
After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters

author:Mouthy crow

In the 20th century, the Soviet Union launched a magnificent project called "Digging Through the Earth", which aimed to drill and study deep into the earth's interior. This project has sparked widespread concern and controversy in the scientific community and around the world, but is there a deeper reason behind why the Soviet Union finally ended this feat? Let's dig deeper into this fascinating history.

After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters

The Soviet Union and the United States rose to prominence after World War II and quickly became the two most powerful countries in the world at the time. This led to an unprecedented Cold War, with open and covert fighting between the two countries. However, the terrible consequences of war have made the nations of the world aware of the value of peace, and large-scale military conflict is no longer considered an acceptable option.

After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters

Despite this, the United States and the Soviet Union continued to compete in a variety of areas, even the unimagined, such as space and underground. In the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union was the first to successfully launch artificial satellites and send astronauts into space. However, after the successful landing of astronauts on the moon by the American "Apollo program", the Soviet Union felt a huge setback.

After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters

Faced with defeat in the space race, the Soviet Union turned to deep exploration underground, hoping to find new breakthroughs from the Earth's interior. The goal of this ambitious project is to explore the internal structure of the Earth, the nature of the Earth's crust, and possible mineral resources.

After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters

The Soviets chose the Kola Peninsula as the site for the "Dig Through the Earth" project, an area that has attracted attention for its geological characteristics. However, to achieve this ambitious plan, it will require a huge investment of money, a lot of manpower, and cutting-edge technology.

After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters

The project started off well and was successfully drilled to a certain depth. However, as the drilling depth gradually increases, the temperature in the subsurface rises sharply, which places extremely high demands on equipment and crew. High pressures and high geostresses have also become challenges, and data acquisition and recovery have become more difficult. Even small mistakes can cause engineering to stall.

After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters

However, the main reason that ultimately led to the abortment of the project was a lack of funds. The USSR constantly invested a lot of money in competition with the United States, and the domestic economic situation became grim. People's livelihoods are unsustainable, and this high-cost project cannot be sustained. As a result, despite the initial strength of the country, over time the project was bogged down by huge expenses and technical difficulties.

After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters

Although the Soviet Union eventually suspended the "digging through the earth" program, this decision sparked various rumors and speculations. Some rumors even involve paranormal phenomena, such as monsters emerging from boreholes and eerie noises coming from underground. Some researchers even claim that the sound of a "human roar" was recorded underground using a high-temperature recording device, as if it were a cry from hell. These rumors are so creepy that even atheists are beginning to doubt life.

After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters

However, whether these rumors are credible or not remains debatable. Some people think that these are just nonsense and unfounded. And these rumors are closely related to the situation at the time, because the abrupt abrupt abortion of such a huge project must have required a reasonable explanation. Like the United States' suspension of the manned lunar landing program, the reasons behind the Soviet Union's suspension of the "digging through the earth" program may be more complex.

After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters

In addition to technical challenges, economic issues also contributed to the abortment of the project. The USSR was constantly investing money in competition with the United States, and the domestic economic situation was dire. This makes it impossible to support such an expensive scientific research project. Once funding is constrained, the equipment cannot function properly and the project is difficult to maintain.

After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters

Eventually, the Soviets had to abort the "dig through the earth" program, withdraw crews, and close the boreholes. This decision has caused quite a bit of disappointment among the scientific community and geologists, as this project may provide important information about the Earth's interior. However, in the face of enormous economic challenges, the Soviet Union could not move on.

After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters

Although the "Dig Through the Earth" program ultimately failed to achieve its original goal, it still provided valuable data and experience for scientific research. This feat shows that there is a lot of curiosity and desire to explore the Earth's interior, even in the face of difficulties and challenges.

After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters

Although it may be difficult to delve further into the secrets of the Earth's interior at the moment, with the rapid development of technology, our knowledge will continue to deepen, and there may be more opportunities to unravel the mysteries of the Earth's interior in the future. This story reminds us that scientific research requires relentless effort and a constant spirit of exploration, because the mysteries of the world are always waiting to be uncovered.

After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters
After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters
After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters
After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters
After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters
After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters
After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters
After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters
After 53 years, I figured out why the Soviet Union dug through the earth and stopped digging at 12,262 meters