
From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

author:Let's talk about it

Today, I would like to tell you a big piece of news about the weather! From 08 a.m. on 26 January to 08 a.m. on 27 January, light snow or sleet will fall in Xinjiang, southeastern Tibet, the southern part of the western Sichuan Plateau, the southern part of Sichuan, and the northwestern part of Yunnan, and some areas in southern Tibet will even see heavy snowfall! At the same time, light to moderate rain will also occur in the southern part of the Yangtze River, the eastern and southern parts of the southwest region, most of southern China, and most of Taiwan Island. Well, do you feel happy when you hear the news?

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

First of all, let's take a look at the mountainous areas of southern Xinjiang and the southeastern part of Tibet, which are picturesque and beautiful mountainous areas! The mountains are continuous, and the peaks and peaks are stacked on top of each other, as if you are in a fairyland. At the moment, it is about to be dotted with light snow or sleet, adding a beautiful touch of white to this peaceful land. Imagine a fairytale winter scene that doesn't captivate you?

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

Next, we came to the southern Sichuan Plateau and southern Sichuan, which are our proud hometowns. Here, there are friendly and cute giant pandas, vast farmland, and Chengdu, which produces delicious hot pot. And now, it will also be blessed with light snow or sleet. In the white wind and snow, the earth is quiet, as if playing a moving winter music.

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

Let's not forget our magnificent land in the northwest of Yunnan, which is famous for its mountains, rivers and lakes. And today, light snow or sleet will fall here. Wouldn't it be refreshing to imagine the mountains and lakes covered in silver and the blue sky intertwined into a beautiful picture?

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

Next, we headed to the south of Jiangnan, the eastern and southern parts of the southwest region, and most of southern China. These places have a warm and humid climate, sunny and beautiful nature. However, at this moment they will be baptized with light to moderate rain. Raindrops fall on the earth, condensing into lakes and rivers, moistening every inch of the earth. Imagine the fresh rain washing away the dust and bringing the earth to life.

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

Friends, these weather changes not only bring us beautiful scenery, but also have a certain impact on our lives. In the snow and rain, remember to keep yourself warm, wear thick clothing, wear warm hats and gloves, and give yourself a comfortable winter day. If you go out, drive slowly and pay attention to the safety of the road.

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

Winter is in love, the early spring is getting colder, and many places are ushering in the change of snow and rain! This news should make you excited! Hurry up and get your camera ready to record this beautiful moment. Whether it is in the snowy mountains or walking in the countryside in the rain, let us feel the charm of nature and feel the beauty of life.

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

In the coming days, from the 26th to the 27th, don't forget to look up at the sky, feel the baptism of snowflakes and raindrops, and let your heart and nature mingle. May we all find peace and joy in this snowy and rainy weather, and feel the wonder of life. I hope that my article can bring you happiness and warmth, and make you look forward to the arrival of snow and rain even more. Remember, whether in the snow or rain, stay optimistic and brave to face every challenge in life. Bless everyone, the world is peaceful!

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

The sixteenth day of the lunar month is clear, and the first month is cold. Look at what the agricultural proverb says!

There is a saying in the traditional agricultural proverb: "The sixteenth day of the lunar month is sunny, and the first month is cold." This short but philosophical proverb reveals the farmer's keen observation of weather changes and the summing up of his rich experience.

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

When it comes to the 16th day of the lunar month, many people will think of a strong New Year's flavor and festive atmosphere. However, the 16 sunny days of the lunar month described in the agricultural proverb do not only refer to the sunny weather, but also the weather patterns observed by farmers for a long time. This day, such as the first or second day of the first lunar month, is relatively fixed, which means that the new year is coming. Sunny weather is seen as the brightness of the earth, indicating a good year and the hope of a good harvest.

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

The cold moon is a vivid description of the weather in the first month. In the cold winter months, the weather in the New Year is often even more bitterly cold, freezing the earth and people's hearts. At this time, the farmland is frozen, and the farmers have to face the test of snow and ice and struggle to cope with the challenges of the natural environment.

The sixteenth day of the lunar month and the cold of the first month, these two seemingly simple agricultural proverbs actually contain rich agricultural wisdom. Farmers have summed up a series of weather patterns and coping strategies in long-term farmland observations. They know that the meaning of the 16th day of the lunar month is precisely to remind them that the time for spring planting is approaching, to encourage them to prepare for the new year's farming, and to be fully prepared for the harvest ahead.

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

The cold moon reminds farmers to cope with the challenges of cold weather and take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of crops and livestock. Farmers will make scientific agricultural plans and adjust planting and breeding work in a timely manner according to weather conditions. They will make reasonable use of technical means such as farmland drainage and thermal insulation and mulching to reduce the impact of frost damage on crops. At the same time, farmers take appropriate measures to keep their livestock warm and fodder to ensure that they survive the cold winters.

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

Agricultural proverbs contain a profound embodiment of agricultural wisdom, expressing farmers' sensitivity to weather changes and wisdom in coping. Behind the agricultural proverb is the rich experience and wisdom of farmers who have been closely interacting with nature for thousands of years. Through observation and practice, they have summed up many guiding agricultural laws, which are not only related to the results of agricultural production, but also the tacit understanding and communication between them and nature.

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

Nowadays, although agricultural production and scientific and technological development have made rapid progress, these traditional farming wisdom is still worthy of our reference and cherishment. They teach us the truth of respecting and conforming to nature, and tell us that only by living in harmony with nature can we achieve true harvest and prosperity. Although the agricultural proverb is short, the wisdom contained in it is profound and rich. They allow us to re-examine and cherish our relationship with nature, and remind us not to forget the experiences and lessons of traditional farming wisdom. In the development of modern agriculture, we can learn from these wisdoms, combined with scientific and technological means, to effectively respond to the challenges of climate change and natural disasters, and bring better results to agricultural production.

From the 26th to the 27th, moderate rain, heavy snow, and plummeting temperatures! Widespread rain and snow in these places → online

The sixteenth day of the lunar month and the cold of the first lunar month are not only an observation and summary of weather phenomena, but also a reflection of the expectations and prayers of the farmers. Let us remember the wisdom of this agricultural proverb, integrate it into modern agricultural production, and work hard to create a better farmland environment and harvest results!