
Known as the first beauty in China, she is still being chased at the age of 99, do you know who she is?

author:Ayu Guan History

In a traditional family in Shanghai, Qin Yi is like a bird longing for freedom, tightly bound by the rules of the family. Every day, she looks out the window at the bustling world outside, and her heart is filled with a desire for freedom.

One night, under the hazy moonlight, Qin Yi sat in his room, and suddenly said to the starry sky outside the window in the middle of the night: "I want to fly out of this cage and pursue the sky that belongs to me." ”

After graduation, Qin Yi resolutely decided to leave her family and pursue her dreams. She first went to Wuhan to participate in the anti-Japanese cause, showing her loyalty and courage to the country. There, she experienced the baptism of life and strengthened her beliefs.

Soon, Qin Yi stepped into the door of a Chinese film studio and became an actor. Her beauty and talent soon made her famous in the film industry. In the cinema, whenever Qin Yi's picture appeared, the audience was always amazed.

In the world of movies, Qin Yi seems to have found her own stage. She poured all her passion and effort into each role, constantly challenging herself, and one film after another made her path to stardom.

Known as the first beauty in China, she is still being chased at the age of 99, do you know who she is?

She has not forgotten her family, especially her sister. She asked her sister to be her agent, so that her sister also found her own place under her aura. Although her sister eventually chose not to marry, her life was full of meaning and fulfillment.

And her sister also entered the film industry, but fate made people. One day in 08, Qin Yi received bad news that her sister died of cancer. This is a huge blow to Qin Yi. But instead of giving up, she turned the pain into a deeper commitment to her acting career.

Qin Yi's story is a legend of courage, dreams and unremitting pursuit. She uses her actions to interpret what the true spirit of an actor is. In that era when movies were still rare, her name, like a dazzling star, illuminated the dream path of countless people.

Behind the glittering screen, Qin Yi's personal life is also full of drama. As an outstanding actress, she is not only glamorous on stage, but also kind to people in life, trying her best to take care of everyone around her.

However, the chapter on love is complicated and tangled for Qin Yi. Drama actor Chen Tianguo fell in love with her at first sight, and his passionate pursuit made Qin Yi feel unprecedented trouble.

Known as the first beauty in China, she is still being chased at the age of 99, do you know who she is?

Once in a green park, Chen Tianguo and Qin Yi met unexpectedly. Chen Tianguo seized the opportunity and expressed his feelings to her. "Qin Yi, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and I am willing to spend my life accompanying you. His eyes were full of sincerity.

Qin Yi looked at him with mixed feelings in his heart. She whispered: "Chen Tianguo, you are a good person, but we don't know enough about it. I need time to think about it. ”

However, Chen Tianguo's marriage proposal was surprisingly urgent, and he even forced him to die. "If you don't say yes, I can't live. His words made Qin Yi deeply shocked and helpless.

Out of concern for Chen Tianguo's safety, Qin Yi finally reluctantly agreed to his marriage proposal. But she never expected that Chen Tianguo would announce their marriage contract with such fanfare, making this matter quickly become the focus of public attention.

As time passed, Chen Tianguo's true colors were gradually revealed. He likes to smoke and drink heavily, and often quarrels with Qin Yi after drinking, which makes Qin Yi's life more and more difficult.

Known as the first beauty in China, she is still being chased at the age of 99, do you know who she is?

Qin Yi's marriage road is not as beautiful as imagined. She is glamorous on stage, but she is under heavy pressure and challenges in her private life. However, no matter how many challenges life throws at her, she always faces them with a strong attitude, which is also her unique charm as an artist of a generation.

Qin Yi's life is like a drama of ups and downs. Shortly after she gave birth to her daughter, Chen Tianguo made an unacceptable offer — he wanted to give away his newborn daughter due to financial pressure.

One evening, the atmosphere at home was particularly tense. Qin Yi hugged her daughter, with tears in her eyes, and said to Chen Tianguo: "This is a part of my life, how can I let her leave me?" Chen Tianguo's attitude was extremely resolute, and he replied coldly: "We can't help it, it's for life." ”

At this moment, Qin Yi finally made a decision. She said firmly: "I would rather take her alone than see her sent away." In this way, Qin Yi left Chen Tianguo with her daughter and started a new life.

After the divorce, Qin Yi devoted herself to her art career while taking care of her daughter wholeheartedly. Her life seems to have regained peace and joy.

Known as the first beauty in China, she is still being chased at the age of 99, do you know who she is?

Fate always seems to reward the good. Shortly after divorcing Chen Tianguo, she met Jin Yan, a gentle and elegant man. Jin Yan's carefulness and warmth quickly won Qin Yi's heart. They entered the palace of marriage together, and their lives were full of happiness and sweetness.

But the good times didn't last long, and misfortune befell this warm family. Jin Yan suffered from stomach bleeding due to alcoholism and was bedridden for a long time. Qin Yi took care of him consistently and never gave up. At the same time, their son had mental problems because of the fright, and Qin Yi also took care of them personally.

During these difficult years, Qin Yi showed her strong and selfless side. Even after the departure of her loved ones, she still stood strong, not only pursuing excellence in art, but also actively participating in public welfare undertakings, passing on her love and kindness to more people.

Qin Yi's life, like the character she created on the screen, is full of tenacity and love. She is not only a beautiful actress, but also a great mother and a respected woman. In people's hearts, she will always be the image of China's first beauty, representing the perfect combination of beauty and kindness.

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