
This year's New Year, don't do 4 things, and spend the New Year easily

author:Low-key solo Q

In 15 days, it's time for the New Year!

This year's Chinese New Year, learn from the experience of previous years, and resolutely do not do 4 things:

1. Don't buy new clothes

When I was a child, I was most looking forward to wearing new clothes.

At that time, the living conditions were difficult, and there were many children in the family, so it was rare to wear new clothes.

It is often 1 piece of clothing, the big one is worn after the small one is worn, and it is worn out and repaired again, and all year round, only in the New Year, the children can all wear new clothes.

Now it's different, as the living conditions get better and better, new clothes can be bought and worn at any time, and the clothes at home are piled up in the cabinet, so much that there is nowhere to put them, and it feels like the New Year every day.

This year's Chinese New Year, don't buy new clothes, because what you usually want to buy, you have already bought back, there is no shortage of clothes, there is no need to buy more for the New Year.

This year's New Year, don't do 4 things, and spend the New Year easily

2. Do not travel

Looking at the news, during the Spring Festival this year, the cross-regional flow of people in the whole society will reach 9 billion, a record high.

There are so many people who move during the Spring Festival, take all kinds of transportation, and increase the investment in transportation capacity by "water, land, rail and air", and its busyness can be imagined.

As a retiree, I don't join in the excitement and don't travel during the Spring Festival.

After the Spring Festival, when the spring flowers are blooming, you will choose the opportunity to consider traveling and have a glimpse of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

This year's New Year, don't do 4 things, and spend the New Year easily

3. Do not book Chinese New Year's Eve dinner

In previous years, due to the need to save trouble, I ordered a few Chinese New Year's Eve meals in the restaurant, but every time I used the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, I left more or less regrets.

Either the quality of the Chinese New Year's Eve meal is not good and it feels not as good as usual; or the restaurant is waiting for the table to turn over, making the Chinese New Year's Eve meal rush and feeling busy.

In fact, the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner is a family reunion dinner, and the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner is made at home, everyone works together, talking, chatting, looking back on the past, looking forward to the future, and the family is happy.

In this way, it can not only show the excitement of the New Year, but also promote communication between family members, and feel the warmth brought by the family, which is the true meaning of the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner.

This year, do not book a Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, partner with your family, cook a Chinese New Year's Eve dinner at home, and feel the family-friendly atmosphere together.

This year's New Year, don't do 4 things, and spend the New Year easily

4. Do not reserve New Year's goods

In previous years, during the Chinese New Year, there were often too many New Year's goods in reserve and could not be digested in time, resulting in the ingredients not being fresh, or the ingredients being broken and thrown away, resulting in extravagance and waste.

Actually, now that I think about it, it's really unnecessary to stock up on New Year's goods for the New Year.

Nowadays, there are many ways to buy daily necessities, whether online or in physical stores, you can buy them whenever you want.

Even during the Chinese New Year, major supermarkets will be open as usual, so you don't have to worry about having nowhere to buy or not being able to buy it.

Moreover, now is not like the past, in the past, the living conditions were difficult, there was usually no meat to eat, and it was not good to eat enough, so you could only wait until the Chinese New Year to eat more and eat well, and eat happily.

Now, people have meat to eat every day, and they can eat whatever they want every day, and it feels like the New Year every day.

Not only that, now pay attention to health, advocate less food and less oil and less meat, the consumption of ingredients is gradually decreasing, even if the New Year will not eat more, why stock up so many New Year's goods?

This year's Chinese New Year, do not stock New Year's goods, only buy enough for 3 or 5 days.

This year's New Year, don't do 4 things, and spend the New Year easily

It's almost the New Year, I wish you all the best and a happy New Year!

What are your plans for the New Year?
