
When the US warship intruded into the Taiwan Strait again, the Taiwan authorities openly "welcomed" it, and as soon as the words fell, the PLA took countermeasures. According to media reports, the U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet recently publicly posted one on its official website

author:Subtle History

When the US warship intruded into the Taiwan Strait again, the Taiwan authorities openly "welcomed" it, and as soon as the words fell, the PLA took countermeasures.

According to media reports, the US Navy's Seventh Fleet recently publicly issued a navigation notice on its official website: The US Navy's Burke-class destroyer USS Finn sailed through the Taiwan Strait from north to south on January 24.

Let me ask you, why is it that the US Navy is all over the world, but it is rare to see them issuing corresponding announcements on their official websites? Just because this kind of news can easily leak military deployments, and if it is noticed by people with intentions, it is very likely to cause unpredictable losses.

However, this time, the US Navy went against the norm and issued a notice on the official website of its Seventh Fleet with great fanfare. This kind of behavior is not so much to inform his whereabouts as to cooperate with the Biden administration to put on a political show.

It's easy to see why. What is the Biden administration's attitude toward the Taiwan region? That is, "no independence and no reunification", let the mainland and Taiwan maintain the status quo, and let the Taiwan region become the "trump card" that it can use against the Chinese mainland government at any time.

Although the domestic election in the United States has begun, and the Biden administration is afraid that it will make a wedding dress for Trump on the Taiwan issue, they still habitually take action against China because it has become a kind of "political correctness" within the US government.

Hence the scene mentioned at the beginning, that is, the US Navy destroyer "unscrupulously" crossed the Taiwan Strait, and also brazenly waved the banner of safeguarding the freedom of navigation rights of all countries in the world.

Looking at it this way, the US Government has really gone to great lengths for its policy of "no independence and no reunification."

In order to achieve the goal of "non-independence" in the Taiwan region, so as to stabilize the government of Chinese mainland. Biden has sent several groups of former senior government officials and current lawmakers to visit Taiwan, and they even openly admonished Lai Qingde not to follow the Taiwan independence line.

In order to achieve the goal of "non-reunification" of the mainland government, the United States has not only armed the Taiwan region - since the Biden administration took office, the United States has been selling arms to Taiwan more and more frequently, especially around the 2024 election in Taiwan, but also sent warships to recklessly cross the Taiwan Strait on many occasions.

In the face of such a shameless style of work of the United States, I would only like to raise one question, that is, if the United States had not supported Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the first place, how could the Chinese Government have prepared to reunify Taiwan by force? After all, the two sides of the strait are one family, and broken bones are still connected to each other.

In the final analysis, it is precisely because the US Government has all along tried to meddle in China's internal affairs and has frequently taken the lead in provoking the Chinese Government that Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has given the illusion that the US Government supports its own "independence."

Otherwise, where does the DPP have the confidence to make it have to resist the Chinese government to the end?

There is a saying that "eating people with a short mouth and taking people with soft hands." Under such circumstances, the DPP authorities naturally did not dare to offend the US Government too much, and to a certain extent, it could even be said that they obeyed their words.

And this kind of ugly face was even more exposed at a glance in the incident of the US warship passing through the Taiwan Strait, which made people breathtaking.

According to media reports, Taiwan's "defense department" immediately commented on the passage of the US warship, saying that it was in control of the movements of the US warship throughout the whole process and that there was no need to make a fuss.

Such words and deeds are undoubtedly shirking responsibility, for fear that the US Government's anger will implicate itself.

Despite this, when comparing Taiwan's "defense department" with "foreign affairs department," the former actually seems much more serious, because after all, the latter directly reveals the meaning of welcome in his words and deeds. Their exact words are as follows: The Taiwan region "welcomes" the move of "international friends" to continue to carry out "freedom of navigation" around the Taiwan Strait.

It is truly sad that the DPP authorities are still acting like this under the premise that the US Government is bent on interfering in China's internal affairs.

However, fortunately, Taiwan's attitude does not represent China. In fact, during the passage of US warships through the Taiwan Strait, the Chinese People's Liberation Army has always maintained a state of follow-up and supervision throughout the whole process, and has used practical actions to "escort" the US warships to leave.

Moreover, it also saw through the intention of the United States to make such a "big show" and directly countered them at the political level, so that the whole world once again saw clearly the intention of the United States to play a political show.

Finally, in order to suppress the arrogance of the "Taiwan independence" forces that collude with the United States, the spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense directly made clear the attitude of the Chinese Government, that is, it will continue to carry out regular patrols of the combat readiness police in the Taiwan region, be fully prepared to "prepare for war" at all times, and take concrete actions to maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

Having said that, if certain forces can no longer see the current situation clearly, they will inevitably pay a heavy price.

When the US warship intruded into the Taiwan Strait again, the Taiwan authorities openly "welcomed" it, and as soon as the words fell, the PLA took countermeasures. According to media reports, the U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet recently publicly posted one on its official website
When the US warship intruded into the Taiwan Strait again, the Taiwan authorities openly "welcomed" it, and as soon as the words fell, the PLA took countermeasures. According to media reports, the U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet recently publicly posted one on its official website
When the US warship intruded into the Taiwan Strait again, the Taiwan authorities openly "welcomed" it, and as soon as the words fell, the PLA took countermeasures. According to media reports, the U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet recently publicly posted one on its official website