the effect is better, let's take a look

Safety of sodium diacetate:

When sodium biacetate is effective, it is absolutely safe for people and animals, has no damage or side effects to the environment, and is not carcinogenic or distorted. Sodium diacetate creates a good acidic environment for livestock and poultry, promotes the reproduction of beneficial microorganisms, inhibits the reproduction of harmful bacteria and viruses, and forms a good microecology.

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