
You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

author:Seven Entertainment

## Introduction

You may still remember that more than ten years ago, there was a TV series "Jigong" that swept the country, in which the actor You Benchang, who played Jigong, won the love of countless audiences with his humorous, witty and flexible performance. His name has become a household name as a result.

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

But what you may not know is that You Benchang's acting career was not all smooth sailing. He has been through lows and forgotten. His name has gradually disappeared from public view.

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

It wasn't until recently that a hit TV series "Flowers" brought him back into the spotlight. In this drama, he played a character called "Grandpa", a cute and respectable old man. His acting skills, known as "God", are amazing.

This time, You Benchang is popular again. His name has become a hot search again. His story has been turned out by people again. His fans have increased a lot.

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

So, how did You Benchang come out of the trough? How did he face this unexpected popularity? And how did he view his acting career? Let's find out together!

### You Benchang: Senior artist

You Benchang, born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in 1933, is a veteran artist. He has had a strong interest in acting since he was a child, and once participated in the drama class of the Nanjing Children's Palace, and learned a variety of drama forms such as Peking Opera, Pingju, and drama. His talent and talent were soon discovered. In 1949, he was admitted to Nanjing Drama School and officially began his acting career.

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

In drama school, You Benchang received systematic professional training, and his acting skills and acting ability have been greatly improved. He has participated in many drama works, such as "Thunderstorm", "Teahouse", "Sunrise", etc., all of which have received good reviews. His teachers and classmates were full of praise for his performance. His future is bright.

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain
You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

In 1956, after graduating from You, You Benchang entered the Nanjing Repertory Theatre and became a professional drama actor. In the repertory troupe, he continued to show his talent, and participated in many classic drama works, such as "Thunderstorm", "Teahouse", "Sunrise", etc., all of which received good reviews. His acting and acting abilities have improved a lot. His teachers and classmates were full of praise for his performance. His future is bright.

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

In the repertory troupe, You Benchang also met many like-minded friends, such as famous drama actors Li Xuejian and Zhang Guoli. They often communicate and learn from each other. They also often participate in various performances and competitions together, winning the applause of the audience and the judges. Their friendship has also become their motivation and support.

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

You Benchang's drama career lasted until the 80s of the last century. During this period, he won numerous honors and awards with his excellent acting skills, such as the Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Theatre, the Golden Lion Award for Chinese Theatre, and the Golden Eagle Award for Chinese Theatre. His name has also become a banner in the Chinese drama industry, and has been widely respected and praised by the industry and outside the industry.

### You Benchang: The Road to Transformation

Although You Benchang has made great achievements in the drama industry, he is not satisfied with the status quo, but chooses to continue to challenge himself and seek more space for development. He began to try to transform, getting involved in TV dramas and films, hoping to show his artistic charm on a bigger stage.

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

You Benchang's transformation road was not all smooth sailing. He once admitted that the transition from a stage play to a TV series was a very big challenge. He said: "The stage play is consistent to the end, you have to show the emotions and personalities of the characters very full, very tense. And the TV series is a split shot, and you have to show the emotions and personalities of the characters very delicately and hierarchically. These two ways of performing are completely different. When I first started, it was very uncomfortable and difficult to master. ”

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

You Benchang has also encountered many difficulties and setbacks. He said: "Once, I made a TV series, and the director was very dissatisfied with me, saying that I acted too exaggerated, too contrived, and did not meet the requirements of a TV series. I was so frustrated that I wanted to give up and stop shooting. But then I thought about it, I can't just give up, I have to relearn and adapt again. I started trying to set up the hotel room like a filming scene, simulating the real shooting environment, so that I could better integrate into the character. I also invited some professional teachers and actors to give me guidance and advice. I slowly passed through it, and I understood that the camera is the eyes of the audience, and it is my stage. ”

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

You Benchang's hard work and persistence have finally paid off. He has also achieved good results in the field of TV dramas and movies. He has participated in many classic TV series and film works, such as "Jigong", "Mansion Gate", "Dream of Red Mansions", "Ming Dynasty 1566", etc., all of which have received good reviews. His character image is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become the memory of the audience.

You Benchang's transformation has also brought him more opportunities and challenges. He has worked with many well-known directors and actors, such as Chen Kaige, Zhang Yimou, Jiang Wen, Gong Li, Leslie Cheung, etc., all of which have added brilliance and color to his acting career. His works also cover a variety of themes and styles, such as history, legend, comedy, suspense, etc., all of which show his multifaceted and diverse artistic style.

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

### You Benchang: Trough and Rebirth

You Benchang's acting career, although there have been glories, there have also been troughs. In the late nineties and early this century, he suffered a career crisis, his work was no longer popular with audiences, and his fame gradually declined. He once said: "During that time, I was very lost and lost. I don't know what to do, how to go. I feel like my acting career is coming to an end. ”

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

You Benchang's trough also made him face a lot of difficulties and pressure. He had experienced financial hardship and was even forced to sell his house. He has also experienced physical discomfort and has even been diagnosed with cancer. His life, for a time, was in trouble and despair.

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

But You Benchang did not give up, he chose to regain his strength and struggle again. "I know I can't just give up, I still have a lot of dreams, a lot of responsibilities," he said. I'm going to stand up again and prove myself again for myself, for my family, for my audience. "He started to actively adjust his mentality and form, looking for new opportunities and breakthroughs. He began to take on new roles and challenges, experimenting with new themes and styles. He began to re-study and further study to improve his acting skills and skills. He began to refocus and understand the needs and preferences of the audience.

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain
You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

You Benchang's hard work and persistence finally ushered in his rebirth. In recent years, he has participated in a number of excellent TV series and film works, such as "Langya Bang", "The Legend of Miyue", "Dajiang Dahe", "Flowers", etc., all of which have received good reviews. His role has once again won the love and recognition of the audience. His fame also rebounded and exploded again. His story has once again attracted people's attention and discussion.

This time, You Benchang is popular again. His name has become a hot search again. His story has been turned out by people again. His fans have increased a lot.

### 游本昌:感慨与期待

For this unexpected popularity, You Benchang expressed a lot of emotion, he said: "I am really grateful for the support and love of the audience, without them, I would not have achieved what I am today." I am also very grateful to my partners who have given me a lot of opportunities and help to show my talents. I am also grateful to my family, who have always been there for me and have given me a lot of encouragement and comfort so that I can persevere. ”

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

You Benchang also expressed his modesty and low profile, saying: "I don't feel like a successful actor, I'm just an ordinary artist, I'm just doing what I love and expressing my love for art." I don't feel like I've become popular overnight, I think it's the result of my long-term accumulation, and it's also an accident. I know that this industry is very cruel, and what is red today may be dark tomorrow. I will not be proud and complacent because of this popularity, I will continue to work hard and improve, constantly improve my level, and continue to create better works. ”

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain
You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

You Benchang also expressed his expectations and longing, he said: "I hope that in the entertainment industry, I have always maintained my enthusiasm and awe for art, always maintained respect and understanding for the role, and always maintained gratitude and feedback to the audience." I hope that in the entertainment industry, there will always be new challenges and opportunities, new cooperation and exchanges, and new gains and growth. I hope to be active, happy, and healthy in the entertainment industry all the time. ”

### Conclusion

You Benchang's acting career is a legend. From dramas to TV dramas, from the stage to the screen, from the trough to rebirth, he has experienced countless wind, rain and sunshine, and has shown countless wonders and brilliance. His story allows us to see the perseverance and dedication of an artist, the tenacity and enterprising of an actor, and the emotion and expectation of a person.

You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain
You Benchang responded to the overnight popularity: Long-term accumulation, accidental gain

Let us pay tribute to this veteran artist, to this excellent actor, and to this ordinary person! Let us look forward to him being able to continue to shine in the entertainment industry, continue to create more classics, and continue to bring us more surprises!

#如何用一句台词来证明你曾经看过游本昌老先生主演的 "Jigong"##Why is the 90-year-old You Benchang's performance of Flowers unanimously recognized##游本昌说The actors of "Flowers" are mutually successful##央视评 "Flowers": may become a unique product#