
Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

author:White as jade

The breaking point begins

In the long river of time, some historical moments seem to be silently setting off huge waves. In August 1990, Iraq's raid took Kuwait and the world was boiling. Behind this conflict, there is an embarrassing "shuttle diplomacy" by Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen, a confrontation of the current situation.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

Background revealed

Iraq, which emerged from the Iran-Iraq war, is in a deep economic crisis. Kuwait has always been an independent and valuable oil land. As a result, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein set his sights on this rich land and dreamed of unifying Arabia and dominating the Middle East.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

The crisis erupted

At the end of July 1990, Iraq issued an ultimatum to Kuwait requesting it to agree to a settlement of the territorial dispute within 48 hours. The king of Kuwait resolutely refused, and Saddam decisively launched a surprise attack. At 2 a.m. on August 2, Iraqi forces thundered into Kuwait and annexed it within seven hours. The world is shocked, and the Gulf region is in a serious crisis.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

⚔️ Coalition Rises ⚔️

US President George H.W. Bush judged that Iraq's actions threatened global energy security and decided to strongly condemn and isolate Iraq. Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen went to the Middle East for a "shuttle diplomacy" trip. In the process, the confrontation with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein became a historical scene.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

Qian Qichen's mission

China insisted on resolving the crisis through peaceful negotiations, and Qian Qichen was sent to the Middle East. Negotiations with Jordan and Egypt, but China does not act as a mediator, only to convey information. The position is clear: Iraq must withdraw its troops unconditionally, which is a prerequisite for a peaceful settlement of the crisis.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

Saddam's arrogance

In the face of diplomatic pressure, Saddam Hussein insisted that Kuwait was part of Iraq, comparing it to China-Hong Kong relations. Qian Qichen relentlessly argued, but in the end the two sides could not reach an agreement. Saddam Hussein seems to have been blinded by his personal power and unable to deal rationally with the crisis.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

The Gulf War broke out

In January 1991, after the deadline for the coalition's ultimatum to Iraq expired, the elder Bush approved a military strike. The air raid campaign, codenamed "Desert Storm", was launched, and the 40-day air battle destroyed most of the Iraqi army's combat strength. Subsequently, the "Desert Sabre" ground offensive was launched, and the Allies annihilated the Iraqi army with an overwhelming advantage, and the entire territory of Kuwait City was recovered.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?


The war marked the United States' status as a superpower and also led to the most severe sanctions imposed by the United Nations on Iraq. Iraq's economic collapse and social unrest set the stage for a subsequent regime change.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?


In the whirlpool of history, every decision, every confrontation, invisibly shapes the future of the world. Qian Qichen's "shuttle diplomacy" has become a bright footnote to this period of history, and his persistence and efforts may not have changed the situation, but they have laid a firm foundation for China's prestige in international affairs. The moment of the fall of Kuwait was not only a tragedy for one country, but also a geopolitical moment. In this ever-changing historical drama, we see the persistence of a country, the responsibility of a diplomat, and the Gulf War that decided the fate of the world.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

The breaking point begins

When the pendulum of time was swinging, the world was suddenly awakened by a war in silence. In August 1990, Iraq broke into Kuwait and the moment became the focus of the world. On the brink of this conflict, Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen unleashed a diplomatic performance that became a moment of attention in history.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

Fine lines on the background

Iraq, emerging from the Iran-Iraq war, has sunk into the abyss of the economy. Kuwait, the pearl of the oil fields, attracted the greedy gaze of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. It's a battle between dreams and reality.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

The crisis erupted

At the end of July 1990, Iraq issued an ultimatum, which Kuwait proudly rejected, was too late. On 2 August, Iraqi forces swept through Kuwait like a storm, and it took only seven hours for Kuwait to fall. The news shook the world, and dark clouds were gathering in the Gulf region.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

⚔️ Diplomacy is a masterpiece ⚔️

U.S. President George H.W. Bush decided to strongly condemn and isolate Iraq when he decided to strongly condemn and isolate Iraq. China sent Qian Qichen on a "shuttle diplomacy" trip. This is a contest and a diplomatic game.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

Qian Qichen's talent

China advocates a peaceful solution to the crisis, and Qian Qichen is the protagonist in this diplomatic chess game. He visited Jordan and Egypt, living up to the expectations of the country, but not taking sides. In his rhetoric, Iraq must withdraw its troops, which is a prerequisite for resolving the crisis.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

Saddam's all-or-nothing gamble

In the face of diplomatic pressure, Saddam Hussein insisted that Kuwait was part of Iraq, comparing it to China-Hong Kong relations. Qian Qichen firmly retorted, but the two sides ultimately failed to reach a consensus. Saddam Hussein seems to have been blinded by his personal power and could not calmly deal with the crisis.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

The Gulf War broke out

In January 1991, the coalition launched an air raid campaign codenamed "Desert Storm", and the 40-day air battle destroyed most of the Iraqi army's combat strength. Subsequently, the "Desert Sabre" ground offensive was launched, and the Allies annihilated the Iraqi army with an overwhelming advantage, and the entire territory of Kuwait City was recovered.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

Subsequent shadows

The war not only marked the establishment of the United States' superpower status, but also led to the imposition of the most severe sanctions by the United Nations against Iraq. Iraq's economic collapse and social unrest laid the groundwork for a subsequent regime change.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?


In the symphony of history, every note tells a story. Qian Qichen's "shuttle diplomacy" may not have changed the course of history, but it has established a resilient image for China on the international stage. The moment of the fall of Kuwait is not only a country's sorrow, but also a geopolitical interpretation. In this vast scroll of history, we see the talent of a diplomat, the persistence of a country, and the Gulf War that rewrote the fate of the world.

Before the Gulf War, Qian Qichen persuaded Saddam Hussein to turn back, why did Saddam Hussein "compare" Hong Kong?

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