
Build industrial clusters, cultivate partners for rural revitalization, and tap historical and cultural ...... Let's see how it changes in the future

author:i Gold Mountain
Build industrial clusters, cultivate partners for rural revitalization, and tap historical and cultural ...... Let's see how it changes in the future
Build industrial clusters, cultivate partners for rural revitalization, and tap historical and cultural ...... Let's see how it changes in the future



In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the two sessions, focus on the primary task of promoting high-quality development and the strategic task of building a new development pattern, focus on the strategic requirements of "north-south transformation", and highlight the main line of "focusing on development and cohesive transformation", the district financial media center launched the "Focus on Development and Cohesive Transformation - Micro Interview with the Secretary of the Town (Community) to Implement the Spirit of the Two Sessions".

Build industrial clusters, cultivate partners for rural revitalization, and tap historical and cultural ...... Let's see how it changes in the future

Issue (6).

Focus on development, aggregate resources, cohesion and transformation,

Paint a good "three-color Caojing" real scene painting

Wang Yongmei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Caojing Town

Build industrial clusters, cultivate partners for rural revitalization, and tap historical and cultural ...... Let's see how it changes in the future

The government work report summarizes the achievements of our region's economic and social development in the past year, reflects Jinshan's political responsibility for deep integration into the national strategy and the overall development of Shanghai, and boosts the determination and confidence to overcome difficulties, press ahead, and promote high-quality development. Caojing Town will focus on "focusing on development, aggregating resources, and cohesive transformation" as the main line of work, and strive to paint a good "three-color Caojing" real-life painting, so as to comprehensively promote the new development of Jinshan with "three transformations", accelerate the construction of a new strategic highland of "two districts and one fort", and make every effort to shape the new image of the "three bay areas" city.


Build industrial clusters, cultivate partners for rural revitalization, and tap historical and cultural ...... Let's see how it changes in the future
漕泾镇将聚焦经济转型发展,绘好产业蝶变升级实景画。制定园区转型升级方案,通过“三个一批”专项行动实现“腾笼换鸟”、以“四个论英雄”绩效评价盘活低效用地,实现产业蝶变升级。做强实体经济,瞄准实地企业产业链上下游靶向招商,着力打造“创新药谷”和“城市美装”两个50亿级的产业集群。加强园区管理,严格项目准入,对园中园开展评优评先,推动小园区提档升级。强化价值共振,依托园中园开展共同招商,推动传统产业向生物医药、智能制造及新材料领域突破性发展,培育新的增长点。 如何让老百姓在乡村振兴中得实惠?
Build industrial clusters, cultivate partners for rural revitalization, and tap historical and cultural ...... Let's see how it changes in the future
漕泾镇将聚焦“两山”理论实践,绘好乡村富美人和实景画。践行“两山”理念,把“两山”基地先发优势转化为乡村振兴领跑实力。抓紧“农业强”,推动农产品、水产品品质提升和品牌推广;抓强“农民富”,扩大集体资产收益,促进农民持续增收,依托“乡村振兴合伙人2.0”计划,深挖本土企业家的产业资源,打造“漕泾人经济”;抓实“农村美”,建设洁美乡村,推动“小四园”建设,以“在城中添花、在田中增绿、在水中建景”模式打造“水映村、村如画”的生态宜居“沪尚水乡”。采取更多惠民生、暖民心举措,让乡村振兴惠及更多群众。 在助推“强村富民”的同时,如何提升文化软实力?
Build industrial clusters, cultivate partners for rural revitalization, and tap historical and cultural ...... Let's see how it changes in the future

编辑 | 朱奕 程佳域责编 | 程佳域 陈薇婷

Build industrial clusters, cultivate partners for rural revitalization, and tap historical and cultural ...... Let's see how it changes in the future

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